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  1. Hi, I have a quick question, just want to make sure I don't screw anything up before I do it. case "article": // single article item $sqlart = "SELECT * FROM Articles WHERE Article_ID = ".$_GET["id"]; $resultart = mysql_query($sqlart, $dbc); $rowart = mysql_fetch_array($resultart); $title = "mixrevu.com - Article: ".$rowart["Article_Title"]; $description = substr(strip_tags($rowart["Article_Story"]),0,100)."..."; break; case "article2": // single audio blog item $sqlart = "SELECT * FROM Articles2 WHERE Article2_ID = ".$_GET["id"]; $resultart = mysql_query($sqlart, $dbc); $rowart = mysql_fetch_array($resultart); $title = "mixrevu.com - Audio Blog: ".$rowart["Article2_Title"]; $description = substr(strip_tags($rowart["Article2_Story"]),0,100)."..."; break; As you can see above, my meta titles are displayed as ( mixrevu.com - Article " title of article is pulled here") but I want the article title to be displayed like this "title of article is pulled here" : Article - mixrevu.com. **So I just want to swap the order** Is it ok for me to swap the code on the $title line like ".$rowart["Article_Title"] :Article - mixrevu.com ????? Would I screw anything up? The question goes for "article single item and article2. If I am reading the code correctly the $sqlart to $rowart section is where the instructions are giving on what is what and the $title, $description is where I can acutally make the changes. Would I have to do anything to the inital $sqlart section????? Thanks for your help, -ivantw
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