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  1. Hi.. I've hit a wall that I cannot seem to overcome - and I don't know what to do about it because I can't even really accurately describe the problem (but I'll try). It seems to me that the only way to progress beyond a certain point, requires you to have a deeper understanding of operating systems and servers and hypervisors etc. Stuff that goes wayyy beyond doing a bit of PHP and Javascript. It's frustrating because I'm at that place and I can't get my head around it all. It's too vast! I really want to stop using MAMP and progress on to things like VirtualBox and Vagrant. The primary reason for doing this is that I am really keen to use a PHP Framework called Laravel. But all the documentation I see tells me that I need to use something called composer to install it. Composer is a dependancy manager (I'm not sure what dependancies are, really) but in order to do that I need a virtual server because I don't think I want all this on my physical machine. In order to get a virtual server I think I need a virtual operating system. I think. So I have tried to install VirtualBox and I just want to sling my laptop out of the f***ing window to be perfectly honest. It's not working. And even if it did work I wouldn't be able to tell. So.. I'm clearly just venting here. There is no question. If there was a question it would be.... How can I just learn enough to get by?
  2. Hostinc is a place where you will find all your web service requirements. The platform provides you high quality servers including the most popular gaming servers. The company is not only restricted to one type of servers but also provides different hosting services with different licenses. All our servers are made with keeping quality at the priority. Our plans come with 99.9% Uptime, affordability and security. We cater needs of every industry whether it is an ecommerce store or a blogging website or anything else. We are a reliable firm working since 2017. We have numerous satisfied customers with us. Dedicated Server Hosting Features:- ➤ Premium Network ➤ SSD / HDD ➤ Quality Technical Assistance ➤ High Performing Server ➤ Best 256 IP ➤ 99.95% Uptime Pricing - 1. ➤ 16 GB RAM ➤ Intel Xeon E3-1240 v3 GHz ➤ 1TB SATA HDD/500 GB SSD ➤ 8x Threads @ 3.40 GHz with HT ➤ 1Gbps Network Port ➤ /24 IPv4 Allocation - 256 Usable IPs ➤ 30 TB Monthly Transfer $300.00/Mo - Order Now 2. ➤ 16 GB RAM ➤ Intel Xeon E3-1240 v3 GHz ➤ 1TB SATA HDD/500 GB SSD ➤ 8x Threads @ 3.40 GHz with HT ➤ 1Gbps Network Port ➤ /23 IPv4 Allocation - 512 Usable IPs ➤ 30 TB Monthly Transfer $600.00/Mo -Order Now 3. ➤ 16 GB RAM ➤ Intel Xeon E3-1240 v3 GHz ➤ 1TB SATA HDD/500 GB SSD ➤ 8x Threads @ 3.40 GHz with HT ➤ 1Gbps Network Port ➤ 30 TB Monthly Transfer $1290.00/Mo -Order Now Our Location - 41, Balaji Ramji Building, Bldg, Bhuleshwar Road, Marine Lines East, Panjarpole, Kalbadevi, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400002 Our Contacts: Email- Sales@hostinc.in Facebook Twitter Linkedin
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