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  1. soory guys .. actually i am trying to add pagination in script.. but its not pagging. but when i tried without isset($_get the code worked fine and then i tried to doing with isset($_get for a perticular cat but its not working. can someone see my code and tell me whats worng i have done. <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> </head> <body> <?php // include database connection include 'libs/db_connect.php'; // page is the current page, if there's nothing set, default is page 1 $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1; // set records or rows of data per page $recordsPerPage = 1; // calculate for the query LIMIT clause $fromRecordNum = ($recordsPerPage * $page) - $recordsPerPage; // select all data $query = "SELECT * FROM posts ORDER BY post_id desc LIMIT {$fromRecordNum}, {$recordsPerPage}"; /* page and its LIMIT clause looks like: 1 = 0, 5 2 = 5,10 3 = 10,15 4 = 15, 20 5 = 20, 25 */ $stmt = $con->prepare( $query ); $stmt->execute(); //this is how to get number of rows returned $num = $stmt->rowCount(); //check if more than 0 record found if($num>0){ $cat=1; if(isset($_GET['cat'])){ $cat_id = $_GET['cat']; $get_posts = "select * from posts where category_id = '$cat_id'"; $run_posts = mysql_query($get_posts); while($row_posts = mysql_fetch_array($run_posts)){ $post_id = $row_posts['post_id']; $post_title = $row_posts['post_title']; $post_date = $row_posts['post_date']; $post_author = $row_posts['post_author']; $post_image = $row_posts['image']; $post_content = substr($row_posts['post_content'],0,80); echo " <div class='post_area'> <h4> <a href = 'details.php?post=$post_id'>$post_title</a> </h4> <div class='date'><div id='com'> Date</div>$post_date</div><span style='font-size:12px'><i style='color:grey;font-size:10px'>Posted By</i> </b>$post_author</span> <content><img src = '123dondadatest/news_images/$post_image' width = '100' height='100'/> <div>$post_content <br/><a id='rmlink' href = 'details.php?post=$post_id'> Read More...</a></div><br /><br/><br/><br/> </div> "; } } // *************** <PAGING_SECTION> *************** echo "<div id='paging'>"; // ***** for 'first' and 'previous' pages if($page>1){ // ********** show the first page echo "<a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' title='Go to the first page.' class='customBtn'>"; echo "<span style='margin:0 .5em;'> << </span>"; echo "</a>"; // ********** show the previous page $prev_page = $page - 1; echo "<a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?page={$prev_page}' title='Previous page is {$prev_page}.' class='customBtn'>"; echo "<span style='margin:0 .5em;'> < </span>"; echo "</a>"; } // ********** show the number paging // find out total pages $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) as total_rows FROM posts"; $stmt = $con->prepare( $query ); $stmt->execute(); $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $total_rows = $row['total_rows']; $total_pages = ceil($total_rows / $recordsPerPage); // range of num links to show $range = 2; // display links to 'range of pages' around 'current page' $initial_num = $page - $range; $condition_limit_num = ($page + $range) + 1; for ($x=$initial_num; $x<$condition_limit_num; $x++) { // be sure '$x is greater than 0' AND 'less than or equal to the $total_pages' if (($x > 0) && ($x <= $total_pages)) { // current page if ($x == $page) { echo "<span class='customBtn' style='background:red;'>$x</span>"; } // not current page else { echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?page=$x' class='customBtn'>$x</a> "; } } } // ***** for 'next' and 'last' pages if($page<$total_pages){ // ********** show the next page $next_page = $page + 1; echo "<a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?page={$next_page}' title='Next page is {$next_page}.' class='customBtn'>"; echo "<span style='margin:0 .5em;'> > </span>"; echo "</a>"; // ********** show the last page echo "<a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?page={$total_pages}' title='Last page is {$total_pages}.' class='customBtn'>"; echo "<span style='margin:0 .5em;'> >> </span>"; echo "</a>"; } echo "</div>"; // ***** allow user to enter page number echo "<form action='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "' method='GET'>"; echo "Go to page: "; echo "<input type='text' name='page' size='1' />"; echo "<input type='submit' value='Go' class='customBtn' />"; echo "</form>"; // *************** </PAGING_SECTION> *************** } // tell the user if no records were found else{ echo "<div class='noneFound'>No records found.</div>"; } ?> </body> </html>
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