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  1. </div> <div id="footer-container"> <?php $displayCustomFooter = $this->config->get('customFooter_status'); // Show custom footer if($displayCustomFooter == 1) { ?> <?php // Show about if ($this->config->get('about_status') == '1') { // Twitter $TWIITER_USERNAME = $this->config->get('twitter_username'); if($TWIITER_USERNAME <> '') { $TWITTER_HTML = '<a href="http://twitter.com/'.$TWIITER_USERNAME.'" class="soc-img twitter"></a>'; } else { $TWITTER_HTML = ''; } // Facebook $FB_USERNAME = $this->config->get('facebook_id'); if($FB_USERNAME <> '') { $FB_HTML = '<a href="http://facebook.com/pages/dx/'.$FB_USERNAME.'" class="soc-img facebook"></a>'; } else { $FB_HTML = ''; } // Skype $SKYPE_USERNAME = $this->config->get('skype'); if($SKYPE_USERNAME <> '') { $SKYPE_HTML = '<a href="skype://'.$SKYPE_USERNAME.'" class="soc-img skype"></a>'; } else { $SKYPE_HTML = ''; } ?> <div class="footer-about"> <?php if($this->config->get('about_us_image_status') == '1'){ echo ' <style type="text/css">.footer-about .text { width:435px; } </style>'; echo '<div class="mini-logo"><img alt ="About" src="image/' . $this->config->get('about_us_image') . 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  2. Can someone tell me what the error is in this PHP '$_GET if else' code <!-- /debughtml --> </div> <br /> <?php if (isset($_GET['title']) && $_GET['title'] == 'Main_Page,Community_portal,Current_events,Special:RecentChanges,Help:Contents,Special:WhatLinksHere/Help:Contents,Special:Upload,Special:SpecialPages,itsmywiki.com:Privacy_policy,itsmywiki.com:About,itsmywiki:General_disclaimer,Special:Preferences,Special:Watchlist,Special:Contributions/itsmywiki.com,Special:UserLogout&returnto=Special%3AContributions%2F$,User:$,User_talk:$') { // do nothing } else { if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'edit,history') { // do nothing } else { ?> <center><div class="fb-comments" data-width="800" data-num-posts="100" data-colorscheme="dark"></div></center> <?php } ?> <!-- /bodyContent --> this code is causing a syntax error further down the page, and i cant figure out what the problem is?
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