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  1. Hi i tried to fix something but ended up screwing something up.Ive got a problem and i dont know how to fix it. Down here u can see the code. the error im getting is "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file." Could someone please help me? Syntax: [ Download ] [ Hide ] [ Select ] [ Expand ] <?php phpinfo(); ?> <?php /* Template Name: Home page */ get_header(); if(have_posts()){ while(have_posts()){ the_post(); $title=get_the_title(); $pageId=get_the_ID(); $subtitle=get_post_meta($pageId, 'subtitle_value', true); $slider=get_post_meta($pageId, 'slider_value', true); include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/page-header.php'); ?> <div id="content-container" class="center"> <!--content--> <?php the_content(); { } ?> <?php for($i=1; $i<=3; $i++){ $suf=$i==3?'-3':''; } ?> <div class="services-box three-columns<?php echo $suf; ?>"> <h4><span><?php echo get_opt('_home_box_title'.$i); ?></span></h4> <?php echo get_opt('_home_box_desc'.$i); ?> <br/> <img src="<?php echo get_opt('_home_box_icon'.$i); ?>" alt="img" /> <a href="<?php echo get_opt('_home_box_btn_link'.$i); ?>" class="button"><span><?php echo get_opt('_home_box_btn_text'.$i); ?></span></a> </div> </div> <?php get_footer(); ?>
  2. what is wrong with this code? on my server is giving error:Parse error: syntax error, unexpected end of file in C:\xampp\htdocs\postador\cont\f_int.php on line 131 my code is: <?php if (!isset($_POST['cat_forum'])){ require_once("include/forum_id.php"); } else { if (file_exists("./xml/usuarios/id_{$id}.xml")){ // Carregando configurações XML $config = simplexml_load_file("./xml/usuarios/id_{$id}.xml"); }?> <form id="g_filme" action="index.php?act=filme_ret" method="post" onsubmit="return AutoValidar.valida(this);"> <dl class="c-flutuante"><dt>Dados do Filme</dt> <dd id="dados-left"> <input name="forum_id" type="hidden" id="forum_id" value="<?php echo "{$_POST['forum_id']}";?>" /> <label for="nome">Nome:</label> <input name="nome" type="text" id="nome" class="requerido" /> <label for="original">Nome Original:</label> <input name="original" type="text" id="original" class="requerido" /> <label for="ano">Ano Lançamento:</label> <input name="ano" type="text" id="ano" class="requerido" /> <label for="duracao">Tempo Duração:</label> <input name="duracao" type="text" id="duracao" class="requerido" /> <label for="idioma_audio">Idioma do Áudio</label> <select name="idioma_audio" class="requerido" id="idioma_audio"> <option value="Selecione">Selecione</option> <option value="Inglês">Inglês</option> <option value="Português">Português</option> <option value="Espanhol">Espanhol</option> <option value="Japonês">Japonês</option> <option value="Francês">Francês</option> <option value="Dual Áudio">Dual Áudio</option> <option value="Outro">Outro</option> </select> <label for="tamanho">Tamanho</label> <input name="tamanho" type="text" class="requerido" id="tamanho" /> <label for="poster">Pôster</label> <input name="poster" type="text" class="requerido" id="poster" value="http://" /> <label for="screen1">1ª Screenshot:</label> <input name="screen1" type="text" class="requerido" id="screen1" value="http://" /> <?php if ($config->quatroscreens == 1){?> <label for="screen3">3ª Screenshot</label> <input name="screen3" type="text" id="screen3" value="http://" /> <?}?> </dd> <dd id="dados-right"> <label for="video_codec">Video Codec:</label> <input name="video_codec" type="text" class="requerido" id="video_codec" value="" /> <label for="audio_codec">Áudio Codec:</label> <input name="audio_codec" type="text" class="requerido" id="audio_codec" /> <label for="resolucao">Resolução:</label> <input name="resolucao" type="text" class="requerido" id="resolucao" /> <label for="qualidade">Qualidade:</label> <select name="qualidade" id="qualidade" class="requerido"> <option value="Selecione">Selecione</option> <option value="DVDRip">DVDRip</option> <option value="DVDScreen">DVDScreen</option> <option value="DVD-R">DVD-R</option> <option value="RatDVD">RatDVD</option> <option value="TeleCine">TeleCine</option> <option value="TeleSync">TeleSync</option> <option value="CAM">CAM</option> <option value="TVRip">TVRip</option> <option value="VHSRip">VHSRip</option> <option value="RMVB">RMVB</option> <option value="Outro">Outro</option> </select> <label for="formato_tela">Formato de Tela:</label> <select name="formato_tela" id="formato_tela" class="requerido"> <option value="Selecione">Selecione</option> <option value="Tela Cheia 4x3">Tela Cheia 4x3</option> <option value="Widescreen 16x9">Widescreen 16x9</option> <option value="Outro Formato">Outro Formato</option> </select> <label for="legenda">Legenda</label> <select name="legenda" id="legenda"> <option value="Selecione">Selecione</option> <option value="Anexada">Anexada</option> <option value="Embutida">Embutida</option> <option value="No Arquivo">No Arquivo</option> </select> <label for="compartilhamento">Compartilhamento:</label> <select name="compartilhamento" id="compartilhamento" class="requerido"> <option value="Selecione">Selecione</option> <option value="Http">Http</option> <option value="Tor">Torrent</option> <option value="Pando">Pando</option> <option value="Ed2k">Ed2k</option> <option value="P2M">P2M</option> <option value="BobDown">BobDown</option> <option value="Durie">Durie</option> <option value="Vários">Vários</option> <option value="Outros">Outros</option> </select> <?php if ($config->youtube == 1){?> <label for="media">Vídeo URL:</label> <input name="media" type="text" id="media" value="http://" /> <?}?> <label for="screen2">2ª Screenshot:</label> <input name="screen2" type="text" class="requerido" id="screen2" value="http://" /><br /> <?php if ($config->quatroscreens == 1){?> <label for="screen4">4ª Screenshot</label> <input name="screen4" type="text" id="screen4" value="http://" /> <?}?> </dd> </dl> <!-- Tabela de dois blocos --> <dl class="cont-duas-left"><dt>Sinopse</dt> <dd><textarea name="descricao" rows="" cols="" class="requerido" id="descricao"></textarea></dd> </dl> <dl class="cont-duas-right"><dt>Elenco</dt> <dd><textarea name="elenco" rows="" cols="" class="requerido" id="elenco"></textarea></dd> </dl> <?php if ($config->curiosidades == 1){?><dl class="cont-duas-left"><dt>Curiosidades</dt> <dd><textarea name="curiosidades" rows="" cols="" id="curiosidades"></textarea></dd> </dl><?}?> <?php if ($config->premiacoes == 1){?><dl class="cont-duas-right"><dt>Premiações</dt> <dd><textarea name="premiacoes" rows="" cols="" id="premiacoes"></textarea></dd> </dl><?}?> <?php if ($config->outrasinfo == 1){?><dl class="cont-duas-left"><dt>Outras Informações</dt> <dd><textarea name="outras_info" rows="" cols="" id="outras_info"></textarea></dd> </dl><?}?> <dl class="cont-duas-right"><dt>Download</dt> <dd><textarea name="download" rows="" cols="" id="download"></textarea></dd> </dl> <dl class="enviar-d"><dd> <input type="submit" name="prev" value="Visualizar" /> <input type="submit" name="gerar" value="Gerar" /> <input type="submit" name="postar" value="POSTAR" /> <input type="reset" value="Limpar" onclick="AutoValidar.limpa(this);" /> </dd></dl> </form> <?}?> help-me!!!
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