Is there a way to use another variable in a mysql select where statement for inside a foreach loop.
This works fine.
foreach ($range as $b)
$result = $conn->query("select count(*) as mycount1 from $table where date >= '$date' and (Ball1 = $b or Ball2 = $b or Ball3 = $b or Ball4 = $b or Ball5 = $b)");
while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
$count = $row->mycount1;
echo $b." ".$count."<br>";
But I want to be able to use this variable string below* in my statement so I can change what comes after the "and" in the statement.
Is there a way to do that?
*$ballsB5 = ("Ball1 = $b or Ball2 = $b or Ball3 = $b or Ball4 = $b or Ball5 = $b");
foreach ($range as $b)
$result = $conn->query("select count(*) as mycount1 from $table where date >= '$date' and $ballsB5");
while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) {
$count = $row->mycount1;
echo $b." ".$count."<br>";