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  1. Please help: Function copy () is a PHP function to copy files from one directory to another directory. Script php : <?php $dira='C:\Documents and Settings\admiN\Desktop\aaa\1.txt'; ---> Path Source (computer A) $dirb='\\\\server\\serversavegame\\1.txt'; ---> Path Destination (computer B) copy($dira,$dirb); ---> function copy() ?> Folder in source path and destination path I have shared with all the network status allow to change my files. But when I was running still error, the error description: Warning: copy(\\server\serversavegame\1.txt) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in C:\xampp\htdocs\tesdir\index.php on line 4 Please help thanks
  2. Hi there, I was wontering if anyone can help me with this, i get this error everythime i try to write out a file using php. I canged the folder permissin to chmod 777 but i get the same error? Warning: fopen(products.csv) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/synat/public_html/demostore/ws-user/list.php on line 351 Please Help ??
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