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Found 8 results

  1. I am not that great with PHP so I need some help pulling an array from an API into a MYSQL database. I guess the problem is two-fold: 1. How should the database tables be setup? 2. What is the php to actually perform the insert? I have tried cutting and pasting various code from around the internet but I always end up with errors. Here is what is returned from the API: Array ( [success] => 1 [return] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [a] => 22016931 [b] => 2014-02-07 15:35:17 [c] => 0.00000160 [d] => 10011.32572730 [e] => 0.01581789 [f] => Yes ) [1] => Array ( [a] => 22016912 [b] => 2014-02-07 15:34:56 [c] => 0.00000159 [d] => 7100.05070406 [e] => 0.01121808 [f] => Yes ) [2] => Array ( [a] => 22016911 [b] => 2014-02-07 15:34:56 [c] => 0.00000158 [d] => 13089.15960294 [e] => 0.02068087 [f] => No ) ) )
  2. I hv a site which i hv created in php n mysql. It has login and register system. Goal: i wana add points system for registerd users.ADMIN will deposit points to user account and using these points user can buy products.
  3. To be honest I am sure this is something simple that I am missing or just not understanding. What I am trying to do is use a dropdown menu to make a selection to search a db and display the results. The php portion works fine as I have hard coded the search criteria into it and it displays the results just fine. I can also use a plain text box and type the search string in with it displaying the results as well. Just not sure what I am doing wrong on the dropdown menu form/ Here is the for code I am using. <html> <head> <title>Untitled Document</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function get() { $('#data').hide(); $.post('data.php', { name: form.name.value }, function (output) { $('#data').html(output).fadeIn(1000); }); } </script> </head> <body bgcolor="#2E64FE"> <p></p> <p></p> <form action=""><select name="genetics"> <option value="Item1">Item1</option> <option value="Item2">Item2</option> <option value="Item3">Item3</option> <option value="Item4">Item4</option> </select><input type="hidden" name="option value" /> <input type="button" value="Search" onclick="get();" /> <div id="data"></div> </form> </body> </html Any help or direction would be great, Thanks in advance!
  4. hi guys, i have simple form submission with title, description and file upload, this file having size,type,filename will insert to table3, ALL same time after ADD. am trying to make a simple PHP form submission and insert data to 3 MySQL tables: category: -id -category_name (dropdown menu) table1: -id -category_id(FK, automatic when dropdown selected) NOT WORKING -title -description table2: (automatic insert file properties info here) -id // auto increment -table1_id(FK, automatic get ID from table1) NOT WORKING -filetype -filesize -filedate -filename FORM: -Date -Title -description -category(drop down) -upload file (get the file info like type,ext,size,filename) Status: it is inserting but only 2 not working $sql2, I just try to use it but some problem in real escape string, but anyway, I think this is simple, maybe either mysql statement or handling of php data? here's the CODE: FORM: <strong>Fill up the form:</strong><br /><br> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="upfileone.php" method="POST"> Date: <?php echo date("d-M-Y") ?> <p>Title: <input type="text" name="title" value="<?php echo $sel_filepage['file_title']; ?>" id="file_title" /> </p> <p>Description:<br> <textarea name="description" rows="4" cols="24"> <?php echo $sel_filepage['content']; ?></textarea> </p> Category: <select name="select_cat"> <?php $cat_set = get_all_categs(); while($category = mysql_fetch_array($cat_set)){ $catname = $category['cat_name']; echo '<option value="'.$catname.'">'.$catname.'</option>'; } ?> </select> <br><br> <label for="file">Choose File to Upload:</label> <input type="file" name="upfile" id="upfile" > <br /><br /> <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000000" /> <input type="hidden" name="filepage" value="<?php echo $_GET['filepage']?>"> <input type="submit" name="upload" value="Add" class="pure-button pure-button-success"> <a href="content.php?filepage=<?php echo $sel_filepage['id']; ?>" class="pure-button">Cancel</a> </form> <!-- END FORM --> ACTION FILE: <?php require_once("includes/functions.php"); // directory to be saved $target = "server/php/files/"; $target = $target . basename($_FILES['upfile']['name']); // gets info from FORM $currentDate = date("Y-m-d"); $file_title = $_POST['title']; $content = $_POST['description']; $category = $_POST['select_cat']; $upfile = ($_FILES['upfile']['name']); /* $currentDate = date("Y-m-d"); $file_title = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['title']); $content = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['description']); $category = mysqli_real_escape_string($_POST['select_cat']); $upfile = ($_FILES['upfile']['name']); */ // connects to db $con = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "password", "database"); if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "error connection" . mysqli_connect_error(); } // insert to database $sql = "INSERT INTO filepages (category_id,file_title,content) VALUES ('$category','$file_title','$content')"; $new_id = mysqli_insert_id($con); $sql2 = "INSERT INTO fileserv (filepages_id, filetype, filesize, filedate, filename) VALUES ($new_id, '{$_FILES["upfile"]["type"]}', '{$_FILES["upfile"]["size"]}', '$currentDate', '{$_FILES["upfile"]["name"]}')"; if(!mysqli_query($con, $sql2)) { die('Error ' . mysqli_error()); } /* $sql3 = "BEGIN INSERT INTO filepages (category_id, file_title, content) VALUES ('$category','$file_title','$content') INSERT INTO fileserv (file_date) VALUES ($currentDate) COMMIT"; */ if(!mysqli_query($con, $sql2)) { die('Error ' . mysqli_error()); } echo "1 File Added <br>"; if (file_exists("server/php/files/" . $_FILES["upfile"]["name"])) { echo $_FILES["upfile"]["name"] . " already exists. "; } else { insertFile( $_POST['filepage'], $_FILES["upfile"]["type"], ($_FILES["upfile"]["size"] / 1024), $_FILES["upfile"]["name"]); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["upfile"]["tmp_name"],"server/php/files/" . $_FILES["upfile"]["name"]); echo "The FILE " . basename($_FILES['upfile']['name']) . " has been uploaded.<br>"; echo "Stored in: " . "server/php/files/" . $_FILES["upfile"]["name"] . "<br>"; echo "Upload: " . $_FILES["upfile"]["name"] . "<br>"; echo "Type: " . $_FILES["upfile"]["type"] . "<br>"; echo "Size: " . ($_FILES["upfile"]["size"] / 1024) . " kB<br>"; echo "Temp file: " . $_FILES["upfile"]["tmp_name"] . "<br>"; } ?>
  5. I'm currently studying IT and I'm a beginner with PHP and MySQL. Though I want to make a registration form for a school. The registration form consist of three parts (basic info, address info and courses info). The MySQL database will consist of four tables (users, addresses, users_has_courses and courses). The goal for this registration form is to record all inscriptions in MySQL and maybe into a Excel. My idea was to store all data into a session, when the registration is complete, the user can confirm and all the data should be read into the MySQL. This insertion would include 1 write to users, 1 write to addresses and multiple writes to users_has_courses. This form will be used on the registration day, so I expect around ten computers handling the registrations. What happens when some users press the button at the same time? If they are all asking for the next unused ID, they will all select the same ID and write to it? What if I plan to write to a MySQL and Excel after each other, will Excel get the same problems? Thank you!
  6. I getting this error which add new data together with upload the picture Error:while adding Column 'id' cannot be null Below is my add candidate page for voting system <?php // >> START OF "on begin of page" [BOF001] [INLINE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "on begin of page" [BOF001] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> <?php require('qs_connection.php'); require('qs_functions.php'); @session_start(); $row = ""; $err_string = ""; $updateCond = ""; $RDBMS_Type= "MySQL"; if (isset($_GET["page"])) { $current_page = $_GET["page"]; } elseif (isset($_POST["page"])) { $current_page = $_POST["page"]; } else { $current_page = 1; } $quotechar = "`"; $quotedate = "'"; $hidden_tag = ""; $result = ""; $sql = ""; $sql_ext = ""; $formatdate = array(); $formatdate[1] = ""; $formatdate[2] = ""; $formatdate[3] = ""; $formatdate[4] = ""; $formatdate[6] = ""; $seperatedate = array(); $seperatedate[1] = " "; $seperatedate[2] = " "; $seperatedate[3] = " "; $seperatedate[4] = " "; $seperatedate[6] = " "; $sql .= " Select\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`id`,\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`position`,\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`name`,\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`platform`,\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`picture`,\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`votecount`,\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`sy`\n"; $sql .= " From\n"; $sql .= " candidate candidate\n"; //Field Related Declarations $req_Position = "add_fd1"; $req_Name = "add_fd2"; $req_Platform = "add_fd3"; $req_Picture = "add_fd4"; $req_Sy = "add_fd6"; //Assign Recordset Field Index $rs_idx_id = 0; $rs_idx_position = 1; $rs_idx_name = 2; $rs_idx_platform = 3; $rs_idx_picture = 4; $rs_idx_votecount = 5; $rs_idx_sy = 6; if (isset($_POST["act"])) { $ProcessForm = "Y"; if ($ProcessForm == "Y") { if (strpos(strtoupper($sql), " WHERE ")) { $sqltemp = $sql . " AND (1=0) "; }else{ $sqltemp = $sql . " Where (1=0) "; } $result = mysql_query($sqltemp . " " . $sql_ext . " limit 0,1") or die("Invalid query"); $qry_string = ""; $insert_sql = ""; $value_sql = ""; $i = 0; $SourceFileUpload = array(); $DestFileUpload = array(); $NewFieldUpload = array(); //Set initial value for array $SourceFileUpload[0] = ""; $DestFileUpload[0] = ""; $NewFieldUpload[0] = ""; $SourceFileUpload[1] = ""; $DestFileUpload[1] = ""; $NewFieldUpload[1] = ""; $SourceFileUpload[2] = ""; $DestFileUpload[2] = ""; $NewFieldUpload[2] = ""; $SourceFileUpload[3] = ""; $DestFileUpload[3] = ""; $NewFieldUpload[3] = ""; $SourceFileUpload[4] = ""; $DestFileUpload[4] = ""; $NewFieldUpload[4] = ""; while ($i < mysql_num_fields($result)) { $meta = mysql_fetch_field($result); $field_name = $meta->name; $field_type = $meta->type; $type_field = ""; $type_field = returntype($field_type); if (qsvalidRequest("search_fd" .$i)) { if ($qry_string == "") { $qry_string = "search_fd" . $i . "=" . urlencode(stripslashes(qsrequest("search_fd" . $i))); } else { $qry_string .= "&search_fd" .$i . "=" . urlencode(stripslashes(qsrequest("search_fd" . $i))); } $hidden_tag .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"search_fd" .$i . "\" value=\"" . qsreplace_html_quote(stripslashes(qsrequest("search_fd" . $i))) . "\">\n"; if ($qry_string == "") { $qry_string = "multisearch_fd" . $i . "=" . urlencode(stripslashes(qsrequest("multisearch_fd" . $i))); } else { $qry_string .= "&multisearch_fd" .$i . "=" . urlencode(stripslashes(qsrequest("multisearch_fd" . $i))); } $hidden_tag .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"multisearch_fd" .$i . "\" value=\"" . qsreplace_html_quote(stripslashes(qsrequest("multisearch_fd" . $i))) . "\">\n"; } if (qsvalidRequest("add_fd" . $i)) { $idata = qsrequest("add_fd" . $i); if ($meta) { if ($type_field == "type_datetime") { if ($insert_sql == "") { $insert_sql .= $quotechar . $field_name . $quotechar; $value_sql .= $quotedate . qsconvertdate2ansi($idata,$formatdate[$i],$seperatedate[$i]) . $quotedate; } else { $insert_sql .= "," . $quotechar . $field_name . $quotechar; $value_sql .= "," . $quotedate . qsconvertdate2ansi($idata,$formatdate[$i],$seperatedate[$i]) .$quotedate; } } elseif ($type_field == "type_integer") { $idata = QSConvert2EngNumber($idata); // >> START OF "before add integer form field to sql (php)" [ITEMBEFADDTOSQLINT] [INLINE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "before add integer form field to sql (php)" [ITEMBEFADDTOSQLINT] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] if (is_numeric($idata)) { if ($insert_sql == "") { $insert_sql .= $quotechar . $field_name . $quotechar; $value_sql .= $idata; } else { $insert_sql .= "," . $quotechar . $field_name . $quotechar; $value_sql .= "," . $idata; } } else { $err_string .= "<strong>Error:</strong>while adding<strong>" . $field_name . "</strong>.<br>"; $err_string .= "Description: Type mismatch.<br>"; } } elseif ($type_field == "type_string") { if ($insert_sql == "") { $insert_sql .= $quotechar . $field_name . $quotechar; $value_sql .= "'" . ereg_replace("'","''",stripslashes($idata)) . "'"; } else { $insert_sql .= "," . $quotechar . $field_name . $quotechar; $value_sql .= ",'" . ereg_replace("'","''",stripslashes($idata)) . "'"; } } else { if ($insert_sql == "") { $insert_sql .= $quotechar . $field_name . $quotechar; $value_sql .= "'" . ereg_replace("'","''",stripslashes($idata)) . "'"; } else { $insert_sql .= "," . $quotechar . $field_name . $quotechar; $value_sql .= ",'" . ereg_replace("'","''",stripslashes($idata)) . "'"; } } } } else { if ((strtolower($field_type) != "int identity") && (strtolower($field_type) != "autoincrement") && (strtolower($field_type) != "counter")) { if ($insert_sql == "") { $insert_sql .= $quotechar . $field_name . $quotechar; $value_sql .= "null"; } else { $insert_sql .= "," . $quotechar . $field_name . $quotechar; $value_sql .= ", null"; } } } $i++; } if(isset($_POST['QS_Submit'])) { $sql = ""; $sql = "insert into " . $quotechar. mysql_field_table($result,0) . $quotechar; $sql .= " (" . $insert_sql . ")"; $sql .= " values"; $sql .= " (" . $value_sql . ")"; $submiturl = "./candidate.php?"; if ($result > 0) {mysql_free_result($result);} if (!$result = @mysql_query($sql)){ $err_string .= "<strong>Error:</strong>while adding<br>" . mysql_error(); // >> START OF "on add data error" [ADDDATAERR001] [INLINE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "on add data error" [ADDDATAERR001] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] } else { // >> START OF "on add data success" [ADDDATASUCCESS001] [INLINE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "on add data success" [ADDDATASUCCESS001] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] } //Start update data of upload field $value_sql = ""; $max_id = -1; $max_id = GetLastRecordID($RDBMS_Type, "Direct", "candidate", "id", $conn ); $updateCond = ""; $updateCond = "id=". $max_id; if($_FILES['upload_fd4']['name'] != "") { $sql = ""; $sql .= " Select\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`id`,\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`position`,\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`name`,\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`platform`,\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`picture`,\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`votecount`,\n"; $sql .= " candidate.`sy`\n"; $sql .= " From\n"; $sql .= " candidate candidate\n"; if ($updateCond != "") { $sql .= " where " . $updateCond; } $result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Invalid query"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $uploadDir = "pictures/"; $optUpdate = 1; $maxFileSize = 2000000; $fieldFileName = "" . $row[2] . ""; if($_FILES['upload_fd4']['name'] <> "") { if($_FILES['upload_fd4']['size'] <= $maxFileSize) { $ext = substr( $_FILES['upload_fd4']['name'], strrpos( $_FILES['upload_fd4']['name'], "." )+1 ); $ext1 = substr( $fieldFileName, strrpos( $fieldFileName, "." )+1 ); if ($ext1 == "") { $newFileName = $fieldFileName.".".strtolower($ext); } elseif ($ext1 == $ext) { $newFileName = $fieldFileName; } else { $newFileName = $fieldFileName.".".strtolower($ext); // change the extention to lower case } $uploadFile = $uploadDir.$newFileName; if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upload_fd4']['tmp_name'], $uploadFile)) // Success Upload { $meta = mysql_fetch_field($result,4); $field_name = $meta->name; if ($value_sql == "") { if ($optUpdate == 0) { // Update with full path $value_sql .= $quotechar.$field_name.$quotechar." = '".$uploadFile."'" ; } elseif ($optUpdate == 1) { // Update with file name only $value_sql .= $quotechar.$field_name.$quotechar." = '".$newFileName."'" ; } else { #$value_sql .= $quotechar.$field_name.$quotechar." = '".$row[4]."'" ; } } else { if ($optUpdate == 0) { // Update with full path $value_sql .= ", ".$quotechar.$field_name.$quotechar." = '".$uploadFile."'" ; } elseif ($optUpdate == 1) { // Update with file name only $value_sql .= ", ".$quotechar.$field_name.$quotechar." = '".$newFileName."'" ; } else { #$value_sql .= ", ".$quotechar.$field_name.$quotechar." = '".$row[4]."'" ; } } } else // Fail in upload { $err_string = "Cannot upload file! There is problem occured when upload." ; } } else { $err_string = "<font color= red>Your file size is bigger than the maximum size(".$maxFileSize." byte) that we allow to upload</font>"; } } } if (($err_string=="")&&($value_sql!="")) { $sql = ""; $sql = "update " . $quotechar . mysql_field_table($result,0) . $quotechar; $sql .= " set " . $value_sql; $sql .= " where "; $sql .= $updateCond; if ($result > 0) {mysql_free_result($result);} if (!$result = @mysql_query($sql)){ $err_string .= "<strong>Error:</strong>while updating<br>" . mysql_error(); } } if ($err_string == "") { if ($qry_string != "") { $URL= $submiturl . "&" . $qry_string; } else { $URL= $submiturl; } header ("Location: $URL"); exit; } } //end if ProcessForm } } //end if act ?> <HTML> <?php ?> <HEAD> <?php // >> START OF "before html header" [HTMLHEADER001] [PRE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "before html header" [HTMLHEADER001] [PRE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> <Title>Add Candidate</Title> <?php // >> START OF "before include css" [INCLDCSS001] [PRE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "before include css" [INCLDCSS001] [PRE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="candidate_add.css"> <?php // >> START OF "after include css" [INCLDCSS001] [POST] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "after include css" [INCLDCSS001] [POST] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> <?php // >> START OF "before include js" [INCLDJS001] [PRE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "before include js" [INCLDJS001] [PRE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> <!-- The code section below is extracted from [dbQwikSiteInstallPath\Data\Includes\YUI-JSLoader.txt] file --> <!-- This file is included in all generated pages, right after JS basic initialization --> <!-- If you need more of the Yahoo UI libraries for your own custom use, you may add libraries here. --> <!-- This file is included in generated code BEFORE the 'ClientIncludes' Custom Code insertion point. --> <!-- So you may chose to add other libraries via the 'ClientIncludes' Custom Code insertion point. --> <!-- Load the YUI Loader scripts needed by dbQwikSite --> <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/yahoo-min.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/dom-min.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/event-min.js" ></script> <script type="text/javascript"> // Invoke dbQwikSite Page OnLoad controller as soon as the page is ready // This should always happen first, any user custom-code should run after YAHOO.util.Event.onDOMReady( function() { qsPageOnLoadController(); } ); </script> <!-- END OF STD-Loader.txt --> <!-- The code section below is extracted from [dbQwikSiteInstallPath\Data\Includes\STD-Loader.txt] file --> <!-- This file is included in all generated pages, right after Javascript basic initialization --> <!-- You may write JS File Includes, CSS includes or inline JavaScript code as needed. --> <!-- This file is included in generated code BEFORE the 'ClientIncludes' Custom Code insertion point. --> <!-- Add all your customization below --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./css/ContentLayout.css"></link> <!-- END OF STD-Loader.txt --> <script type="text/javascript"> // Declares all constants and arrays // for all page items used on the page // Declare Field Indexes for all page items var qsPageItemsCount = 5 var _Position = 0; var _Name = 1; var _Platform = 2; var _Picture = 3; var _Sy = 4; // Declare Fields Prompts var fieldPrompts = []; fieldPrompts[_Position] = "Position"; fieldPrompts[_Name] = "Name"; fieldPrompts[_Platform] = "Platform"; fieldPrompts[_Picture] = "Picture"; fieldPrompts[_Sy] = "Sy"; // Declare Fields Technical Names var fieldTechNames = []; fieldTechNames[_Position] = "Position"; fieldTechNames[_Name] = "Name"; fieldTechNames[_Platform] = "Platform"; fieldTechNames[_Picture] = "Picture"; fieldTechNames[_Sy] = "Sy"; // This function dynamically assigns element 'ID' attributes to all relevant elements function qsAssignElementIDs() { // STEP 1: Assign an ID to all field PROMPTS (TD captions) // Scan all table TD tags for those that match field prompts var TDs = document.getElementsByTagName("td"); for (var i=0; i < TDs.length; i++) { var element = TDs[i]; // Check if the TD found is one of the Page Items header // This can only be an approximation as some TDs other than the actual field prompts // may contain the same caption. In that case all TDs found will carry the same ID. if (element.className == "ThRows" || element.className == "TrOdd") { for (var f=0; f < qsPageItemsCount; f++) { if (element.innerHTML == fieldPrompts[f]) { element.id = fieldTechNames[f] + "_caption_cell"; element.innerHTML = "<div id='" + fieldTechNames[f] + "_caption_div'>" + element.innerHTML + "</div>"; } } } } // STEP 2: Assign an ID to all Input controls on the form document.getElementsByName("add_fd1")[0].id = fieldTechNames[_Position]; document.getElementsByName("add_fd2")[0].id = fieldTechNames[_Name]; document.getElementsByName("add_fd3")[0].id = fieldTechNames[_Platform]; document.getElementsByName("upload_fd4")[0].id = fieldTechNames[_Picture]; document.getElementsByName("add_fd6")[0].id = fieldTechNames[_Sy]; } // This function defines object names for all page items used on the page. // You can refer to these objects in your JavaScript code and avoid getElementById(). // Entry Fields (when present) are accessible via their technical names. // The prompts of Entry Fields (when present) are accessible using SomeItemName_Prompt object names. // function qsPageItemsAbstraction() { qs_form = document.getElementsByName("qs_add_form")[0]; //Define Form Object by Name. pgitm_Position = document.getElementsByName("add_fd1")[0]; pgitm_Name = document.getElementsByName("add_fd2")[0]; pgitm_Platform = document.getElementsByName("add_fd3")[0]; pgitm_Picture = document.getElementsByName("upload_fd4")[0]; pgitm_Sy = document.getElementsByName("add_fd6")[0]; } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> // This function dynamically assigns custom events // to page item controls on this page function qsAssignPageItemEvents() { } </script> <!-- >> START OF "Add Candidate -> <style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 { font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-weight: bold; } --> <script language="javascript"> function Trim(s){ var temp = " "; var i = 0; while ((temp == " ") && (i <= s.length)) { temp = s.charAt(i); i++; } s = s.substring(i - 1, s.length); return(s); } function check(frm) { var szAlert = "Invalid\n"; var nIndex = 0; if (!RequiredField(frm.add_fd1.value)) { nIndex++; szAlert += "- " +"'Position' cannot be blank\n"; } if (!RequiredField(frm.add_fd2.value)) { nIndex++; szAlert += "- " +"'Name' cannot be blank\n"; } if (!RequiredField(frm.add_fd3.value)) { nIndex++; szAlert += "- " +"'Platform' cannot be blank\n"; } if (!RequiredField(frm.add_fd6.value)) { nIndex++; szAlert += "- " +"'Sy' cannot be blank\n"; } if(nIndex > 0) { alert(szAlert) ; return false ; } return true ; } </script> <script src="validate.js"></script> <script> function usrEvent__Add_Candidate__onload() { // >> START OF "Add Candidate -> On Load" [onload] [PAGEEVENT] [START] [JS] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] // << END OF "Add Candidate -> On Load" [onload] [PAGEEVENT] [START] [JS] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] } function usrEvent__Add_Candidate__onunload() { // >> START OF "Add Candidate -> On Unload" [onunload] [PAGEEVENT] [START] [JS] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] // << END OF "Add Candidate -> On Unload" [onunload] [PAGEEVENT] [START] [JS] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] } function usrEvent__Add_Candidate__onresize() { // >> START OF "Add Candidate -> On Resize" [onresize] [PAGEEVENT] [START] [JS] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] // << END OF "Add Candidate -> On Resize" [onresize] [PAGEEVENT] [START] [JS] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] } // This function controls the OnUnload event dispatching function qsPageOnUnloadController() { } // This function controls the OnResize event dispatching function qsPageOnResizeController() { var lastResult = false return true; } // This function controls the OnLoad events dispatching function qsPageOnLoadController() { var lastResult = false // Invoke the technical field names abstraction initialization qsPageItemsAbstraction(); // Invoke the Element IDs assignment function qsAssignElementIDs(); // Invoke the Page Items custom events assignments qsAssignPageItemEvents(); // Assign Event Handlers for page-level events YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "beforeunload", qsPageOnUnloadController); YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "resize", qsPageOnResizeController); // Set focus on first enterable page item available pgitm_Position.focus(); return true; } function usrEvent__Position__onfocus(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Focus" [onfocus] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Focus" [onfocus] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Position__onblur(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Blur (loss of focus)" [onblur] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Blur (loss of focus)" [onblur] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Position__onclick(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Click" [onclick] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Click" [onclick] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Position__ondblclick(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Double Click" [ondblclick] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Double Click" [ondblclick] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Position__onkeydown(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Key Down" [onkeydown] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Key Down" [onkeydown] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Position__onkeypress(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Key Press" [onkeypress] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Key Press" [onkeypress] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Position__onkeyup(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Key Up" [onkeyup] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Key Up" [onkeyup] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Position__onchange(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Change" [onchange] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Change" [onchange] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Position__onmousedown(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Mouse Down" [onmousedown] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Mouse Down" [onmousedown] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Position__onmousemove(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Mouse Move" [onmousemove] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Mouse Move" [onmousemove] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Position__onmouseout(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Mouse Out" [onmouseout] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Mouse Out" [onmouseout] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Position__onmouseover(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Mouse Over" [onmouseover] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Mouse Over" [onmouseover] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Position__onmouseup(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Position -> On Mouse Up" [onmouseup] [Position] [START] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] // << END OF "Position -> On Mouse Up" [onmouseup] [Position] [STOP] [JS] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] } function usrEvent__Name__onfocus(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Focus" [onfocus] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Focus" [onfocus] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__onblur(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Blur (loss of focus)" [onblur] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Blur (loss of focus)" [onblur] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__onclick(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Click" [onclick] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Click" [onclick] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__ondblclick(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Double Click" [ondblclick] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Double Click" [ondblclick] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__onkeydown(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Key Down" [onkeydown] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Key Down" [onkeydown] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__onkeypress(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Key Press" [onkeypress] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Key Press" [onkeypress] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__onkeyup(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Key Up" [onkeyup] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Key Up" [onkeyup] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__onchange(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Change" [onchange] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Change" [onchange] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__onmousedown(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Mouse Down" [onmousedown] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Mouse Down" [onmousedown] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__onmousemove(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Mouse Move" [onmousemove] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Mouse Move" [onmousemove] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__onmouseout(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Mouse Out" [onmouseout] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Mouse Out" [onmouseout] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__onmouseover(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Mouse Over" [onmouseover] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Mouse Over" [onmouseover] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__onmouseup(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Mouse Up" [onmouseup] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Mouse Up" [onmouseup] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Name__onselect(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Name -> On Select" [onselect] [Name] [START] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] // << END OF "Name -> On Select" [onselect] [Name] [STOP] [JS] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] } function usrEvent__Platform__onfocus(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Focus" [onfocus] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Focus" [onfocus] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__onblur(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Blur (loss of focus)" [onblur] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Blur (loss of focus)" [onblur] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__onclick(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Click" [onclick] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Click" [onclick] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__ondblclick(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Double Click" [ondblclick] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Double Click" [ondblclick] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__onkeydown(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Key Down" [onkeydown] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Key Down" [onkeydown] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__onkeypress(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Key Press" [onkeypress] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Key Press" [onkeypress] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__onkeyup(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Key Up" [onkeyup] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Key Up" [onkeyup] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__onchange(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Change" [onchange] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Change" [onchange] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__onmousedown(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Mouse Down" [onmousedown] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Mouse Down" [onmousedown] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__onmousemove(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Mouse Move" [onmousemove] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Mouse Move" [onmousemove] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__onmouseout(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Mouse Out" [onmouseout] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Mouse Out" [onmouseout] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__onmouseover(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Mouse Over" [onmouseover] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Mouse Over" [onmouseover] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__onmouseup(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Mouse Up" [onmouseup] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Mouse Up" [onmouseup] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Platform__onselect(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Platform -> On Select" [onselect] [Platform] [START] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] // << END OF "Platform -> On Select" [onselect] [Platform] [STOP] [JS] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] } function usrEvent__Picture__onfocus(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Focus" [onfocus] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Focus" [onfocus] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Picture__onblur(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Blur (loss of focus)" [onblur] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Blur (loss of focus)" [onblur] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Picture__onclick(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Click" [onclick] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Click" [onclick] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Picture__ondblclick(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Double Click" [ondblclick] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Double Click" [ondblclick] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Picture__onkeydown(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Key Down" [onkeydown] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Key Down" [onkeydown] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Picture__onkeypress(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Key Press" [onkeypress] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Key Press" [onkeypress] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Picture__onkeyup(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Key Up" [onkeyup] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Key Up" [onkeyup] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Picture__onchange(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Change" [onchange] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Change" [onchange] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Picture__onmousedown(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Mouse Down" [onmousedown] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Mouse Down" [onmousedown] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Picture__onmousemove(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Mouse Move" [onmousemove] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Mouse Move" [onmousemove] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Picture__onmouseout(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Mouse Out" [onmouseout] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Mouse Out" [onmouseout] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Picture__onmouseover(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Mouse Over" [onmouseover] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Mouse Over" [onmouseover] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Picture__onmouseup(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Picture -> On Mouse Up" [onmouseup] [Picture] [START] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] // << END OF "Picture -> On Mouse Up" [onmouseup] [Picture] [STOP] [JS] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] } function usrEvent__Sy__onfocus(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Focus" [onfocus] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Focus" [onfocus] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__onblur(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Blur (loss of focus)" [onblur] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Blur (loss of focus)" [onblur] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__onclick(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Click" [onclick] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Click" [onclick] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__ondblclick(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Double Click" [ondblclick] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Double Click" [ondblclick] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__onkeydown(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Key Down" [onkeydown] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Key Down" [onkeydown] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__onkeypress(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Key Press" [onkeypress] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Key Press" [onkeypress] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__onkeyup(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Key Up" [onkeyup] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Key Up" [onkeyup] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__onchange(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Change" [onchange] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Change" [onchange] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__onmousedown(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Mouse Down" [onmousedown] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Mouse Down" [onmousedown] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__onmousemove(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Mouse Move" [onmousemove] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Mouse Move" [onmousemove] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__onmouseout(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Mouse Out" [onmouseout] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Mouse Out" [onmouseout] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__onmouseover(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Mouse Over" [onmouseover] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Mouse Over" [onmouseover] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__onmouseup(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Mouse Up" [onmouseup] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Mouse Up" [onmouseup] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Sy__onselect(HTMLElement) { // >> START OF "Sy -> On Select" [onselect] [Sy] [START] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] // << END OF "Sy -> On Select" [onselect] [Sy] [STOP] [JS] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] } function usrEvent__Add_Candidate__onsubmit(frm) { // >> START OF "Add Candidate -> On Submit" [onsubmit] [PAGEEVENT] [START] [JS] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] // << END OF "Add Candidate -> On Submit" [onsubmit] [PAGEEVENT] [START] [JS] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] } function usrEvent__Add_Candidate__onreset() { // >> START OF "Add Candidate -> On Reset" [onreset] [PAGEEVENT] [START] [JS] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] // << END OF "Add Candidate -> On Reset" [onreset] [PAGEEVENT] [START] [JS] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] } // This function controls the OnSubmit event dispatching function qsFormOnSubmitController(frm) { var lastResult = false // Call the standard dbQwikSite form validation rules lastResult = check(frm); if (lastResult == false) { return false; } return true; } // This function controls the OnReset event dispatching function qsPageOnResetController() { var lastResult = false return true; } </script> <script language='javascript' src='qwikcalendar.js'></script> <?php // >> START OF "after include js" [INCLDJS001] [POST] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "after include js" [INCLDJS001] [POST] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> </HEAD> <?php // >> START OF "after html header" [HTMLHEADER001] [POST] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "after html header" [HTMLHEADER001] [POST] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> <BODY> <?php // >> START OF "before page body" [BODY001] [PRE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "before page body" [BODY001] [PRE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> <?php // >> START OF "before page header" [HEADER001] [PRE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "before page header" [HEADER001] [PRE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> <Center> <center><hr /> <span class="style1"><font size="5"> Add Candidate </font></span> <hr /></center><br> <?php // >> START OF "after page header" [HEADER001] [POST] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "after page header" [HEADER001] [POST] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> <A NAME=top></A> <table id="QS_Content_Layout_1_Table"> <tr id="QS_Content_Layout_1_TopRow"> <td id="QS_Content_Layout_1_NorthWest"> <div id="QS_Content_Layout_1_NorthWestDiv"> <?php // >> START OF "content layout 1 - north west" [CONTENTLAYOUT_1_NW] [INLINE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "content layout 1 - north west" [CONTENTLAYOUT_1_NW] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> </div> </td> <td id="QS_Content_Layout_1_North"> <div id="QS_Content_Layout_1_NorthDiv"> <?php ?> </div> </td> <td id="QS_Content_Layout_1_NorthEast"> <div id="QS_Content_Layout_1_NorthEastDiv"> <?php ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr id="QS_Content_Layout_1_MiddleRow"> <td id="QS_Content_Layout_1_West"> <div id="QS_Content_Layout_1_WestDiv"> <?php ?> </div> </td> <td id="QS_Content_Layout_1_Center"> <div id="QS_Content_Layout_1_CenterDiv"> <?php ?> <script> function getURLParam(strParamName){ var strReturn = ""; var strHref = window.location.href; if ( strHref.indexOf("?") > -1 ){ var strQueryString = strHref.substr(strHref.indexOf("?")).toLowerCase(); var aQueryString = strQueryString.split("&"); for ( var iParam = 0; iParam < aQueryString.length; iParam++ ){ if ( aQueryString[iParam].indexOf(strParamName + "=") > -1 ){ var aParam = aQueryString[iParam].split("="); strReturn = aParam[1]; break; } } } return strReturn; } </script> <Form name="qs_add_form" method="post" action="./candidate_add.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onSubmit="return qsFormOnSubmitController(this)" onReset="return qsPageOnResetController(this)" > <?php ?> <?php print $hidden_tag; ?> <Table Border="0" Cellpadding="2" Cellspacing="1" BgColor="#D4D4D4"> <?php $css_class = "\"TrOdd\""; ?> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="ThRows">Add Candidate</td> </tr> <?php if ($err_string != "") { print "<tr>"; print "<td class=\"ThRows\"><Strong>Error:</Strong></td>"; print "<td class=" . $css_class . " align=Default>" . $err_string . "</td>"; print "</tr>"; } ?> <tr> <td class="ThRows">Student No.</td> <td align="left" class="TrOdd"><input name="idno" type="text" id="idno" style="font-weight:bold" onChange="this.form.submit()" value="<?php echo $_POST['idno'] ?>" size="15" ></td> </tr> <tr> <?php if($_POST['idno']) { $idno = mysql_query("select * from students where studid = '$_POST[idno]'"); $a=mysql_num_rows($idno); $b=mysql_fetch_array($idno); } if($a<=0) { $disable="readonly=\"$false\""; $name= ""; ?> <tr> <td class="ThRows" colspan="2"><span style="color:#990033""><?php echo $_POST['idno']." Not Found"; ?></span></td> </tr> <?php } else { $disable=""; $name= $b['name']; } ?> <tr> <td class="ThRows">Position</td> <?php $cellvalue = ""; if ((!isset($_GET["add_fd1"])) && (!isset($_POST["add_fd1"]))) { $itemvalue = ""; } else { $itemvalue = qsrequest("add_fd1"); } $cellvalue = "<select $disable name=\"add_fd1\" ><option value=\"\"" . qscheckselected("",$itemvalue,"selected") . ">-- Select --</option>" . qsmysqlgen_listbox(" Select Distinct `position`,`position` From `position` ","add_fd1","position","position",$itemvalue) . "</select>"; if ($cellvalue == "") { $cellvalue = " "; } // >> START OF "Position -> on write tags" [PGITMPREDENDER001] [INLINE] [START] [SRVITEM] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] [Position] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "Position -> on write tags" [PGITMPREDENDER001] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRVITEM] [DEC645AD-1B31-4549-80B8-A2A18F32116B] [Position] print "<td class=" . $css_class . " align=Default >" . $cellvalue . "</td>"; ?> </tr> <tr> <td class="ThRows">Name</td> <?php $cellvalue = ""; if ((!isset($_GET["add_fd2"])) && (!isset($_POST["add_fd2"]))) { $itemvalue = ""; } else { if ($a <= 0) { $itemvalue = ""; } elseif($a > 0) { $itemvalue = $name; } else { $itemvalue = qsrequest("add_fd2"); } } $cellvalue = "<input $disable\" type=\"text\" name=\"add_fd2\" value=\"" . qsreplace_html_quote(stripslashes($itemvalue)) . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"50\" >"; if ($cellvalue == "") { $cellvalue = " "; } // >> START OF "Name -> on write tags" [PGITMPREDENDER001] [INLINE] [START] [SRVITEM] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] [Name] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "Name -> on write tags" [PGITMPREDENDER001] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRVITEM] [EDD6E0BA-23AD-4655-9764-3A0A670E9FE2] [Name] print "<td class=" . $css_class . " align=Default >" . $cellvalue . "</td>"; ?> </tr> <tr> <td class="ThRows">Platform</td> <?php $cellvalue = ""; if ((!isset($_GET["add_fd3"])) && (!isset($_POST["add_fd3"]))) { $itemvalue = ""; } else { $itemvalue = qsrequest("add_fd3"); } $cellvalue = "<input $disable type=\"text\" name=\"add_fd3\" value=\"" . qsreplace_html_quote(stripslashes($itemvalue)) . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"255\" >"; if ($cellvalue == "") { $cellvalue = " "; } // >> START OF "Platform -> on write tags" [PGITMPREDENDER001] [INLINE] [START] [SRVITEM] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] [Platform] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "Platform -> on write tags" [PGITMPREDENDER001] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRVITEM] [A01F59CB-DA34-4C27-9BC8-ECFB4FD3DDFF] [Platform] print "<td class=" . $css_class . " align=Default >" . $cellvalue . "</td>"; ?> </tr> <tr> <td class="ThRows">Picture</td> <?php $cellvalue = "<input $disable type=\"file\" name=\"upload_fd4\">"; ; if ($cellvalue == "") { $cellvalue = " "; } // >> START OF "Picture -> on write tags" [PGITMPREDENDER001] [INLINE] [START] [SRVITEM] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] [Picture] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "Picture -> on write tags" [PGITMPREDENDER001] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRVITEM] [FD2D2E1C-42D5-4FC9-8C56-13BCEAEB908A] [Picture] print "<td class=" . $css_class . " align=Default >" . $cellvalue . "</td>"; ?> <?php $cellvalue = "0"; if ((!isset($_GET["add_fd5"])) && (!isset($_POST["add_fd5"]))) { $itemvalue = "0"; } else { $itemvalue = "0"; } $cellvalue = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"add_fd5\" value=\"" . qsreplace_html_quote(stripslashes($itemvalue)) . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"15\" >"; if ($cellvalue == "") { $cellvalue = " "; } // >> START OF "Sy -> on write tags" [PGITMPREDENDER001] [INLINE] [START] [SRVITEM] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] [Sy] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "Sy -> on write tags" [PGITMPREDENDER001] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRVITEM] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] [Sy] print " " . $cellvalue . ""; ?> </tr> <tr> <td class="ThRows">Sy</td> <?php $cellvalue = ""; if ((!isset($_GET["add_fd6"])) && (!isset($_POST["add_fd6"]))) { $itemvalue = ""; } else { $itemvalue = qsrequest("add_fd6"); } $cellvalue = "<input $disable type=\"text\" name=\"add_fd6\" value=\"" . qsreplace_html_quote(stripslashes($itemvalue)) . "\" size=\"30\" maxlength=\"15\" >"; if ($cellvalue == "") { $cellvalue = " "; } // >> START OF "Sy -> on write tags" [PGITMPREDENDER001] [INLINE] [START] [SRVITEM] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] [Sy] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "Sy -> on write tags" [PGITMPREDENDER001] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRVITEM] [2DA01D5E-A19F-42DF-85B6-3AAF63045FEE] [Sy] print "<td class=" . $css_class . " align=Default >" . $cellvalue . "</td>"; ?> </tr> <?php #----get back url page---- $backurl = "./candidate.php?"; ?> <tr> <td class="ThRows"> </td> <td class="TrOdd" align=Default> <input type="hidden" name="act" value="n"> <input type="button" name="QS_Back" value="Back" OnClick="javascript:window.location='<?php print $backurl; ?>'"> <input type="submit" name="QS_Submit" value="Add"> <input type="reset" name="QS_Reset" value="Reset"></td> </tr> </Table> <br> </Form> <?php // >> START OF "after add data form" [ADDFRM001] [POST] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "after add data form" [ADDFRM001] [POST] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> <?php if ($result > 0) {mysql_free_result($result);} if ($link > 0) {mysql_close($link);} ?> <?php // >> START OF "content layout 1 - center (after contents)" [CONTENTLAYOUT_1_C] [POST] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "content layout 1 - center (after contents)" [CONTENTLAYOUT_1_C] [POST] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> </div> </td> <td id="QS_Content_Layout_1_East"> <div id="QS_Content_Layout_1_EastDiv"> <?php // >> START OF "content layout 1 - east" [CONTENTLAYOUT_1_E] [INLINE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "content layout 1 - east" [CONTENTLAYOUT_1_E] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> </div> </td> </tr> <tr id="QS_Content_Layout_1_BottomRow"> <td id="QS_Content_Layout_1_SouthWest"> <div id="QS_Content_Layout_1_SouthWestDiv"> <?php // >> START OF "content layout 1 - south west" [CONTENTLAYOUT_1_SW] [INLINE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "content layout 1 - south west" [CONTENTLAYOUT_1_SW] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> </div> </td> <td id="QS_Content_Layout_1_South"> <div id="QS_Content_Layout_1_SouthDiv"> <?php // >> START OF "content layout 1 - south" [CONTENTLAYOUT_1_S] [INLINE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "content layout 1 - south" [CONTENTLAYOUT_1_S] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> </div> </td> <td id="QS_Content_Layout_1_SouthEast"> <div id="QS_Content_Layout_1_SouthEastDiv"> <?php // >> START OF "content layout 1 - south east" [CONTENTLAYOUT_1_SE] [INLINE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "content layout 1 - south east" [CONTENTLAYOUT_1_SE] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> </div> </td> </tr> </table> <A NAME=bottom></A> <?php // >> START OF "before page footer" [FOOTER001] [PRE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "before page footer" [FOOTER001] [PRE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> </Center> <?php // >> START OF "after page footer" [FOOTER001] [POST] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "after page footer" [FOOTER001] [POST] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> <?php // >> START OF "after page body" [BODY001] [POST] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "after page body" [BODY001] [POST] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> </BODY> <?php // >> START OF "after page html" [HTML001] [POST] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "after page html" [HTML001] [POST] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> </HTML> <?php // >> START OF "on end of page" [EOF001] [INLINE] [START] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] //-- Your custom code starts here -- //-- Your custom code ends here -- // << END OF "on end of page" [EOF001] [INLINE] [STOP] [SRV] [07385BCC-B051-4DA5-A76A-6AC2805C875E] [Add Candidate] ?> while here is my candidate table Can u help me check this out? cauz when i uploading the picture, it give me back the null error..thanks a lot
  7. Good day. Before anything else by the way, I have never written a php program this deep so please bear with me for my ignorance. So moving on, this is my code below : <?php $console = array(); $model = array(); $game = array(); $gameQuery = "SELECT * FROM consoleGame"; $gameResult = mysql_query($gameQuery) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($gameResult)) { if(!is_array($game[$row['modelId']])) { $game[$row['modelId']] = array(); } $game[$row['modelId']][$row['gameId']] = array( 'Game Name' => $row['gameName'], 'Game ID' => $row['gameId']); } $modelQuery = "SELECT * FROM consoleModel"; $modelResult = mysql_query($modelQuery) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($modelResult)) { if (!is_array($model[$row['consoleId']])) { $model[$row['consoleId']] = array(); } $model[$row['consoleId']][$row['modelId']] = array( 'Model Name' => $row['modelName'], 'Model ID' => $game[$row['modelId']]); } $consoleQuery = "SELECT * FROM consoleConsole"; $consoleResult = mysql_query($consoleQuery) or die(mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($consoleResult)) { if (!is_array($console[$row['consoleId']])) { $console[$row['consoleId']] = array(); } $console[$row['consoleId']] = array( 'Console Name' => $row['consoleName'], 'Console ID' => array_values($model[$row['consoleId']])); } $console = array_values($console); echo json_encode($console); ?> As you can see, the code above outputs $console as a JSON file which is what I really need. But the problem is that, whenever I add a new Console (eg SNES), it creates a Warning: array_values() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given - on line ''Console ID' => array_values($model[$row['consoleId']]));'. Can you tell me which part went wrong?
  8. hi i am new to php and i am working on a form which has to generate a table row on the button click , but my problem is that i don't have any idea to how do i save that incremented textbox value in my databasa . Can anyone help me out please it would be a huge favor. i have attached my my php script and html script along with this message here is my code <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[url="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd%22>"]http://www.w3.org/TR...nsitional.dtd">[/url] <html xmlns="[url="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml%22>"]http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">[/url] <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>Makhtab</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="form2/view.css" media="all"> <script type="text/javascript" src="form2/view.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="form2/calendar.js"></script> <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript"> <script type="text/javascript"> function deleteRow(row) { var i=row.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex; document.getElementById('POITable').deleteRow(i); } function insRow() { console.log( 'hi'); var x=document.getElementById('POITable'); var new_row = x.rows[1].cloneNode(true); var len = x.rows.length; new_row.cells[0].innerHTML = len; var inp1 = new_row.cells[1].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; inp1.id += len; inp1.value = ''; var inp2 = new_row.cells[2].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; inp2.id += len; inp2.value = ''; x.appendChild( new_row ); } </script> <script type="text/javascript"> function deletezimRow(row) { var i=row.parentNode.parentNode.rowIndex; document.getElementById('zimtable').deleteRow(i); } function inszimRow() { console.log( 'hi'); var x=document.getElementById('zimtable'); var new_row = x.rows[1].cloneNode(true); var len = x.rows.length; new_row.cells[0].innerHTML = len; var inp1 = new_row.cells[1].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; inp1.id += len; inp1.value = ''; var inp2 = new_row.cells[2].getElementsByTagName('input')[0]; inp2.id += len; inp2.value = ''; x.appendChild( new_row ); } </script> <!--<style type="text/css" title="currentStyle"> @import "tran/css/layout-styles.css"; @import "tran/css/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.8.4.custom.css"; </style>--> <script type="text/javascript" src="tran/js/jquery-1.6.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="tran/js/jquery-ui-1.8.14.custom.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="tran/js/jq-ac-script.js"></script> </head> <body id="main_body" > <img id="top" src="form2/top.png" alt=""> <div id="form_container"> <h1><a>Untitled Form</a></h1> <form id="makhtab" class="appnitro" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="makhproc.php"> <div class="form_description"> <h2>Makhtab Details</h2> <!--<p>This is your form description. Click here to edit.</p>--> </div> <table border="0px" width="100%"> <tr> <td><label class="description" for="element_1">Code</label></td><td><input id="element_1" name="code" class="element text small" type="text" maxlength="6" value=""/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="description" for="element_1">Name</label></td><td><input id="element_1" name="name" class="element text large" type="text" maxlength="40" value=""/> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="description" for="element_1">Address</label></td><td><input id="element_4_1" name="add1" class="element text large" value="" type="text"></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td><td><input id="element_4_1" name="add2" class="element text large" value="" type="text"></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td><td><input id="element_4_1" name="add3" class="element text large" value="" type="text"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="description" for="element_1">City</label></td><td><select name="cmbcity" class="element text medium" style="font-size:18px;"/> <option value=""></option> <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "root", '') or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("webapp") or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT `name` from city ") or die(mysql_error()); while ($year = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value='$year[name]'>$year[name]</option>"; } ?> </select> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="description" for="element_1">State</label></td><td><select name="cmbstate" class="element text medium" style="font-size:18px;"/> <option value=""></option> <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "root", '') or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("webapp") or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT `name` from state ") or die(mysql_error()); while ($year = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value='$year[name]'>$year[name]</option>"; } ?> </select> </tr> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="description" for="element_1">Country</label></td><td><select name="cmbcountry" class="element text medium" style="font-size:18px;"/> <option value=""></option> <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "root", '') or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("webapp") or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT `name` from country ") or die(mysql_error()); while ($year = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value='$year[name]'>$year[name]</option>"; } ?> </select> <tr> <td><label class="description" for="element_1">Telephone</label></td><td><input id="element_1" name="country" class="element text medium" type="text" maxlength="255" value=""/></td> </tr> <tr> <td><label class="description" for="element_1">Mobile</label></td><td><input id="element_1" name="country" class="element text medium" type="text" maxlength="10" value=""/></td> </tr> <tr> <br /> </tr> </table> <tr> <br /><p style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc;"></p><br /> <div class="form_description"> <h2>Zimmedar Details</h2> <!--<p>This is your form description. Click here to edit.</p>--> </div> </tr> <input type="button" id="addmorezimbutton" value="Add zimmedar" onclick="insRow()"/><br/><br/> <table id="zimtable" border="0px" size="100px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="10" align="center"><label class="description">Srno. </label></td> <td width="118"><label class="description">Zimmedar Name</label></td> <td width="118"><label class="description">Mobile</label></td> <td width="10"></td> <td width="10" align="center"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td width="210"><input size="40" maxlenght="40" type="text" id="zimame[]"/></td> <td width="80"><input size="10" maxlenght="10" type="text" id="zimmob[]"/></td> <!--<td><input size="45" maxlenght="10" type="text" id="momob"/> </td>--> <td><input type="button" id="addzimmore" value="+" onclick="inszimRow()"/></td> <td align="center"><input type="button" id="delzimbutton" value="-" onclick="deletezimRow(this)"/></td> </tr> </table> <tr> <br /><p style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc;"></p><br /> <div class="form_description"> <h2>Muallim Details</h2> <!--<p>This is your form description. Click here to edit.</p>--> </div> </tr> <input type="button" id="addmorePOIbutton" value="Add Muallims" onclick="insRow()"/><br/><br/> <table id="POITable" border="0px" size="100px" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <td width="10" align="center"><label class="description">Srno. </label></td> <td width="118"><label class="description">Moallim Name</label></td> <td width="118"><label class="description">Mobile</label></td> <td width="118"><label class="description">Qabiliyat</label></td> <td width="10"></td> <td width="10" align="center"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>1</td> <td width="210"><input size="40" maxlenght="40" type="text" id="moname[]"/></td> <td width="80"><input size="10" maxlenght="10" type="text" id="momob[]"/></td> <td><select name="cmbmuallim[]" class="element text large" style="font-size:18px;"/> <option value=""></option> <?php mysql_connect("localhost", "root", '') or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("webapp") or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT `name` from qabiliyat ") or die(mysql_error()); while ($year = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value='$year[name]'>$year[name]</option>"; } ?> </select></td> <!--<td><input size="45" maxlenght="10" type="text" id="momob"/> </td>--> <td><input type="button" id="addmore" value="+" onclick="insRow()"/></td> <td align="center"><input type="button" id="delPOIbutton" value="-" onclick="deleteRow(this)"/></td> </tr> </table> <br /><p style="border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccc;"></p><br /> <table border="0px" width="85%"> <tbody><tr> <td width="105"><label class="description">No. of Students</label></td> <td width="65"><input type="text" name=stu" size="5" maxlength="5"></input></td> <td width="105"><label class="description">No. of Batches</label></td><td width="14"><input type="text" name="batch" size="5" maxlength="3"></input></td> </tr> <tr> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Save"></input> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </table> </form> </body> </html> makhtab.php makhproc.php
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