I need to create a main portal/front page that allows user to login into the main page. Then from there they can login into other system automatically. All the other system are in php but might be using different frameworks. I'm sure whether I conveyed what I needed, but an example is like Google, I set Google Search as my main page. When I sign in to the page, from there I can go into GMail, GPlus, Youtube, Maps etc without signing in again
So basically I need a system/portal where I can
1) manage user logins
2) single login/authentication to other system module (something like Google)
3) have basic functions like a notice board and form submissions
4) and of cource in PHP
I'm currently looking at Joomla (first time exploring it), but I'm not sure whether this or other CMS can handle this. Or maybe not CMS but other kind of system for this kind of need.