Hi everyone, when I run my view, this is the result that I get:
This is my view:
<p>Hello world</p>
$this->headLink()->appendStylesheet($this->serverUrl($this->baseUrl('/css/continuity-form-style-v3.css')), $media = "all");
$pv = $this->patientVisit; /* @var $pv Application_Model_Entity_PatientVisit */
$reports= $pv->getReports();/* @var Application_Model_Entity_CPM */
// find the type of report that the user would like to retrieve.
$reportType = $request->getParam('report_type');
if ('dischargedWithoutDinstr' == $reportType) {
elseif ('dischargedFaxStatus' == $reportType) {
elseif ('dischargedFaxStatusWeek' == $reportType) {
// this executes faxStatusRecent when there are no other options.
else {
Now, what am I doing wrong? Am I missing something? Should I show more code of some sort?