I was tasked out with converting perl subroutines to php, I'm not even a novice I have no clue how to even code this properly. I was given a four hour deadline please help.
print "Enter any amount of test scores to find the average, median and standard deviation\nEnter your numbers below, Press Enter after each set, your last set of digits\nPress CTRL-D to receive your information or CTRL-C to cancel.\n";
@gnom = <STDIN>;
sub avg {
$tot = 0;
foreach $num (@gnom) {
$tot += $num;
$mean = $tot/(scalar @gnom);
print "This the average of your grade are: $mean\n";
sub med {
@gnom = sort(@gnom);
if(@gnom % 2 == 0 or 1){
$sum = @gnom[(@gnom/2)-1] + @gnom[(@gnom/2)];
$med = $sum/2;
print "The median grade is: $med\n";
sub stdv {
$tot = 0;
$tot1 = $tot;
foreach $num (@gnom) {
$tot += $num;
$m = $tot/(scalar @gnom);
$tot1 +=($mean-$num)**2;
$n2 = $tot1 / (scalar @gnom);
$stderd = sqrt($n2);
print "The standard deviation of your grade is: $stderd\n"