Ok , there is an issue with the rotten tomatoes API , It gives developers the ability to set a limit of movies to return from the API from a specific category , like the movies in the box office are pulled dynamically, but when I set the limit to 50 , or even 10 movies , it only returns an array containing 3 movies instead of 10 or 50 or whatever the limit of movies is in the API call ... What could be causing that ? is there maybe something wrong with the way I am using the file_get_contents function
$box_office_movies = file_get_contents('http://api.rottentomatoes.com/api/public/v1.0/lists/movies/box_office.json?limit=50&country=us&apikey=[key]',FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH);
$box_office_movies = json_decode($box_office_movies, true);
var_dump($box_office_movies); // returns only 3 movies ..