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  1. I am refactoring a class that has multiple responsibilities. After reading Single_responsibility_principle, I am still not sure, how to factor out the class into its aspects. The methods of the class are (summarized): class constructor Calculate {General, A, B} Convert {General, A, B} Load {General, C, D} Save {General, C, D} By General I mean i.e. load() function that can load A or B or both depending on the circumstances, and by A or B I mean more specific loadA(), or loadB(). My specific questions in regards to SRP is: Do `load()` and `save()` belong to different classes, because they can in theory change at different times for different reasons, or can/should I put them into the same class, because loading/saving can be considered as "database operations" and if one changes so *may* the other, i.e. adding a new attribute to whatever is being saved/loaded? How do I organize the classes anyway? i.e. something like this? class CalculateGeneral() {}; class CalculateA() extends CalculateGeneral {}; class CalculateB() extends CalculateGeneral {}; class ConvertGeneral() {}; class ConvertA() extends ConvertGeneral {}; class ConvertB() extends ConvertGeneral {}; class LoadSaveGeneral() {}; class LoadC() extends LoadSaveGeneral{}; class LoadD() extends LoadSaveGeneral{}; Woah that's 9 classes out of 1 that it is now..
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