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  1. Hey i was wondering if anyone can help me please any help appreciated i am doing some work for a charity and i only have 3 days left now but they want a website creating that will allow people to sign up and have their own account they can log into and see their progress the thing i have no knowledge at all of php and mysql i have basic html though. i so far have created the html site which is all working and i have a mysql table to store details in but the part im stuck on is creating a script that will transfer details input into the signup text boxes into the database and then create the users account that only they can see. so i was wondering if anyone at all would be able to help me put together the script that will allow this the details so far are : phpmyadmin table database name: mymusicalworldt table name:members columns: id, title, firstname,surname, email, password, dob, addressline1, addressline2, postcode, city html input textboxes: title, irstname,surname, email, password, dob, addressline1, addressline2, postcode, city then also on the html theres a submit button called Register from what ive read i know i need to have some sort of link to the database and then i need to have a script that creates a set of files for that user thank you for any help
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