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  1. Hi Everyone im currently creating an install script and i was hoping to touch and cat to a lot of files for them to be created, but im having troubles. You will easily see in the code below what im trying to achieve. //Lets create the mysqli_connection page for all other php pages to use with the new DB user exec ('touch database/mysqli_connection.php'); exec ('echo "<?php $mysqli_connection = mysqli_connect('.$servername.','. $dbnewuser.','. $newuserpass.','. $dbname.'); if (!$mysqli_connection){ die("Connection Failed: " . mysqli_connect_error()); } ?>" > database/mysqli_connection.php'); the issue I have is this is how the file comes out, its having trouble passing $mysqli_connection as a string. see the mysqli_connection.php below <?php = mysqli_connect(localhost,testuser,testPassword,testDB); if (!){ die(Connection Failed: . mysqli_connect_error()); } ?> I did try using single quotes around the $mysqli_connection variable like so '.$mysqli_connection.' but the file then comes out blank. any help given would be greatly appreciated, and i thank everyone for their help in advance
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