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  1. Hello, I am fairly novice at PHP. I have a couple of reference books*, but they seem to be vague on the subject of "arrays", that is why I am asking for help today. I am trying to create a simple array using a form and radio button selectors. At the bottom I will explain what I am trying to accomplish. Here is the sample of my code using one question: HTML........................................................................................................................................................................................ <fieldset> <legend>DO YOU EXERCISE DAILY?</legend> <form action="" method="post" /> <label for="question" class="question">I often exercise on a daily basis for at least 20 minutes a day</label> <label for "Never" class="radio"> <input type="radio" name="answer[0]=1" value="Never" /> Never</label> <label for="Seldom" class="radio"> <input type="radio" name="answer[1]=2" value="Seldom" /> Seldom</label> <label for="Occasionally" class="radio"> <input type="radio" name="answer[2]=3" value="Occasionally" /> Occasionally</label> <label for="Often" class="radio"> <input type="radio" name="answer[3]=4" value="Often" /> Often</label> <label for="Always" class="radio"> <input type="radio" name="answer[4]=5" value="Always" /> Always</label> </form> </fieldset> When a question is asked, the user can choose only one (radio button) answer. That answer is assigned a number (1 thru 5) and will be displayed and then eventually tallied along with answers to other questions (not shown) for a grand total or sum. PHP.......................................................................................................................................................................................... <?php //Error Displaying ini_set ('display_errors',1); error_reporting (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); //Print each answer <?php if (isset($_POST["answer"]) && is_array($_POST["answer"]) && count($_POST["answer"]) > 0) { foreach ($_POST["answer"] as $answer) { echo htmlspecialchars($answer, ENT_QUOTES); echo '<br />'; } } ?> // Print each key and value. <?php $answer = array ('Never', 'Seldom', 'Occasionally', 'Often', 'Always'); foreach ($answer as $ans => $answer) { print "$ans: $answer<br />\n"; } ?> I am able to get the answer (picked via radio button) to print or echo on the page, but I am not sure how to display a number represting each choice (1 for Never ~ 5 for Always). Not sure what I am doing wrong. I have researched other examples on the web and tried their logic, still no success. I guess I am just not getting it. Any advice or help would be appreciated. Also do any of you readers recommend another book to learn from? Signed, Garfan *Murachs PHP and MYSQL *PHP For The World Wide Web by Larry Ullman
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