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  1. I am using xampp. <a href="/">Home Page</a> The above code (when clicked in browser) takes me to the localhost instead of localhost/website How can i clear this issue?
  2. xampp 1.8.3-3 Mac OSX 10.9.1 Hello, I'm creating a form using html and php, which when run uploads information into a locally hosted xampp database. The issue; sometimes the table simply refuses the information - it doesn't show up in the database when sent and continues to do so and I cannot get it working again. I'm given no errors when the data is submitted so it must be connecting, the info just doesn't show up. Because of this I decided to start from the beginning again, creating a new database and table, and starting with one input (date) - it works. I add more and more fields and it continues to work... I add a couple of the dynamic name fields (see code below) and it continues to work. I get confident so add the rest of my fields - bam, it stops working. After it stops accepting data, I can't get it accepting again - even if I delete all fields so I just have "date". Am I hitting some limit somehow? I do apologise if the code is appalling - this isn't my day job! Any help anybody can give me will be greatly appreciated, and will stop me tearing my hair out! Many thanks Simon <? $username="xxxxxx"; $password="xxxxxx"; $database="Final"; $date=$_POST['date']; $group_name=$_POST['group_name']; $cruise=$_POST['cruise']; $no_adults=$_POST['no_adults']; $no_half=$_POST['no_half']; $no_free=$_POST['no_free']; $email=$_POST['email']; $phone=$_POST['phone']; $accommodation=$_POST['accommodation']; $payment=$_POST['payment']; $info=$_POST['info']; $name_adult=$_POST['name_adult']; $name_adult_2=$_POST['name_adult_2']; $name_adult_3=$_POST['name_adult_3']; $name_adult_4=$_POST['name_adult_4']; $name_adult_5=$_POST['name_adult_5']; $name_adult_6=$_POST['name_adult_6']; $name_adult_7=$_POST['name_adult_7']; $name_adult_8=$_POST['name_adult_8']; $name_adult_9=$_POST['name_adult_9']; $name_adult_10=$_POST['name_adult_10']; $name_adult_11=$_POST['name_adult_11']; $name_adult_12=$_POST['name_adult_12']; $name_adult_13=$_POST['name_adult_13']; $name_adult_14=$_POST['name_adult_14']; $name_adult_15=$_POST['name_adult_15']; $name_half=$_POST['name_half']; $name_half_2=$_POST['name_half_2']; $name_half_3=$_POST['name_half_3']; $name_half_4=$_POST['name_half_4']; $name_half_5=$_POST['name_half_5']; $name_half_6=$_POST['name_half_6']; $name_half_7=$_POST['name_half_7']; $name_half_8=$_POST['name_half_8']; $name_half_9=$_POST['name_half_9']; $name_half_10=$_POST['name_half_10']; $name_half_11=$_POST['name_half_11']; $name_half_12=$_POST['name_half_12']; $name_half_13=$_POST['name_half_13']; $name_half_14=$_POST['name_half_14']; $name_half_15=$_POST['name_half_15']; $name_free=$_POST['name_free']; $name_free_2=$_POST['name_free_2']; $name_free_3=$_POST['name_free_3']; $name_free_4=$_POST['name_free_4']; $name_free_5=$_POST['name_free_5']; $name_free_6=$_POST['name_free_6']; $name_free_7=$_POST['name_free_7']; $name_free_8=$_POST['name_free_8']; $name_free_9=$_POST['name_free_9']; $name_free_10=$_POST['name_free_10']; $name_free_11=$_POST['name_free_11']; $name_free_12=$_POST['name_free_12']; $name_free_13=$_POST['name_free_13']; $name_free_14=$_POST['name_free_14']; $name_free_15=$_POST['name_free_15']; $email_2=$_POST['email_2']; $email_3=$_POST['email_3']; $email_4=$_POST['email_4']; $phone_2=$_POST['phone_2']; $phone_3=$_POST['phone_3']; $phone_4=$_POST['phone_4']; mysql_connect('localhost',$username,$password); @mysql_select_db($database) or die( "Unable to select database"); $query = "INSERT INTO final VALUES ('$date','$group_name','$cruise','$no_adults','$no_half','$no_free','$email','$phone','$accommodation','$payment','$info','$name_adult','$name_adult_2','$name_adult_3','$name_adult_4','$name_adult_5','$name_adult_6','$name_adult_7','$name_adult_8','$name_adult_9','$name_adult_10','$name_adult_11','$name_adult_12','$name_adult_13','$name_adult_14','$name_adult_15','$name_half','$name_half_2','$name_half_3','$name_half_4','$name_half_5','$name_half_6','$name_half_7','$name_half_8','$name_half_9','$name_half_10','$name_half_12','$name_half_13','$name_half_14','$name_half_15','$name_free','$name_free_2','$name_free_3','$name_free_4','$name_free_5','$name_free_6','$name_free_7','$name_free_8','$name_free_9','$name_free_10','$name_free_11','$name_free_12','$name_free_13','$name_free_14','$name_free_15','$email_2','$email_3','$email_4','$phone_2','$phone_3','$phone_4')"; mysql_query($query); mysql_close(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <meta name="robots" content="noindex" /> <title>Guest Entry Form - Friendship Rose</title> <script language="JavaScript"> function disableEnterKey(e) { var key; if(window.event) key = window.event.keyCode; //IE else key = e.which; //firefox if(key == 13) return false; else return true; } </script> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.4/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var addDiv = $('#addinputadult'); var i = $('#addinputadult p').size() + 1; $('#addNewadult').live('click', function() { $('<p><input type="text" id="adult_' + i +'" value="" size="40" name="name_adult_' + i +'" value="" placeholder="Full Name (Adult)" /><a href="#adult" id="remname_adult">Remove</a> </p>').appendTo(addDiv); i++; return false; }); $('#remname_adult').live('click', function() { if( i > 2 ) { $(this).parents('p').remove(); i--; } return false; }); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var addDiv = $('#addinputhalf'); var i = $('#addinputhalf p').size() + 1; $('#addNewhalf').live('click', function() { $('<p><input type="text" id="name_half_' + i +'" value="" size="40" name="name_half_' + i +'" value="" placeholder="Full Name (Half)" /><a href="#half" id="remname_half">Remove</a> </p>').appendTo(addDiv); i++; return false; }); $('#remname_half').live('click', function() { if( i > 2 ) { $(this).parents('p').remove(); i--; } return false; }); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var addDiv = $('#addinputfree'); var i = $('#addinputfree p').size() + 1; $('#addNewfree').live('click', function() { $('<p><input type="text" id="name_free_' + i +'" value="" size="40" name="name_free_' + i +'" value="" placeholder="Full Name (Free)" /><a href="#free" id="remname_free">Remove</a> </p>').appendTo(addDiv); i++; return false; }); $('#remname_free').live('click', function() { if( i > 2 ) { $(this).parents('p').remove(); i--; } return false; }); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var addDiv = $('#addinputemail'); var i = $('#addinputemail p').size() + 1; $('#addNewemail').live('click', function() { $('<p><input type="text" id="email_' + i +'" value="" size="40" name="email_' + i +'" value="" placeholder="Contact Email" /><a href="#email" id="remNewemail">Remove</a> </p>').appendTo(addDiv); i++; return false; }); $('#rememail').live('click', function() { if( i > 2 ) { $(this).parents('p').remove(); i--; } return false; }); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { var addDiv = $('#addinputphone'); var i = $('#addinputphone p').size() + 1; $('#addNewphone').live('click', function() { $('<p><input type="text" id="phone_' + i +'" value="" size="40" name="phone_' + i +'" value="" placeholder="Phone Number" /><a href="#phone" id="remNewphone">Remove</a> </p>').appendTo(addDiv); i++; return false; }); $('#remphone').live('click', function() { if( i > 2 ) { $(this).parents('p').remove(); i--; } return false; }); }); </script> <link href="guest_form.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head>[/color][/color] <body> <h1 style="padding-left:30px"> Friendship Rose Guest Info </h1> <p style="padding-left:30px"> <b>Note:</b> The Tab Button scrolls through the form fields (mouse click can also be used), the return key creates a new line for text in the text fields </hp> <p> </p> <div class="form" style="float:left; padding:0 0 30px 30px"> <form name="guest_form" action="guest_form.php" method="post" style="float:left"> Cruise Date: dd/mm/yy (IMPORTANT) <br /> <input type="date" name="date" size="30" onKeyPress="return disableEnterKey(event)" /><br /><br /> Cruise <br /> <input type="radio" name="cruise" value="tobagocays">Tobago Cays<br> <input type="radio" name="cruise" value="mustique">Mustique<br /> <input type="radio" name="cruise" value="mayreau">Mayreau<br> <input type="radio" name="cruise" value="st_vincent">St Vincent<br /> <input type="radio" name="cruise" value="bequia">Bequia<br> <p> </p> Group Name / Identification (Surname) <input type="text" id="group_name" size="40" name="group_name" value="" placeholder="Group Name" onKeyPress="return disableEnterKey(event)" /> <p> </p> Number of Adults:<br /> <input type="number" name="no_adults" min="1" onKeyPress="return disableEnterKey(event)" /> <br /><br /> Number of Kids - Half Price: (Use 0 for none)<br /> <input type="number" name="no_half" min="0" onKeyPress="return disableEnterKey(event)" /> <br /><br /> Number of Kids - Free: (Use 0 for none)<br /> <input type="number" name="no_free" min="0" onKeyPress="return disableEnterKey(event)" /> <p> </p> Names of Adults: <div id="addinputadult" style="line-height:0px"> <p> <a href="#adult" id="addNewadult">Add</a><br /> <input type="text" id="name_adult" size="40" name="name_adult" value="" placeholder="Full Name (Adult)" /> </p> </div> Names of Kids - Half: <div id="addinputhalf" style="line-height:0px"> <p> <a href="#half" id="addNewhalf">Add</a><br /> <input type="text" id="name_half" size="40" name="name_half" value="" placeholder="Full Name (Half)" /> </p> </div> Names of Kids - Free: <div id="addinputfree" style="line-height:0px"> <p> <a href="#free" id="addNewfree">Add</a><br /> <input type="text" id="name_free" size="40" name="name_free" value="" placeholder="Full Name (Free)" /> </p> </div> <p> </p> Contact Email/s: <div id="addinputemail" style="line-height:0px"> <p> <a href="#email" id="addNewemail">Add</a><br /> <input type="email" id="email" size="40" name="email" value="" placeholder="Contact Email" /> </p> </div> Contact Phone Number/s: <div id="addinputphone" style="line-height:0px"> <p> <a href="#phone" id="addNewphone">Add</a><br /> <input type="number" id="phone" size="40" name="phone" value="" placeholder="Phone Number" /> </p> </div> <p> </p> Accommodation: <br /> <textarea name="accommodation" rows="5" cols="60" input type="text"></textarea> <p> </p> Payment Status: <br /> <textarea name="payment" rows="2" cols="40" input type="text"></textarea> <p> </p> Extra Info / Dietry Requirements: <br /> <textarea name="info" rows="10" cols="60" input type="text"></textarea> <br /> <p> </p> <input type="Submit" value="Submit" /> </form> </div> </body> </html>
  3. Hello, I m a noob and I need to know a thing. Which one I should I use for local host? Wamp xampp or IIS? Which one will help me now and in future development? Which one is much more preferable? Thank you.
  4. Hi friends i am learning to create a database with the help of xampp and Php i just learned to connect my Mysql database with Php. now the following are the table in my data base i just need to call them with php and i want to remove the delimits"/" in the table and i need to display them like table 2 Table 1. SI.No Donor ID Disease Status Age(yrs.) /Sex Nucleotide Change Amino acid Change Location in gene Location in Protein Mutation in other allele Clinical Features Biochemical Data Geographical Location Ethnic gr. Familial / Sporadic References 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25 AS_5*/AS_4*/AS_8*/AS_7*/AS_10*/PM_1*/AS_9*/Family 5_II:3/AS_14*/AS_15*/PM_4*/PM_3*/PM_2*/AS_16*/Family 4_IV:1/AS_25*/Family 13_IV:1/Family7_V:5/PD_1*/AS_1*/AS_2*/AS_3*/Family 6_IV:3/AS_4*/ Family 8_II: patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ patient/ NA/NA// NA/NA// Since Birth/NA// NA/NA/ Since Birth/NA// NA/NA// NA/NA// 3/M NA/NA// Since Birth/NA// NA/NA// NA/NA// NA/NA// NA/NA// Since birth/M / NA/NA// Since birth/M / Since birth/M / NA/NA// Since Birth/NA// Since Birth/NA// Since Birth/NA// Since birth/F / NA/NA// 5/M c.1253G>A /c.1418T>G /c.1466C>T /c.1751C>A /c.2264G>A /c.2411G>A /c.2263C>T /c.2318C>T /c.2470G>A /c.2605C>T /c.2606G>A /c.2605C>T /c.2498C>T /c.2605C>T /c.2618T>C /c.2264G>A /c.374G>A /c.478G>A /c.427G>A /c.625C>T /c.638C>T /c.697C>T /c.806C>T /c.1202C>A /c.1156T>C p.G418D /p.L473R /p.S489L /p.T584K /p.R755Q /p.R804H /p.R755W /p.P773L /p.V824M /p.R869C /p.R869C /p.R869C /p.T833M /p.R869C /p.L873P /p.R755Q /p.R125H /p.A160T /p.E143K /p.R209W /p.S213L /p.R233C /p.A269V /p.T401L /p.C386R Exon 10 /Exon 11 /Exon 12 /Exon 13 /Exon 17 /Exon 17 /Exon 17 /Exon 17 /Exon 18 /Exon 18 /Exon 18 /Exon 18 /Exon 18 /Exon 18 /Exon 19 /Exon 20 /Exon 4 /Exon 4 /Exon 4 /Exon 5 /Exon 5 /Exon 6 /Exon 7 /Exon 9 /Exon 9 TMD 2/TMD 4/NA/TMD 6/NA/NA/TMD 11/TMD 11/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/TMD 14/NA/N-terminalcytoplasmic domain/N-terminal cytoplasmic domain/N-terminal cytoplasmic domain/N-terminal cytoplasmic domain/N-terminal cytoplasmic domain/N-terminal cytoplasmic domain/NA/NA/TMD 1 p.G418D /p.T401L /p.S489L /p.R112X /p.R875X /c.1704_1705delCT /p.R755W /p.Q836X /p.V824M /p.R869C/Uncharacterised/Uncharacterised /c.2420delTinsGG /p.R869C /p.L873P /p.R875X /p.R125H /p.A160T/Uncharacterised /p.R209W /p.S213L /p.R233C /p.A269V /p.L473R /p.C386R NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/IOP (OD/OS mm): 18/20/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/Intermittent squint with 30° of exotropia, IOP (OD/OS mm): 28/25/NA/NA/Corticosteroidinduced cataract IOP (OD/OS mm): 15/21/NA/NA/NA/NA/Pigments on lens anterior capsule, IOP (OD/OS mm): 15/12/NA/Epithelial iron line, IOP (OD/OS mm): 12/10 NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA South India*/ South India*/ South India*/ South India*/ South India*/ NA/South India*/ South India/South India*/ South India*/ NA/NA/NA/South India*/ South India/South India*/ South India/South India/NA/ South India*/ South India*/ South India*/ South India/ South India*/ South India NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA/NA PMID:17679935 /PMID:17679935 /PMID:17679935 /PMID:17679935 /PMID:17679935 pubmed:11302728 /PMID:17679935 pubmed:18474783 /PMID:17679935 /PMID:17679935 pubmed:11302728 pubmed:11302728 pubmed:11302728 /PMID:17679935 pubmed:18474783 /PMID:17679935 pubmed:18474783 pubmed:18474783 pubmed:11302728 /PMID:17679935 /PMID:17679935 /PMID:17679935 pubmed:18474783 /PMID:17679935 pubmed:18474783 Table 2 SI.No Donor ID Disease Status Age(yrs.) /Sex Nucleotide Change Amino acid Change Location in gene Location in Protein Mutation in other allele Clinical Features Biochemical Data Geographical Location Ethnic gr. Familial / Sporadic References 1 AS_5* Patient NA/NA c.1253G>A p.G418D Exon 10 TMD 2 p.G418D NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 2 AS_4* Patient NA/NA c.1418T>G p.L473R Exon 11 TMD 4 p.T401L NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 3 AS_8* Patient Since Birth/NA c.1466C>T p.S489L Exon 12 NA p.S489L NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 4 AS_7* Patient NA/NA c.1751C>A p.T584K Exon 13 TMD 6 p.R112X NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 5 AS_10* Patient Since Birth/NA c.2264G>A p.R755Q Exon 17 NA p.R875X NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 6 PM_1* Patient NA/NA c.2411G>A p.R804H Exon 17 NA c.1704_1705delCT NA NA NA NA NA pubmed:11302728 7 AS_9* Patient NA/NA c.2263C>T p.R755W Exon 17 TMD 11 p.R755W NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 8 Family 5_II:3 Patient 3/M c.2318C>T p.P773L Exon 17 TMD 11 p.Q836X IOP (OD/OS mm): 18/20 NA South India NA NA pubmed:18474783 9 AS_14* Patient NA/NA c.2470G>A p.V824M Exon 18 NA p.V824M NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 10 AS_15* Patient Since Birth/NA c.2605C>T p.R869C Exon 18 NA p.R869C NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 11 PM_4* Patient NA/NA c.2606G>A p.R869C Exon 18 NA Uncharacterised NA NA NA NA NA pubmed:11302728 12 PM_3* Patient NA/NA c.2605C>T p.R869C Exon 18 NA Uncharacterised NA NA NA NA NA pubmed:11302728 13 PM_2* Patient NA/NA c.2498C>T p.T833M Exon 18 NA c.2420delTinsGG NA NA NA NA NA pubmed:11302728 14 AS_16* Patient NA/NA c.2605C>T p.R869C Exon 18 NA p.R869C NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 15 Family 4_IV:1 Patient Since birth/M c.2618T>C p.L873P Exon 19 TMD 14 p.L873P Intermittent squint with 30° of exotropia, IOP (OD/OS mm): 28/25 NA South India NA NA pubmed:18474783 16 AS_25* Patient NA/NA c.2264G>A p.R755Q Exon 20 NA p.R875X NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 17 Family 13_IV:1 Patient Since birth/M c.374G>A p.R125H Exon 4 N-terminal cytoplasmic domain p.R125H NA NA South India NA NA pubmed:18474783 18 Family 7_V:5 Patient Since birth/M c.478G>A p.A160T Exon 4 N-terminal cytoplasmic domain p.A160T Corticosteroidinduced cataract IOP (OD/OS mm): 15/21 NA South India NA NA pubmed:18474783 19 PD_1* Patient NA/NA c.427G>A p.E143K Exon 4 N-terminal cytoplasmic domain Uncharacterised NA NA NA NA NA pubmed:11302728 20 AS_1* Patient Since Birth/NA c.625C>T p.R209W Exon 5 N-terminal cytoplasmic domain p.R209W NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 21 AS_2* Patient Since Birth/NA c.638C>T p.S213L Exon 5 N-terminal cytoplasmic domain p.S213L NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 22 AS_3* Patient Since Birth/NA c.697C>T p.R233C Exon 6 N-terminal cytoplasmic domain p.R233C NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 23 Family 6_IV:3 Patient Since birth/F c.806C>T p.A269V Exon 7 NA p.A269V Pigments on lens anterior capsule, IOP (OD/OS mm): 15/12 NA South India NA NA pubmed:18474783 24 AS_4* Patient NA/NA c.1202C>A p.T401L Exon 9 NA p.L473R NA NA South India* NA NA PMID:17679935 25 Family 8_II:1 Patient 5/M c.1156T>C p.C386R Exon 9 TMD 1 p.C386R Epithelial iron line, IOP (OD/OS mm): 12/10 NA South India NA NA pubmed:18474783 can any one help me with this And i have attached my Php code which i used to connect my Database with php c.php
  5. Hi. I am designing a CMS site, And in localhost, there are no errors even though error reporting is on and I can see many errors. But, " header already sent " are not visible, and when I uploaded my site online, I am starting to see all these errors. Is there something I am doing wrong with XAMPP?
  6. Hi. Firstly, I am a complete novice. If you can help me you will make a despairing woman very relieved and eternally grateful. My website and its database perform perfectly when hosted online by my web host, so I know everything works. I have currently removed my site from their servers and need to do some work on it offline, on my own PC (running Windows Vista Home Premium) before uploading it again. I should mention that it is NOT a Wordpress site. I have installed XAMPP 1.8.0, put all my site files in its htdocs folder, created a the database and installed my .sql file and the database works fine; I can access it via phpMyAdmin. Apache and MySql start without problem. However, I need to know how to get my site's php files to display properly as web pages, just as they do when the site is uploaded and online. I really don't know what I am doing and think I am overlooking something basic. If I go to localhost/index.php, to open my site;s home page, all that shows in the browser is the actual code typed on the index.php file. The same goes for all the php pages. The page does not get assembled into its web page, it just displays all the code. I also tried using c:/xampp/htdocs/index.php but that gives the same result. I created a test php file, with just an html line and a php line but only the html line displays. There is nothing displayed where the php line should be (not even the php code this time). What am I overlooking? Probably something very basic but I am an absolute novice, so haven't a clue. I know very little about php or MySQL and even less about xampp. When my site was created some years ago, I could access it all offline using xampp but I can't remember how and the person who helped me then is now unavailable to remind me. Can anyone tell me, in the simplest terms, what I should be doing to make my site's php pages display properly, please? Regards Cocori
  7. My apologies if this is in the wrong section - I didn't see anything dedicated to xampp, or my noob question anyway. I've installed XAMPP in c:/xampp, and wrote a very simple php file that just displays a line of text. I can't seem to get this file to display in /localhost/ environment. When I run it on my remote host, it runs fine, but I want to use my localhost location, of course. These are the folder structures: C:/xammp/htdocs/webd/error.php I'm loading the file in IE10 using: http://localhost/webd/error.php I get the following: Server error! The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete your request. Either the server is overloaded or there was an error in a CGI script. If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster. Error 500 localhost Apache/2.4.4 (Win32) OpenSSL/0.9.8y PHP/5.4.19 I verified my Apache module is turned on and running in the XAMPP control panel (v3.2.1). I can't get any php page to run on my localhost so whatever I'm doing it's global, I figure I installed xammp incorrectly or I'm not loading the file right. I tried using variations like http://localhost/htdocs/webd/error.php, and even tried changing the filename to an html extension and tested it by opening it using C:/xampp/htdocs/webd/error.html and the file displays, so it's there, and I don't have some weird folder issue (as far as I can tell). I'm pretty sure this is a basic issue, something that I'm doing or did that was dumb or I'm just being dense for some reason. Any help out there?
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