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  1. Hi, I am creating charts using phpgraphlib - a very easy to use graphing library. once the graph is created in graph.php it just needs to be called from the HTML as follows:- <html> <img src="graph.php" /> </html> and the graph is plotted. Within graph.php a data array is required which carries the values to be plotted. Now I need to plot about 10 graphs and in my HTML file I have created a 10 Tabbed layout that should each display one of the 10 graphs. In my Graph.php I have have also created the 10 data arrays from mysql that I require for the 10 graphs. So almost all the work has been done in graph.php and all I need to do is to configure the graph and display the 10 graphs like this. //configure graph $graph->addData($dataArray); $graph->setTitle("Sales by Group"); $graph->setGradient("lime", "green"); $graph->setBarOutlineColor("black"); $graph->createGraph(); ?> But then I need the 10 graphs in 10 files like graph1.php, graph2.php and so on which can be called from their respective tabbed HTML and I need to pass each of these 10 files their data array calculated in graph.php. If I was to repeat the entire code of graph.php in graph1.php, graph2.php and so on for all 10 files & each of these files had to calculate their own data and invoke the graph it will work but it would be a lot of ( 10 times of ) recalculation of the data arrays. ( All data for the 10 graphs can be calculated from the same single query). I was just wondering if there can be some method by which I can somehow achieve this without repeating the same process 10 times. I hope I was able to explain the issue well. Looking for some way out of this. Thanks all.
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