Alright, im a super noob and I have not touched PHP for some time. But I've recently needed to get back into it to build a website and i've gotten myself a good bit frustrated on what to do here. Basicly (as simple as this is, and I USED to be able to do it.) I need a php include script that will take the url (IE: and include the file "Page.html" into the index.php where the include script is.
Now, I got THAT part working. The issue i'm now having is I would like to have a default page (IE: Content.html) that will load if there is no defined "id" (IE: if you visit, I want it to be as if you visted index.php?id=content.html by default, unless there is a defined ID.
Here is what I have sofar..
include $id = $_GET['id'];
((Sorry if im posting this in the wrong area, or something. I'm new to the forums and desperate for assistance... :c ))