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Ok, here's a real n00b question for you all. I hope you don't mind!


Have been practicing with variables and have come across two different ways to call them.  For instance, if i was to create a variable called numbers and the give it a value of.....736 for example,  see the code below:



$numbers = 736;
print ($numbers);
print "<br><br>";
print "$numbers";



The two different methods above of calling the variable would both output: 736 but which is considered the best method? Thanks!

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The parenthesis are usually used for multiple things like math equations


print (5+6)*2; // output = 22


So you can use them or not use them depending on your preference, but if you are only outputting one thing them the less typing you have to to the better. :)


also variables don't have to be in quotes


print $numbers;



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When echo'ing/print'ing variable you do not need to use quotes or parentheses. Either of the following is fine:


echo $var; // no need to use quotes when echo'ing a variable on its own

echo "<b>$var</b>"; // variables are parsed in strings which start with double quotes.

echo '<b>'. $var . '</b>'; // variables are not parsed in strings which start with single quotes. Instead you can use concatenation.



NOTE: echo and print are the same. print was derived from Perl

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To elaborate on wildteen there is a difference between using single quotes and double quotes. Single quotes treat everything inside exactly as they are. So


$name = "Ray";
echo 'My name is $name';  // will output My name is $name
echo "My name is $name";  // will output My name is Ray


Also double quotes allows you to use brackets for array pieces and special codes like a line break so your source code is not all on the same line


$r['name'] = "Ray";
echo "My name is {$r['name']}<br>\n";
echo "Hello $name";


when you view your source code now it will look like


My name is Ray<br>
Hello Ray


instead of

My Name is Ray<br>Hello Ray

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