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  1. I want to create in html textbox named b and php code which gets email from it with $_POST. Unfortunately as setBcc is used as an array and I cannot convince php to get emails from this textbox. This is the code of php: [code] <?php require_once 'lib/swift_required.php'; $transport = Swift_MailTransport::newInstance(); $message = Swift_Message::newInstance(); $message->setTo(array( "manlaughin@interia.pl" => "Nightbitch" )); $message->setBcc(array('email1@gmail.com', 'email2.gmail.com', 'email3@gmail.com')); $tekst = 'OK'; $message->setSubject("Funkcjonalnoƛci: 3 kategorie, zasady komentarzy"); $message->setBody($tekst,'text/html'); $message->setFrom("no-reply@admin.allegro.pl", "Allegro.pl"); // Send the email $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport); $mailer->send($message);[/code] and this is the line I want to setup with $_POST: [code] $message->setBcc(array('email1@gmail.com', 'email2.gmail.com', 'email3@gmail.com'));[/code] Of course I paste email in the textbox with all necessary letters like inside the array. All I have is this error after replacing emails in an array with $_POST: [code] Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /home/a7018175/public_html/mail2.php on line 10[/code] I was using mail() function earlier, but it didn't send alot of emails to my newsletter users ... so I decided to switch to this class. Any idea how to $_POST emails from textarea in my case, so that swiftmailer could send message to all? I storage emails as Bcc field instead of always uploading changed file with new emails? $message->setBcc(array('email1@gmail.com', 'email2.gmail.com', 'email3@gmail.com'));[/code] Thanks alot. This is the first time I learn php, something I couldn't have done without you.
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