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  1. Hi guys !! If ever a guys was confused, I am today, having read sessions and security and realizing nothing is secure with sessions. There is no such thing as absolute security in sessions and login scripts. So today I read about about the common types of attacks - especially session fixing. This is what I could make ( I think I must have understood just about 15% of it ) out and I have some questions accordingly which I'll be glad to have sorted by the Gurus here !! 1. Sessions fixation involves there being a Session_ID stored either as cookie, sent as a URL or as a hidden field. The cookie being the most secure yet prone to maximum tampering. ( ironic - that's what the article said). Not withstanding the other hazards, I would like to question what if i designed a login session using only sessions and not involving any cookies or URL or hidden fields, how secure would that be against session fixation? I hope there's nothing stupid about that statement. I just want to know if that prevents session fixation. I think that's all I want to know for now and will come out with other questions as and when I proceed on this issue and read more. Thanks very much.
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