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  1. Good evening, I want to have a page where users can enter their postcode to find their nearest Citizens Advice Bureau. This is throughout England (excluding Ireland, Scotland and Wales). My questions are: How can I compare the post code entered by the user to the post code of the exisiting Citizens Advice Bureau's? I know in PHP we can use a string function which compares the similarity between 2 strings but this clearly isn't going to suffice and work properly as you could have a CAB in London with post code SW1X 3RT (for example) and the users post code could be CM2 7ZN. My initial thoughts are to store the addresses and post codes of all the CAB's in a table but how do I compare those values and be accurate? The website company I work for have a similar functionality where we display certain things depending on user's post code so it is a fully post code driven site and I know our developer was coding a longitude and latitude script to determine this. Is that the only way to be accurate or would there be an easier solution or even a better one? Kind regards, L2c.
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