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  1. I checked php.net and read a few examples of how urlencode( ) works but somehow I just can't get it right. Can someone give me a hand? it'll be a lot to paste everything so hopefully my brief example would make sense. I have a page called 2.php and it was called to show some contents of a .txt file choosen in 1.php. I am told to make a link for 3.php and the link should look something like /3?filename=a.txt with filename as GET parameter name and Ensure GET parameter value is urlencoded using the urlencode( ) function. but I'm confused how and where I should put urlencode() to make it work. I'll paste my 2.php code here...I simplified the codes a bit... <?php $fileContents = file("./aaa/" . $_GET["course"] . ".txt"); echo "<table border=\"1\">"; foreach($fileContents as $row) { echo "<tr>"; $contents = preg_split("/,/", $row); foreach($contents as $eachline) { echo "<td>"; if(!(preg_match("/@/", $eachline))) { echo trim(ucfirst($eachline)); } else { echo trim(strtolower($eachline)); } echo "</td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; echo "<a href='./1.php'>Choose another txt file</a><br/>"; echo "or<br/>"; echo "<a href='.3.php?'>Work with this txt file</a>"; ?> BUT…the 3.php option must have a query string appended to it: the name of the text file that was selected in 1, so instead of ./3.php, the url should be something such as . /3?filename=asdf.txt Use 「filename」 as the GET parameter name. Ensure the GET parameter value is urlencoded using the urlencode( ) function. but I'm just not sure how to get it to work....
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