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  1. hi there, the following is an excerpt from our lead manager on performatix, being POST requested securely from url: http://performatix.co/production/scripts/ajax_leads.php?q=2&m=2013-11-11%2000%3A00%3A00%20to%202013-11-12%2023%3A59%3A59%26c%3D1384258729921. the post data sent is just the full lead id & ordinal as well as supplier id forwarding to. the issue is with getting the lead cost - if a new method of calculating the price named lead value determination is used. this function follows the code below. //... case 2: // resend lead $cat = ""; // set default category to blank string $fixedcost = 0.00; $dynamiccost = 0.00; $servicecost = 0.00; $fullid = explode(';',$_POST["list_leads"]); $leadid = $fullid[0]; $ordinal = $fullid[1]; $supplierid = $_POST["menu_forward"]; $charge = 0; $dynarr = array(); $smgn = ""; $smge = ""; $tcsn = ""; $tcse = ""; $tsql = "SELECT SL.bigint_LeadID, LS.smallint_LeadOrdinal FROM 25_serviceleads SL JOIN 27_leadssent LS ON ( SL.bigint_LeadID = LS.bigint_LeadID AND LS.bigint_SupplierID = ".$supplierid." ) WHERE LS.bigint_LeadID = ".$leadid.";"; $result = mysql_query_errors( $tsql, $conn, __FILE__ , __LINE__, true); if ($result) { if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // just resend if not new supplier $charge = false; mysql_free_result($result); } else { // insert and charge if new supplier // get new ordinal $osql = "SELECT smallint_LeadOrdinal + 1 AS smallint_LeadOrdinal FROM 27_leadssent WHERE bigint_LeadID = ".$leadid." ORDER BY smallint_LeadOrdinal DESC LIMIT 1;"; $oresult = mysql_query_errors( $osql , $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__, true); if ($oresult) { if ($orow = mysql_fetch_array($oresult)) { $ordinal = $orow["smallint_LeadOrdinal"] + 1; } } if (!$ordinal) $ordinal++; $sql1 = "INSERT INTO 27_leadssent (bigint_LeadID, smallint_LeadOrdinal, bigint_SupplierID, text_Duplicates, tinyint_LeadSent) VALUES (".$leadid.", ".$ordinal.", ".$supplierid.", \"\", 0);"; $result1 = mysql_query_errors( $sql1 , $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__, true); // charge for lead sent if send successfully $charge = true; } $tsql = "SELECT SL.bigint_LeadID, LS.smallint_LeadOrdinal, SL.bigint_FormID, S.bigint_ZipCodeID, orgs.Latitude AS oLatitude, orgs.Longitude AS oLongitude, zips.Latitude, zips.Longitude, C.bigint_ConsumerRegion, C.text_ConsumerCountry, SL.bigint_ServiceID, CONCAT_WS( \";\", C.text_ConsumerName, C.`text_ConsumerE-Mail`, C.text_ConsumerPhone, C.text_ConsumerCity ) AS text_Consumer, LS.text_Duplicates, SL.text_LeadAttributes, SL.timestamp_ExpectedBy, SL.text_LeadMessage, R.text_RegionDescription, SC.*, LS.bigint_SupplierID, S.text_SupplierName, S.text_ContactFirstName, S.text_ContactSurname, S.`text_ContactE-mail`, S.bigint_CurrentBalance, S.tinyint_VariablePricingEnabled, S.text_AccMgr, S.`text_AccMgrE-mail`, S.text_OnePageData, LS.double_LeadValueScoring FROM 25_serviceleads SL LEFT JOIN 19_consumers C ON SL.bigint_ConsumerID = C.bigint_ConsumerID LEFT JOIN 27_leadssent LS ON SL.bigint_LeadID = LS.bigint_LeadID LEFT JOIN 1_regions R ON R.bigint_RegionID = C.bigint_ConsumerRegion LEFT JOIN 2_servicescatalogue SC ON SC.bigint_ServiceID = SL.bigint_ServiceID LEFT JOIN 5_suppliers S ON S.bigint_SupplierID = LS.bigint_SupplierID LEFT JOIN 30_fivedigitcommercial AS zips ON LPAD(S.bigint_ZipCodeID,5,'0') LIKE zips.ZIPCode LEFT JOIN 30_fivedigitcommercial AS orgs ON LPAD(C.bigint_ConsumerRegion,5,'0') LIKE orgs.ZIPCode AND zips.CityType='D' AND orgs.CityType='D' WHERE LS.bigint_LeadID = ".$leadid." AND LS.smallint_LeadOrdinal = ".$ordinal.";"; $result = mysql_query_errors( $tsql , $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__, true); if ($result) { if ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { global $service, $servicecost, $cat, $recipient, $append, $exby, $attribsarr, $formname, $consumerfullname, $consumeremail, $consumercell, $city_town, $message, $regionname, $leadid, $ordinal, $country, $leads360, $formfromname, $formfrommail, $sql, $errmsg; if ($row["bigint_ZipCodeID"]>0) { require_once("../private/DistanceWizard.php"); $unit = Measurement::MILES; // our desired unit of measure $distanceWizard = new DistanceWizard(); // create new distance wizard class // Create the coordinate of the origin ZIP code. $originCoord = new Coordinate($row['oLatitude'], $row['oLongitude']); // Get the relative ZIP code's coordinate. $relativeCoord = new Coordinate($row['Latitude'], $row['Longitude']); // Calculate the distance. $distance = $distanceWizard->CalculateDistance( $originCoord, $relativeCoord, $unit ); } $recipient = array( xmlentities($row["text_ContactFirstName"]." ".$row["text_ContactSurname"]), // 0 $row["text_SupplierName"], // 1 $row["text_ContactE-mail"], // 2 $row["bigint_CurrentBalance"], // 3 $row["bigint_ContactTel"], // 4 $row["text_SupplierAddress"], // 5 $row["bigint_SupplierID"], // 6 $row["text_GoogleMapsURL"], // 7 (($row["text_VTigerData"])?$row["text_VTigerData"]:" ; ; "), // 8 $row["tinyint_VariablePricingEnabled"], // 9 $row["smallint_SupplierStatus"], // 10 $row["text_AccMgr"], // 11 $row["text_AccMgrE-mail"], // 12 $row["bigint_CreditInvoice"], // 13 $distance, // 14 $row["bigint_ZipCodeID"], // 15 (($row["text_OnePageData"])?$row["text_OnePageData"]:";;") // 16 ); $append = $row["text_Duplicates"]; $service = $row["bigint_ServiceID"]; $exby = $row["timestamp_ExpectedBy"]; $attribsarr = formattribs($row["text_LeadAttributes"]); $formid = $row["bigint_FormID"]; $tsql0 = "SELECT * FROM 32_webformconfigs WHERE bigint_FormID = ".$formid.";"; $tresult0 = mysql_query_errors($tsql0, $conn, __FILE__, __LINE__); $trow0 = mysql_fetch_array($tresult0); $formname = $trow0["text_FormName"]; $formlogo = $trow0["text_FormLogo"]; $formfromname = $trow0["text_FormMailerFromName"]; $formfrommail = $trow0["text_FormMailerFromAddress"]; $redirect = $trow0["text_Redirect"]; $tafurl = $trow0["text_WebFormTAFUrl"]; $tafimg = $trow0["text_WebFormTAFImage"]; if ($GLOBALS["lvdenabled"]==1) { $GLOBALS["lvdenabled"] = $trow0["tinyint_LeadScoringEnabled"]; $GLOBALS["lvdtot"] = 0.000; $fixedcost = $trow0["bigint_CostPerLead"]; } else { $catid = getCategory(); } $servicecost = getCost($recipient[9]); // calculate service cost $newbalance = (($append!="")?$recipient[3]:$recipient[3]-$servicecost); // generate new balance $consumerinfo = explode(";",$row["text_Consumer"]); $consumerfullname = $consumerinfo[0]; $consumeremail = $consumerinfo[1]; $consumercell = $consumerinfo[2]; $city_town = $consumerinfo[3]; $country = $row["text_ConsumerCountry"]; $servicename = $row["text_ServiceDescription"]; $message = $row["text_LeadMessage"]; $regionname = $row["text_RegionDescription"]; $body = getFile("../templat/lead.html"); // load mail template $mail = new PHPMailer(); // create a new object $leads360 = "Available to %FORMFROMNAME% Premium eSales customers."; $leads360 = leads360Integration($recipient[6]); // submit leads 360 / retail connection requests $opret = onePageIntegration($recipient[16]); // submit onepage crm request $smgn = $orow["text_ServiceManagerContact"]; $smge = $orow["text_ServiceManagerE-mail"]; $tcsn = $orow["text_TechSupportContact"]; $tcse = $orow["text_TechSupportE-mail"]; $body = populateflags($body); // populate flags require("../includes/mailer/phpmailer 5.2.1/mailer_auth.php"); // include mailer auth $mail->From = $formfrommail; // set from mail $mail->FromName = $formfromname; // set from name $mail->Subject = html_entity_decode(getSubText($body,"<title>","</title>")); // set subject to template page title and append text $mail->AddReplyTo($consumeremail,$consumerfullname); // add the consumer to the replyto list $mail->ClearAttachments(); // clears attachments $mail->MsgHTML($body); // set HTML Body $mail->AltBody = strip_tags(html_entity_decode(getSubText($body,"<body>","</body>"))); // set Text Body $mail->AddAddress(($GLOBAL["prod_prodmode"])?$GLOBAL["prod_prodmail"]: // add recipient $recipient[2], html_entity_decode_utf8($recipient[0])); $mail->AddBCC($recipient[12],$recipient[11]); // bcc the accmgr the notification $mail->AddBCC($tcse,$tcsn); // bcc tech support the notification $mail->IsHTML(true); // set send as HTML if(!$mail->Send()) { // if attempt sending failed $response = "FAILURE: ".$recipient[0].", ".$recipient[2]." (".$mail->ErrorInfo.")"; // save error report } else { // successfully sent, subtract credits and report success. $response = "SUCCESS: ".$recipient[0].", ".$recipient[2]; // save success report & Call Leads 360 Integration if ($charge) { if ($newbalance != $recipient[3] && $append == "") { // if different supplier AND original lead deducted $sql2 = "UPDATE 5_suppliers SET bigint_CurrentBalance = ".$newbalance." WHERE bigint_SupplierID = ".$supplierid.";"; $result2 = mysql_query_errors( $sql2 , $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__, true); $sql3 = "INSERT INTO 8_transactions (bigint_SupplierID, text_TransactionEvent, bigint_LeadID, smallint_LeadOrdinal, bigint_TransactionAmount, bigint_TransactionBalance) VALUES (".$recipient[6].",\"Lead #".($leadid + 11001000).$ordinal." Sent\", ".$leadid.",".$ordinal.",".$servicecost.",".$newbalance.");"; $result3 = mysql_query_errors( $sql3 , $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__, true); } } $sql4 = "UPDATE 27_leadssent SET tinyint_LeadSent = 1, text_OnePageID = CONCAT(text_OnePageID, IF(LENGTH(text_OnePageID)>0,\", \",\"\"), \"".mysql_escape_string($opret)."\") WHERE bigint_LeadID = ".$leadid." AND bigint_SupplierID = ".$supplierid." AND smallint_LeadOrdinal = ".$ordinal.";"; $result4 = mysql_query_errors( $sql4 , $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__, true); } if (implode("",$sql)!="") { $mail = new PHPMailer(); // create a new object $extended = array("\$mailadds (premium) = ".print_r($mailadds,true),"\$_SERVER = ".print_r($_SERVER,true),"gethostbyaddr(\$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) = ".gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])); // extended user info $body = "SQL, ARR, LMX & CAT DEBUGGING INFO:\r\n\r\n\$extended = ".print_r($extended,true)."\r\n\r\n\$SQL = ".print_r($GLOBALS["sql"],true)."\n\$ATTRIBSARR = ".print_r($attribsarr,true)."\r\n\$LVDENABLED = ".print_r($GLOBALS['lvdenabled'],true)."\r\n\r\n\$LVDKEYARR = ".print_r($GLOBALS['lvdkeyarr'],true)."\r\n\$LVDVALARR = ".print_r($GLOBALS['lvdvalarr'],true)."\r\n\$FIXEDCOST = ".print_r($GLOBALS['fixedcost'],true)."\r\n\$DYNAMICCOST = ".print_r($GLOBALS['dynamiccost'],true)."\r\n\r\n\$LVDTOT = ".print_r($GLOBALS['lvdtot'],true)."\r\n\r\n\$SERVICECOST = ".print_r($GLOBALS['servicecost'],true)."\r\n\r\n\$DYNARR = ".print_r($dynarr,true)."\r\n\$USERARR = ".print_r($userarr,true)."\r\n\$ERRMSG = ".print_r($errmsg,true); // create message body $mail->From = $formfrommail; // set from email $mail->FromName = $formfromname; // set from name $mail->Subject = "SQL Debugging & Other Errors"; // set subject to template page title $mail->AddAddress($smge,$smgn); // bcc jaap the response $mail->AddBCC($smge,$smgn); // bcc the svcmgr the notification $mail->AddBCC($tcse,$tcsn); // bcc tech support the notification $mail->ClearAttachments(); // clears attachments $mail->Body = $body; // set Text Body if(!$mail->Send()) { // if attempt sending failed array_push($errmsg,"DEBUG FAILURE: ".$smge.", ".$smgn." & ".$tcse.", ".$tcsn. // save error report " (".trim(strip_tags($mail->ErrorInfo)).")"); $failure++; // increment failures count } else { array_push($errmsg,"DEBUG SUCCESS: ".$smge.", ".$smgn." & ".$tcse.", ".$tcsn); // save success report $success++; // increment success count } } } } } $country = (isset($_POST["filter_country"]))?$_POST["filter_country"]:""; $state = (isset($_POST["filter_state"]))?$_POST["filter_state"]:""; $county = (isset($_POST["filter_county"]))?$_POST["filter_county"]:""; $zip = (isset($_POST["filter_zip"]))?$_POST["filter_zip"]:""; $supplrs = (isset($_POST["filter_suppliers"]))?$_POST["filter_suppliers"]:""; $search = (isset($_POST["filter_search"]))?$_POST["filter_search"]:""; switch ($o) { case 1: // by supplier getleads("LS.bigint_SupplierID", "S", "text_SupplierName", $country, $state, $county, $zip, $supplrs, $search); break; case 2: // by region getleads("C.bigint_ConsumerRegion", "R", "text_RegionDescription", $country, $state, $county, $zip, $supplrs, $search); break; default: // by service getleads("SL.bigint_ServiceID", "SC", "text_ServiceDescription", $country, $state, $county, $zip, $supplrs, $search); } getfsuppliers(); break; //... below is the getCost function which determines the cost of the lead. function getCost($varcost) { if ($GLOBALS['lvdenabled']==1) { $GLOBALS["lvdtot"] = populateflags("%LVDSCORE%"); while (!isset($GLOBALS["calc"]) || $GLOBALS["calc"] == 1) { usleep(1000); } $GLOBALS["servicecost"] = round($GLOBALS["fixedcost"]*$GLOBALS["lvdtot"],2); return $GLOBALS["servicecost"]; } else { if ($GLOBALS["append"]!="") { return 0; } elseif (intval($varcost) == 1) { return $GLOBALS["dynamiccost"]; } else { return $GLOBALS["fixedcost"]; } } } in an effort to determine what is wrong with the implementation - i tried to get a debugging mailer going, but unfortunately this does not mail out anything - doesn't even display it's own status. would someone be so kind as to assist in getting the debugging mailer working? thank you, Pierre "Greywacke" du Toit.
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