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  1. Ok so I have a php script that pulls all images from my "images" directory then loads them into an array an then displays them. Everything works great but i want to display just the image name and extension under each image. EX: myimage.png I have tried {$images[$i]} but it displays images/myimage.png. here is my code <table><tr> <?php //The directory to your images folder, with trailing slash $dir = "images/"; $columns = 5; //Set the extensions you want to load, seperate by a comma. $extensions = "jpeg,jpg,png,gif,bmp"; //Set the number of images you want to display per page $imagesPerPage = 5; //Set the $page variable if(!isset($_GET['page'])){ $page = 1; }else{ $page = $_GET['page']; } //Load all images into an array $images = glob($dir."*.{".$extensions."}", GLOB_BRACE); //Count the number of images $totalImages = count($images); //Get the total pages $totalPages = ceil($totalImages / $imagesPerPage); //Make sure the page you are on is not greater then the total pages available. if($page > $totalPages){ //Set the currnet page to the total pages. $page = $totalPages; } //Now find where to start the loading from $from = ($page * $imagesPerPage) - $imagesPerPage; //Now start looping $act = 0; for($i = $from; $i < ($from + $imagesPerPage); $i++){ //We need to make sure that its within the range of totalImages. if($i < $totalImages){ //Now we can display the image! ++$act; if ($act > $columns) { echo "</tr><tr> <td><img width='120px' height='80px' src='{$images[$i]}' alt='{$images[$i]}' style='border: 1px solid #bababa;'/></td>"; $act = 1; } else { echo "<td><img width='120px' height='80px' src='{$images[$i]}' alt='{$images[$i]}' style='border: 1px solid #bababa;'/></td>"; } } } echo "</table>"; //Now to display the page numbers! for($p = 1; $p <= $totalPages; $p++){ if($p == $page){ $tmp_pages[] = "<strong>{$p}</strong>"; }else{ $tmp_pages[] = "<a href='?page={$p}'>{$p}</a>"; } } //Now display pages, seperated by a hyphon. echo "<br />" . implode(" - ", $tmp_pages); ?>
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