I am using rawurlencode for my urls, like this:
$price = 100;
$product = "Ipad 5";
$url = "";
$url .= "&Price=$price";
$url .= "&Product=$product";
$encodedUrl = rawurlencode($url);
when clicking on this URL … :
<a href="URLencode-recieve.php?rawEncodedLink=<?php echo $encodedUrl; ?>">rawUrlEncode Link</a>
… it takes you to a page that has this coding:
$encodedUrl = trim($_GET["rawEncodedLink"]);
$decodedUrl = rawurldecode($encodedUrl);
Both the $encodedUrl and $decodeUrl variables above have these values: &Price=100&Product=Ipad 5.
However the GET method is NOT pulling the Price value from the parameter in the URL
$price = trim($_GET["Price"]);
echo "Price variable: " . $price; // this price variable is empty when echoing it.