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  1. Hello, I want to grab some data from this site, using a script. But I am stuck right at the beginning. If you go to the site, you can make a selection with the drop-down-boxes and get some output. For example if you select (left side: text on page in dutch / right side: translation in english): Selecteer competitienaam: Najaarscompetitie 2014 Select league name: Autumn League 2014 Selecteer competitiegroep: Eredivisie dames Select league group: Eredivisie ladies Selecteer weergave: Programma (incl. uitslagen en stand) Select view: Program (including results and position) Optioneel poule filter: De Treffers R Optional group filter: De Treffers R Selecteer poule(s): Eredivisie - Poule A Select group(s): Premier League - Group A I want to grab the output you get after making all the selections. When I look at the webbrowser's page source the selections (drop-down-boxes) are inside an iframe from another domain: <iframe src="http://www.nttb-competitie.nl/" width="100%" height="1200" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0" name="NTTB_Competitie"></iframe> I figured out: First, the script gets url: http://www.nttb-competitie.nl/selectie.php?anr=0 And after last selection it gets url: http://www.nttb-competitie.nl/web_programma.php?reset=0&pidString=1009267&sc=0&vastgesteldeAfdelingsnr=0&cnid=10085&cid=10704&view=programma&pf=1269&pid=1009267 My problem is when I copy those URL's in a webbroser 's address bar, I get a page with only the words: Ongeldige aanroep! Which means "Invalid Call!" So my question is: How can I grab the data instead of this stupid message? Is it even possible or is it somehow protected? Please help!
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