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  1. Ok, I am new to this forum, and also new to php, so apologies in advance if I have posted this in the wrong forum, or of it has been answered previously (although I did search prior to posting). The setup I have is running windows xp, using activemq, STOMP and php. I have installed activemq , and started it running, this would appear to be confirmed by the fact that I can see it in Internet explorer. I have downloaded STOMP and as I am unsure how to insert a link to a library in the php code, I have put everything in the one directory (editing the STOMP files where they specify a sub directory). When i run the sample php code, it does not have the desired effect, but generates the following in the IE screen :- connect(); // send a message to the queue $con->send("/queue/test", "test"); echo "Sent message with body 'test'\n"; // subscribe to the queue $con->subscribe("/queue/test"); // receive a message from the queue $msg = $con->readFrame(); // do what you want with the message if ( $msg != null) { echo "Received message with body '$msg->body'\n"; // mark the message as received in the queue $con->ack($msg); } else { echo "Failed to receive a message\n"; } // disconnect $con->disconnect(); ?> I have tried numerous things to get this to work, without success. I am sure it is something simple, once you know. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
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