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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, i'm new to this forum, and no coder at all, but i need some help in creating a filter in woocommerce. i was trying to set a filter that would wide the cash-on-delivery payment when the costumer selects a specific shipping zone.(for out-of-town deliveries). I'm using the Table Rates Plug-in I was looking at this code (https://github.com/woothemes/woocommerce/issues/1499) at the answer by maxrice, but i can't adapt it to suite my needs, My zone_id to exclude cod payment is table_rate-3 Thanks in advance
  2. Hello, I'm using the StorePress theme with WordPress. This theme uses the MyCart extension to create a PHP based shopping cart. I need a non-standard shipping calculator. I have already coded the file that will calculate the shipping cost, but it needs to grab the total weight of all products in the shopping cart automatically and store it into a variable. My question is how can I extract the weight of the product in the shopping cart, sum the total weight if there is more than one product, and store that into a variable. Please note I am still in the learning process when it comes to PHP. Attachements: Mycart.php - The main file that creates and configures Mycart. OrderWeight.php - This is one of the configuration options that will calculate the total shipping cost based on ordered weight tiers Essentially it compares the weight of the product to a tiered list and then returns its shipping cost. Shipping.php - The core shipping model. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Virat Mycart.php OrderWeight.php Shipping.php
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