Hi there,
I am having an issue protecting sub-folders within sub-folders with PHP.
I have been protecting pages with only short directories (doing fine), but now I am wanting to protect new directories with a number of sub-directories and that is where I am having troubles.
NOTE: Links below are like this as they shorting on this site making it hard for you's to view then understand what I'm talking about.
PHP Login Script Location: mydomain. com/login/free/main.php
Works Fine -
Pages Protected: mydomain. com/login/free/members/free.php
Does not work -
Wanting Pages Protected: mydomain .com/login/free/members/free/archive/directory/2008.php
(and branched out from there)
This is the code I use on tops of all my pages, but the long one's do not work...
if(!$session->logged_in){ header("Location: ..../main.php"); } else {
<!-- -->
Only "../" works, not "..../" or "....../".
Can anyone tell me why this is the case and what I am doing wrong.