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  1. Title: Software Developer Support Lead About Us: We are a small, rapidly growing software company based in Wilmington, NC. Our mission is simple: help companies, cities, and school systems save money in bulk fuel acquisition and managing their fleets of vehicles. We are in the fuel industry and we want transparency. We have a diligent, diverse team, which enjoys challenges and the joy of extracting our best in our daily work life. Who We Are Seeking: A charismatic individual to serve as a first line of defense for our software team's most valuable product. Ideally you would be happiest when making others happy, especially as it relates to solving elusive problems in code, or logic in a large, web application. If you have high expectations of your work, and that of others, and seek to solve problems at their core, this will be a good fit for you. We strive to deal with difficult problems today so that tomorrow will be a better place. About The Position: You will be the primary point of contact between our Operations and Development teams--this means you will have to help refine problems, research code, develop and apply rock-solid solutions, and work well with others in the process. In short, you will be coding, but you will also plan, weighing many potential outcomes, and test the result. You will need to know Linux, MVC frameworks, PHP, MSSQL/MySQL and have a desire to learn: both about technology and from our experiences. General: B.S. in Computer Science, or comparable comfortable in PHP, MySQL/MSSQL, Javascript, jQuery familiarity with any web framework (Yii experience preferred) excellent communication skills explain what is on your mind: with words, pictures, metaphors, UML, etc. 1 or more years of experience desired Helpful Characteristics: daily user of Linux (Arch, Fedora, CentOS, for example) familiarity with vim, tmux personality traits which would be helpful methodical in nature willingness to learn desire to please re-enforcing standards, rather than "just get the job done" ability to work with a team "Pair Programming" is a daily practice regular code reviews group project planning plan first, act later asking questions is considered a strength highly communicative in nature work with Operations Team to refine the actual problem determine the source of the problem propose solution to Software Architect implement a solution Please email résumé and cover sheet to development@goenergies.com.
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