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  1. Hi all ! The following code has two similar queries. Query 1 and Query 2. While Query 1 works just fine, Query 2 simply fails persistently. I have not been able to figure out why? I have checked every single variable and field names but found no discrepancy of any sort or any mismatch of spelling with the fields in the database. I would be grateful if anybody can point out what is preventing the second query from returning a valid mysqli object as the first one does. Here is the code for the two. <?php $db_host = "localhost"; $db_user ="root"; $db_pass =""; $db_database ="allscores"; //////////////// CHECKING VARIABLE FILEDS IN A UPDATE QUERY ////////////////////////////////// //////////////// QUERY 1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* $db_database ="test"; $db_table ="users"; $RecNo = 1; $field1 = 'name'; $field2 = 'password'; $field3 = 'email'; $field4 = 'id'; $val1 = "Ajay"; $val2 = "howzatt"; $val3 = "me@mymail.com"; $con = mysqli_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass,$db_database) or die('Unable to establish a DB connection'); $query = "UPDATE $db_table SET $field1 = ?, $field2 = ?, $field3 = ? WHERE $field4 = ? "; // session terminated by setting the sessionstatus as 1 $stmt = $con->prepare($query); var_dump($stmt); $stmt->bind_param('sssi',$val1,$val2,$val3,$RecNo); if($stmt->execute()) { $count = $stmt->affected_rows; echo $count; } //////////////// QUERY 1 END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ //////////////// QUERY 2 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $con = mysqli_connect($db_host,$db_user,$db_pass,$db_database) or die('Unable to establish a DB connection'); $table = 'scores'; $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); /* $prestr = "Mrt_M_"; $STATUS = $prestr."Status"; $S_R1 = $prestr."Scr_1"; $S_R2 = $prestr."Scr_2"; $PCT = $prestr."PPT"; $DPM = $prestr."DSP"; $TIMETAKEN = $prestr."TimeTaken"; */ $STATUS = "Mrt_M_Status"; $S_R1 = "Mrt_M_Scr_1"; $S_R2 = "Mrt_M_Scr_2"; $PPT = "Mrt_M_PPT"; $DSP = "Mrt_M_DSP"; $TIMETAKEN = "Mrt_M_TimeTaken"; $TimeOfLogin = $date; $no_of_logins = 10; $time_of_nLogin = $date; $m_scr_row1 = 5; $m_scr_row2 = 5; $m_ppt = 20; $m_dsp = 60; $m_time = 120; $date = $date; $RecNo = 24; $query = "UPDATE $table SET TimeOfLogin = ?, no_of_logins = ?, time_of_nLogin = ?, $S_R1 = ?, $S_R2 = ?, $PPT = ?, $DSP = ?, $TIMETAKEN = ?, $STATUS = '1', TimeOfLogout = ?, WHERE RecNo = ?"; $stmt = $con->prepare($query); var_dump($stmt); $stmt->bind_param('sisiiddssi',$TimeOfLogin,$no_of_logins,$time_of_nLogin,$m_scr_row1 $m_scr_row2,$m_ppt,$m_dsp,$m_time,$date,$RecNo); if($stmt->execute()) echo " DONE !"; ?> Thanks to all
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