Hello All,
I'm trying to use PHP to post to MSSQL server, I can get a connection however when I attempt my MSSQL Statement the query just won't work. This is most troubling, anyone have any suggestions
Here's my code
$conn = mssql_connect( 'myServer', "username", 'password', 'database' ) or die('Error Connecting');
$sql = "INSERT INTO Employees (Area, isTicketRep) VALUES ('789456', '1')";
mssql_query($conn, $sql) or die('Error Querying MSSQL Database');
I have tried an if statement to ensure a connection, I have a connection....however the query just wont execute. There are numerous column on my database table but I'm only submitted selected field. In addition the actual table is called "Employees" but on the server reads "dbo.Employees". My Database is called "cs_all"
Just won't seem to query, thanks in advance for any suggestions