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  1. I am trying to pull only today's item from a couple different RSS feeds. One site posts a few months in advance. I would like to display the post for today only (actually, I'd like to get the mp3 out of the link in the post for today and play it) Have been messing with rssreader.php with zero luck (this is by far the deepest I have ever gotten into php code) Snippet I have been messing with class newsStory{ var $title=""; var $link=""; var $description=""; var $pubdate=""; function show(){ $pubdate_ts = strtotime($pubdate); $today_ts = strtotime($today); { if ($pubdate_ts <= $today_ts) { echo "<dt><a href=\"$this->link\">$this->title</a><br>$this->pubdate</dt>\n"; } } } } Entire file <?php /* File: rssreader.php */ //classes follow // Generic container for the complete RSS feed class rssFeed{ var $title=""; var $copyright=""; var $description=""; var $image; var $stories=array(); var $url=""; var $xml=""; var $link=""; var $error=""; var $maxstories=0; // public methods function parse(){ $parser=xml_parser_create(); xml_set_element_handler($parser, "startElement", "endElement"); xml_set_character_data_handler($parser, "characterData"); xml_parse($parser, $this->xml, true) or die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d", xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($parser)), xml_get_current_line_number($parser))); xml_parser_free($parser); } function showLink(){ if($this->link) print "<a href=\"$this->link\">$this->link</a>\n"; } function showStories(){ echo "<dl>\n"; $n=0; foreach($this->stories as $story){ $n++; if ($this->maxstories && $n>$this->maxstories) break; $story->show(); } echo "</dl>\n"; } // Methods used internally // Constructor: Expects one string parameter that is the URI of the RSS feed function rssFeed($uri=''){ $this->image=new rssImage(); if($uri){ $this->url=$uri; $this->getFeed(); } else { $this->error="No URL for RSS feed"; } } // Retrieves the XML from the RSS supplier function getFeed(){ // if we have a URL if ($this->url){ if (extension_loaded('curl')) { $this->xml=$this->getRemoteFile($this->url); } } } function getRemoteFile($url){ $s=new gwSocket(); if($s->getUrl($url)){ if(is_array($s->headers)){ $h=array_change_key_case($s->headers, CASE_LOWER); if($s->error) // failed to connect with host $buffer=$this->errorReturn($s->error); elseif(preg_match("/404/",$h['status'])) // page not found $buffer=$this->errorReturn("Page Not Found"); elseif(preg_match("/xml/i",$h['content-type'])) // got XML back $buffer=$s->page; else // got a page, but wrong content type $buffer=$this->errorReturn("The server did not return XML. The content type returned was ".$h['content-type']); } else { $buffer=$this->errorReturn("An unknown error occurred."); } }else{ $buffer=$this->errorReturn("An unknown error occurred."); } return $buffer; } function errorReturn($error){ $retVal="<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n". "<rss version=\"2.0\">\n". "\t<channel>\n". "\t\t<title>Failed to Get RSS Data</title>\n". "\t\t<description>An error was ecnountered attempting to get the RSS data: $error</description>\n". "\t\t<pubdate>".date("D, d F Y")."</pubdate>\n". "\t\t<lastbuilddate>".date("D, d F Y H:i:s T")."</lastbuilddate>\n". "\t</channel>\n". "</rss>\n"; return $retVal; } function addStory($o){ if(is_object($o)) $this->stories[]=$o; else $this->error="Type mismatach: expected object"; } } class rssImage{ var $title=""; var $url=""; var $link=""; var $width=0; var $height=0; function show($align=""){ if($this->url){ if($this->link) print "<a href=\"$this->link\">"; print "<img src=\"$this->url\" style=\"border:none;\""; if($this->title) print " alt=\"$this->title\""; if($this->width) print " width=\"$this->width\" height=\"$this->height\""; if($align) print " align=\"$align\""; print ">"; if($this->link) print "</a>"; } } } class newsStory{ var $title=""; var $link=""; var $description=""; var $pubdate=""; function show(){ $pubdate_ts = strtotime($pubdate); $today_ts = strtotime($today); { if ($pubdate_ts <= $today_ts) { echo "<dt><a href=\"$this->link\">$this->title</a><br>$this->pubdate</dt>\n"; } } } } class gwSocket{ var $Name="gwSocket"; var $Version="0.1"; var $userAgent="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"; var $headers; var $page=""; var $result=""; var $redirects=0; var $maxRedirects=3; var $error=""; function getUrl( $url ) { $retVal=""; $url_parsed = parse_url($url); $scheme = $url_parsed["scheme"]; $host = $url_parsed["host"]; $port = $url_parsed["port"]?$url_parsed["port"]:"80"; $user = $url_parsed["user"]; $pass = $url_parsed["pass"]; $path = $url_parsed["path"]?$url_parsed["path"]:"/"; $query = $url_parsed["query"]; $anchor = $url_parsed["fragment"]; if (!empty($host)){ // attempt to open the socket if($fp = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 2)){ $path .= $query?"?$query":""; $path .= $anchor?"$anchor":""; // this is the request we send to the host $out = "GET $path ". "HTTP/1.0\r\n". "Host: $host\r\n". "Connection: Close\r\n". "User-Agent: $this->userAgent\r\n"; if($user) $out .= "Authorization: Basic ". base64_encode("$user:$pass")."\r\n"; $out .= "\r\n"; fputs($fp, $out); while (!feof($fp)) { $retVal.=fgets($fp, 128); } fclose($fp); } else { $this->error="Failed to make connection to host.";//$errstr; } $this->result=$retVal; $this->headers=$this->parseHeaders(trim(substr($retVal,0,strpos($retVal,"\r\n\r\n")))); $this->page=trim(stristr($retVal,"\r\n\r\n"))."\n"; if(isset($this->headers['Location'])){ $this->redirects++; if($this->redirects<$this->maxRedirects){ $location=$this->headers['Location']; $this->headers=array(); $this->result=""; $this->page=""; $this->getUrl($location); } } } return (!$retVal=""); } function parseHeaders($s){ $h=preg_split("/[\r\n]/",$s); foreach($h as $i){ $i=trim($i); if(strstr($i,":")){ list($k,$v)=explode(":",$i); $hdr[$k]=substr(stristr($i,":"),2); }else{ if(strlen($i)>3) $hdr[]=$i; } } if(isset($hdr[0])){ $hdr['Status']=$hdr[0]; unset($hdr[0]); } return $hdr; } } /* end of classes - global functions follow */ function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) { global $insideitem, $tag, $isimage; $tag = $name; if($name=="IMAGE") $isimage=true; if ($name == "ITEM") { $insideitem = true; } } function endElement($parser, $name) { global $insideitem, $title, $description, $link, $pubdate, $stories, $rss, $globaldata, $isimage; $globaldata=trim($globaldata); // if we're finishing a news item if ($name == "ITEM") { // create a new news story object $story=new newsStory(); // assign the title, link, description and publication date $story->title=trim($title); $story->link=trim($link); $story->description=trim($description); $story->pubdate=trim($pubdate); // add it to our array of stories $rss->addStory($story); // reset our global variables $title = ""; $description = ""; $link = ""; $pubdate = ""; $insideitem = false; } else { switch($name){ case "TITLE": if(!$isimage) if(!$insideitem) $rss->title=$globaldata; break; case "LINK": if(!$insideitem) $rss->link=$globaldata; break; case "COPYRIGHT": if(!$insideitem) $rss->copyright=$globaldata; break; case "DESCRIPTION": if(!$insideitem) $rss->description=$globaldata; break; } } if($isimage){ switch($name){ case "TITLE": $rss->image->title=$globaldata;break; case "URL": $rss->image->url=$globaldata;break; case "LINK": $rss->image->link=$globaldata;break; case "WIDTH": $rss->image->width=$globaldata;break; case "HEIGHT": $rss->image->height=$globaldata;break; } } if($name=="IMAGE") $isimage=false; $globaldata=""; } function characterData($parser, $data) { global $insideitem, $tag, $title, $description, $link, $pubdate, $globaldata; if ($insideitem) { switch ($tag) { case "TITLE": $title .= $data; break; case "DESCRIPTION": $description .= $data; break; case "LINK": $link .= $data; break; case "PUBDATE": case "DC:DATE": $pubdate .= $data; break; } } else { $globaldata.=$data; } } ?>
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