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  1. Thank you in advance... 1) I have a directory called /construct/ located here above web root: /home/xxxx/construct/ 2) I have the /construct/ directory symlinked to multiple subdomains so the path looks like so: /home/xxxx/public_html/sampleaccount/construct/ (wherein 'sampleaccount' is a subdomain) *NOTE: All directories and files in each subdomain are identical except for a few account-specific customization files. 3) /construct/ contains files that use <?php include ?> to pull-in content files from a directory called /bodyCopy/ which is located inside every subdomain account. For example: <?php include("/bodyCopy/copy-content.php"); ?> ..is intended to point to a file here... /home/xxxx/public_html/sampleaccount/bodyCopy/copy-content.php The issue that I am having is that the PHP Include file is trying to search here: /home/xxxx/construct/bodyCopy/ (which does not exist) ...instead of here... /home/xxxx/public_html/sampleaccount/bodyCopy/ (which does exist) ...for this file... copy-content.php I read somewhere that symlinked files are not capable of following relative paths in the directories to which they are symlinked. Even so, I have symlinked FCKEditor/CKEditor to subdomain accounts been able to pull copy-content.php files into it which are specific to its subdomain account. Is there a way to eloquently force or command the PHP Include (within the symlinked files) to search the /bodyCopy/ directory within the target subdomain(s) instead of the source directory above web root? Once again, I thank you all in advance for any assistance that you can provide. --JET--
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