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Found 15 results

  1. I’m currently trying to building a websocket widget, using node package manager(NPM),WAMPserver and electronjs. the package was well installed because when i start it it works. It log into the console But i dont know how i can handle it with html on wamp server . it seems electronjs is not working for wamp and websocket.
  2. Hi, I have installed wamp server in Computer A. And its working fine in Computer A. But I would Like to view the website in Computer B which I created locally in Computer A. Both Computers A & B has been connected using LAN. How can i view the local site in Computer B. Thanks in Advance !
  3. Installed WAMP on my Windows 7 32-bit PC and cannot connect to localhost or (error below). I believe our Company's AV program (Kaspersky) is using a proxy server on port 80, so what should I do to be able to connect on a different port (as I can't change the Kaspersky settings)? Thanks! 500 Server License ExpiredPlease ask your server administrator to install the license. If you are the administrator, please login to the administration.
  4. Hey there, I'm pretty new to this proxy server thing and planning on getting some kind of deggree/major in computer science and I have made some pretty substantial progress just by doing some fairly superficial research. I've succesfully set up my phproxy and everything works reletively fine, except for social media sites such as facebook, twitter, myspace, etc. whenever I try to go to these pages via my proxy, it loads just fine but the screen is blank; no logos or information of any type is displayed on the browser when I attempt accessing these sites. However youtube works just fine without a problem. When I initially set up the server I had to edit the Apache program on my computer server to allow access. Thats when everything started working correctly except for the display screw up on social media sites. Any ideas on how to make the damn thing display would be graciously accepted lol. for the life of me ive tried screwing with everything and even different phproxy programs. Thanks! ~~This kid P.s my OS is Widows 7 and ive tried on multiple browsers. also if yall have questions on info that ive provided, or havent, please dont hesitate to ask.
  5. Hi everyone. i am having problems loading zend framework 1.12 to my windows 7 i keep getting this error message: "php.ex" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". perhaps it will be easier if i tell you how i installed it and someone can please tell me where i have gone wrong. i installed Zend Librairies and bin in the following folders in my laptop ( windows 7) : C:\wamp\bin\php this bin folder is the same folder that my PHP5.43 is held in. The Zend is held in a folder called: zendframwork i then went to my php.ini folder ( includes path- ) and inserted the following: include_path = ".;C:\wamp\bin\php\zendframwork1.12\library" i then went to change my advanced windows settings: once there, i clicked onto Environment Variables , then to System variable where i double clicked on to paths line. in the paths line i include the path to the bin folder for the zend bin ie: Control Panel\System and Security\System ;C:\wamp\bin\php\zendframwork1.12\bin i then ok' ed everything and then went to my windows powershell interface. i.e "Administrator: Windows Powershall" once there i typed in zf ( i did this to test whether the system would recognize that zend has been install. ) however, i keep getting the following message: "php.ex" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file". Can someone please tell me what this message means and what i need to do to correctly configure Zend on my machine. warm regards Andreea
  6. Hi, We've recently purchased a website at work and have it up and running on the previous owners server at a cost, we can't have FTP access to this for some reason so attempting any changes is a pain. I've got the files from the owner and am trying to set them up on WAMP to ensure that i can move over and setup / develop when needed. I received 3 files which i'll list below: SQL file SITENAME.com Folder PHP Folder Initially i thought that i should merge the php and sitename folders together (which i did) - this allowed the majority of things to work on the front end of the site but then when i went to go to the admin directory /admin/ i received a tonne of errors about missing filepaths etc. trying to resolve appears to lead me around 30 different files which i need to change a require_once function on. I'm thinking it's got to be easier than this but obviously i'm not entirely sure what i'm supposed to do with said folders? Anyone have any ideas? (and apologies if this isn't in the correct category.) Thanks, Reece
  7. Hello, I m a noob and I need to know a thing. Which one I should I use for local host? Wamp xampp or IIS? Which one will help me now and in future development? Which one is much more preferable? Thank you.
  8. Hello All, I am relatively new to PHP and this site so I apologize in advance if I am asking this in the wrong place. I am trying to very simply connect a PHP script to my localhost database. I am using WAMP server 2. The PHP version is 5.3.13, Apache version 2.2.22, and MySQL version 5.5.24 I believe with my current code I am now able to connect, but I am unable to output the query result. I have tried a lot of things, and I know this is a simple task, but I'm stuck. The error I seem to be getting often is: "mysql_fetch_assoc() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\DB_connect_5_04052013\index.php on line 29" Any suggestions would be much appreciated. <?php // Create connection $con=mysql_connect("localhost","root"); // Check connection if ($con == FALSE) { echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error(); } // Check connection again $link = mysql_connect("localhost","root", "", "autosite_db"); if (!$link) { die("Can't connect to database server"); } // Select the Database mysql_select_db ("autosite_db", $con) or die ("Unable to select database"); // Execute Sample Query $SQL = "SELECT * FROM vehicle"; $result = mysql_query($SQL); while ( $db_field = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) ) { print $db_field['vin'] . "<BR>"; print $db_field['year'] . "<BR>"; print $db_field['make'] . "<BR>"; print $db_field['model'] . "<BR>"; }
  9. Hi all, I need a code that downloads all PDF files of a URL (e.g. www.myurl.com)? I want to run this code on my localhost (WAMP). Thank You for you time.
  10. First time poster so please take it easy on me. I am developing on a windows 7 machine with WAMP Server running and no configuration changes from the defaults. IIS is turned off. In my site I have a class method to record actions taken by the user. During this method I obtain a timestamp in unix and save it to the database. On the Dev machine, this works fine but when I put it online I get an error. HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request. I traced the issue through the code to this point: // get date stamp $date = date_create(); $datestamp = date_timestamp_get($date); // ERROR HAPPENS HERE I have tried this method and the OOP method and works fine locally, but fails on my full server which is a windows server running IIS. I have painstakenly checked the PHPINFO.php for discrepancies but can't see anything that would affect this setting - any help would be really appreciated. Kind Regards Michael
  11. Using WAMPSERVER for windows 7, smartgit and Safe Search Replace I have done the following steps: Pulled a wordpress code from a github repository using smartgit Downloaded the database from the server's phpmyadmin Imported it to my localhost's phpmyadmin using WAMP. Replaced the strings from url.com to The home page of the website works on the localhost but when I click on one of the menu links I get the WAMP homepage instead of the actual page. On the wordpress dashboard, I have checked and the URL on pages has been changed to which is a good sign.I have also checked in the database the actual name of the the page and even the page did showed a WAMP home page. What have I done wrong and what can I check to solve the issue?
  12. Hi Dear friends, my need is also simple . My url is : http://localhost/zf2-tutorial/public/ I need to show same content in URL http://localhost/zf2-tutorial/ How it can done using .htaccess . please advise me Thanks, anes
  13. Hi Guys I am totally new to php and need to write a few sites for a couple of clients including one for a private company I started with a friend. I have successfully installed XAMP and tested the http://localhost address and it works, however I created a new test project in Netbeans 7.1 and I got the error below: Object not found! The requested URL was not found on this server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again. If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster. Error 404 localhost Apache/2.4.3 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.0.1c PHP/5.4.7
  14. Hi guys, I've got an issue that's probably really simple. I'm looking to install a few PHP extensions, namingly: PDO, Curl, Deflate, gd, memchace, and mbstring. I've figured out where to download a whole bunch of files zipped up, but I thought you needed a .dll to add it to your PHP extensions in WAMP? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
  15. Hello Everyone! My Name Is Deon and I am a COMPLETE Newbie to .php, But I am a Fast learner, so my question is... where should I start to get a good foundation on .php coding?? I have created several websites but Now I'd Like to learn how to turn them into Membership sites! Thanks in avance!
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