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  1. Hello, So I have a script which is basically a quizish thing. I have an admin panel where I introduce questions and I select the correct answers. Also, I am able to select multiple correct answers if that is needed. Now what is the problem. I have a question with 4 choices and I want to make 2 choices correct. The choices are A, B, C, D. If I set B,C as correct, it's ok, after I save the question those are set to be the correct choices. If I set B, D it's ok again, after saving the question, the correct choices are saved. Now, if I want to set A, B as the correct choices, after saving it's saved only B. However, if I set A,D or A,C, the choices are saved. It seems like there is a conflict between setting correct choices A, B. After saving only B is there. Here is a demo of the script, of the admin panel: http://stilbarbatesc.ro/ap/admin user: demo pass: demo After entering please go to "Intrebari" and after that choose "PROF.LEG.RUT - INSTRUCTORI AUTO" (it's at the end of the first list) After choosing "PROF.LEG.RUT - INSTRUCTORI AUTO" you will see bellow the questions of this test. Just go on whatever question you want and try setting the correct choices (Varianta corecta) A and B. Save that and go back to the question, you will see that only B got saved. Here is also a snippet of the code, maybe will help. <?php $target = "../files/img_intrebari/"; if(empty($_GET['pagina'])) {$_GET['pagina'] = 'adauga-intrebare';} if(empty($_GET['id'])) { $teste = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM teste where test_tip='parinte' order by test_nume limit 1"); } else { $teste = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM teste where test_id='$_GET[id]'"); } while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($teste)) { $_GET['id'] = $row['test_id']; if($row['test_numar_variante'] == 'Doar o varianta') { $test_numar_variante = 'radio'; $test_numar_variante_a = 'int_var_cor_a'; $test_numar_variante_b = 'int_var_cor_a'; $test_numar_variante_c = 'int_var_cor_a'; $test_numar_variante_d = 'int_var_cor_a'; $test_numar_variante_e = 'int_var_cor_a'; $test_numar_variante_n = 'int_var_cor_a'; } elseif($row['test_numar_variante'] == 'Toate variantele') { $test_numar_variante = 'checkbox'; $test_numar_variante_a = 'int_var_cor_a'; $test_numar_variante_b = 'int_var_cor_b'; $test_numar_variante_c = 'int_var_cor_c'; $test_numar_variante_d = 'int_var_cor_d'; $test_numar_variante_e = 'int_var_cor_e'; $test_numar_variante_n = 'int_var_cor_n'; } } if(isset($_POST['adauga']) or isset($_POST['salveaza'])) { $intrebare = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['intrebare']); $intrebare_var_a = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['intrebare_var_a']); $intrebare_var_b = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['intrebare_var_b']); $intrebare_var_c = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['intrebare_var_c']); $intrebare_var_d = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['intrebare_var_d']); $intrebare_var_e = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['intrebare_var_e']); $variante = ''; if(!empty($_POST['int_var_cor_a'])) {$variante = $variante.$_POST['int_var_cor_a'].',';} if(!empty($_POST['int_var_cor_b'])) {$variante = $variante.$_POST['int_var_cor_b'].',';} if(!empty($_POST['int_var_cor_c'])) {$variante = $variante.$_POST['int_var_cor_c'].',';} if(!empty($_POST['int_var_cor_d'])) {$variante = $variante.$_POST['int_var_cor_d'].',';} if(!empty($_POST['int_var_cor_e'])) {$variante = $variante.$_POST['int_var_cor_e'].',';} if(!empty($_POST['int_var_cor_n'])) {$variante = $variante.$_POST['int_var_cor_n'].',';} $intrebare_var_cor = substr($variante,0,-1); $intrebare_test_id = $_GET['id']; if(empty($intrebare)) { $_SESSION['mesaj-e'] = 'Intrebarea contine prea putine caractere !'; redirect(); } if(empty($intrebare_var_a) and empty($intrebare_var_b) and empty($intrebare_var_c) and empty($intrebare_var_d) and empty($intrebare_var_e)) { $_SESSION['mesaj-e'] = 'Variantele de raspuns nu contin caractere ! Este necesara cel pul o varianta de raspuns !'; redirect(); } if(empty($intrebare_var_cor)) { $_SESSION['mesaj-e'] = 'Nu a fost selectata nici o varianta corecta !'; redirect(); } if(isset($_POST['adauga'])) { $insert = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `intrebari` (intrebare,intrebare_var_a,intrebare_var_b,intrebare_var_c,intrebare_var_d,intrebare_var_e,intrebare_var_cor,intrebare_test_id) values ('$intrebare','$intrebare_var_a','$intrebare_var_b','$intrebare_var_c','$intrebare_var_d','$intrebare_var_e','$intrebare_var_cor','$intrebare_test_id')"); } elseif(isset($_POST['salveaza'])) { $insert = mysql_query("UPDATE `intrebari` SET intrebare='$intrebare',intrebare_var_a='$intrebare_var_a',intrebare_var_b='$intrebare_var_b',intrebare_var_c='$intrebare_var_c',intrebare_var_d='$intrebare_var_d',intrebare_var_e='$intrebare_var_e',intrebare_var_cor='$intrebare_var_cor',intrebare_test_id='$intrebare_test_id' where intrebare_id='$_GET[pagina]'"); } if($insert) { if(isset($_POST['adauga'])) { $verificare = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `intrebari` order by `intrebare_id` DESC LIMIT 1"); while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($verificare) ) {$_POST['intrebare_id'] = $row['intrebare_id'];} } elseif(isset($_POST['salveaza'])) { $_POST['intrebare_id'] = $_GET['pagina']; } $imagine = $target.str_replace(basename($_FILES['imagine']['name']),$_POST['intrebare_id'].'.png',basename($_FILES['imagine']['name'])); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['imagine']['tmp_name'], $imagine); if(isset($_POST['adauga'])) { $_SESSION['mesaj-s'] = 'Intrebarea a fost adaugata !'; } elseif(isset($_POST['salveaza'])) { $_SESSION['mesaj-s'] = 'Datele intrebarii s-au salvat !'; } } else {die(mysql_error()); $_SESSION['mesaj-e'] = 'A avut loc o eroare !';} redirect(); } if(!empty($_GET['sterge'])) { if(unlink($_GET['sterge'])) { $_SESSION['mesaj-s'] = 'Imaginea a fost stearsa !'; } else { $_SESSION['mesaj-e'] = 'A avut loc o eroare !'; } redirect_action(); } if(isset($_POST['sterge'])){ $_GET['actiune'] = 'sterge-intrebare'; } if(!empty($_GET['confirm']) and $_GET['confirm'] == 'da') { $delete = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `intrebari` where intrebare_id='$_GET[pagina]'"); if($delete) { unlink($target.$_GET['pagina'].'.png'); $_SESSION['mesaj-s'] = 'Intrebarea a fost stearsa !'; } else { $_SESSION['mesaj-e'] = 'A avut loc o eroare !'; } redirect_page(); } ?>
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