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  1. Dear PHP freaks, At this moment I am busy for my company to make a system that will run without human input. You define a powerpoint show(.pps) and run it on fullscreen, that is on a big 32" lcd screen. The problem is, I have my video working, but it just won't run in fullscreen automatically, whatever I try to do. I am using IE 8. I got a .ppt working, but it just won't run a .pps This is my code; <html> <head> <title>PPT with PHP</title> </head> <body> <?php //*** Font Color ***// $wdColorLightGreen = "&HCCFFCC"; $wdColorBlue = "&HFF0000"; $ppApp = new COM("PowerPoint.Application"); $strPath = realpath(basename(getenv($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]))); // C:/AppServ/www/myphp $ppApp->Visible = True; $ppDoc = "dave2.ppt"; $ppName = "MyPP/MyPPt.ppt"; $ppPres = $ppApp->Presentations->Open(realpath($ppDoc)); echo"Je powerpoint wordt geopend en afgespeeld"; echo"Een ogenblik geduld"; ?> </body> </html> But i want this to run a .pps. Powerpoint Slide Show. When i change all the .ppt to .pps, it certainly does not work. If you guys could help me, it would be great. Greetings from Holland. Dave
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