Hey, I am trying to make a website with a back-end section for admin to updat the site without having to use html code. I have used this tutorial for the login portion: http://www.phpeasystep.com/phptu/6.html
On my localhost everything works perfectly but when I upload this on my webspace there is an issue. Normally (localhost) when you want to go to admin.php (in the tutorial login_succesfull.php) and you have not logged in it will rederict you to the login page, but now it doesn't. If you go directly to the login.php and you enter the username and password it 'logs you in' and directs you to login_succesfull.php. I have updated all the info in checklogin.php to match the info from the webspace.
I have no clue why it will work locally but not on a webspace, do you?
ps: sorry for the bad english