Hi all
Trying to use a timeago function, however for a date and time for today of 2016-07-02 16:41:48 it is showing at 46 years ago.
below is the function
function ago($timestamp)
$diff = time() - (int)$timestamp;
//echo $diff;
if ($diff == 0)
return 'just now';
$intervals = array
1 => array('year', 31556926),
$diff < 31556926 => array('month', 2628000),
$diff < 2629744 => array('week', 604800),
$diff < 604800 => array('day', 86400),
$diff < 86400 => array('hour', 3600),
$diff < 3600 => array('minute', 60),
$diff < 60 => array('second', 1)
$value = floor($diff/$intervals[1][1]);
return $value.' '.$intervals[1][0].($value > 1 ? 's' : '').' ago';
and this is how I am displaying it
echo '<span class="timeAgo">'.ago($row['date_time']).'</span>';