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Hi ~ I am having problems with the below code switching our 11 different full-HTML themes to our one mobile theme. The code in black was what we had initially, and I added the code that I have bolded red. I'm guessing I probably just have stuff in the wrong order, because I am quite new to PHP, but not really sure. Any insight and assistance would be greatly appreciated. function settheme() { $theme = 'default'; $theme_param = getUrlParm('theme'); if ($theme_param) { $theme_param = strtolower($theme_param); } $theme_session = $this->CI->session->getSessionData('theme'); if ($theme_param) { $theme = $theme_param; } else { if ($theme_session) { $theme = $theme_session; } if (($theme = "euf/assets/themes/$theme") && array_key_exists($theme, $CI->themes->setTheme())) { setcookie('theme', $setTheme, 0, '/'); $CI->themes->setTheme($theme); } elseif (((strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'iphone', 'Android', 'webOS', 'ipad', 'Blackberry') != false)) && ($theme = "euf/assets/themes/mobile") && array_key_exists($theme, $CI->themes->setTheme())) { $theme = "/euf/assets/themes/mobile"; $CI->themes->setTheme($theme); } elseif (($setTheme = $_COOKIE['theme']) && ($theme = "euf/assets/themes/$theme") && array_key_exists($theme, $CI->themes->setTheme())) { $theme = "/euf/assets/themes/$theme"; $CI->themes->setTheme($theme); } if ($theme !== $theme_session) { $this->CI->session->setSessionData(array('theme' => $theme)); } $CI =& get_instance(); if ($theme) { $theme = "/euf/assets/themes/$theme"; $CI->themes->setTheme($theme); } } }