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Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0


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I have an error.after my provider change last saturday the server to a new server

The error reads:

Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /srv/www/vhosts/mprot.ch/httpdocs/admin/produkte-edit-ok.php on line 35


Any ideas on what would cause this?


The script was working before. I simply copied the script and files and imported the database 2 monats befor.


php make tumbnails and put in DB


my php




if (file_exists($bild)) {
  $bild_small = $bild . "_small.jpg";
  $isize = getimagesize($bild);
  if($isize['2'] == 2)
  $typ = "image/jpeg";
  $width = $isize['0'];
  $height = $isize['1'];
  //if($isize['0'] > $isize['1']) 
//	{
if($isize['0'] > 190)
	  exec("djpeg -pnm $bild | pnmscale -xsize 190 | pnmalias | cjpeg -smooth 1 >$bild_small");
$bild_small = $bild;

//	  else
//	{
//	if($isize['1'] > 190)
//		  exec("djpeg -pnm $bild | pnmscale -ysize 190 | pnmalias | cjpeg -smooth 1 >$bild_small");
//	else
//	$bild_small = $bild;
//	}


if (file_exists($bild)) {
if (file_exists($bild_small)) {
	$info = "<span class=\"text-titel\">Achtung! Sie haben keine JPEG Datei übertragen! Das Bild wurde nicht gespeichert</SPAN><BR>\n";
	$bild = "none";}

$kat = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM kategorie WHERE kategorie_de = '$kategorie_de'");
if (mysql_numrows($kat) == 1)
		$kategorie_de = mysql_result($kat, 0, "kategorie_de");
		$kategorie_en = mysql_result($kat, 0, "kategorie_en");
		$kategorie_fr = mysql_result($kat, 0, "kategorie_fr");

if (($number == 0) || ($number == ""))
	$result = mysql_query("insert into produkt VALUES('$number','$produktname_de','$produktname_en','$produktname_fr','$sort_id','$artikel_nr','$kategorie_de','$kategorie_en','$kategorie_fr','$beschreibung_de','$beschreibung_en','$beschreibung_fr','$zubehoer_de','$zubehoer_en','$zubehoerfr','$masse','$gewicht','$preis_de','$preis_en','$preis_fr','$bild_small_2')");

	if($bild == "none")
		$result = mysql_query("update produkt set number='$number',produktname_de='$produktname_de',produktname_en='$produktname_en',produktname_fr='$produktname_fr',sort_id='$sort_id',artikel_nr='$artikel_nr',kategorie_de='$kategorie_de',kategorie_en='$kategorie_en',kategorie_fr='$kategorie_fr',beschreibung_de='$beschreibung_de',beschreibung_en='$beschreibung_en',beschreibung_fr='$beschreibung_fr',zubehoer_de='$zubehoer_de',zubehoer_en='$zubehoer_en',zubehoer_fr='$zubehoerfr',masse='$masse',gewicht='$gewicht',preis_de='$preis_de',preis_en='$preis_en',preis_fr='$preis_fr' WHERE number='$number'");
		$result = mysql_query("update produkt set number='$number',produktname_de='$produktname_de',produktname_en='$produktname_en',produktname_fr='$produktname_fr',sort_id='$sort_id',artikel_nr='$artikel_nr',kategorie_de='$kategorie_de',kategorie_en='$kategorie_en',kategorie_fr='$kategorie_fr',beschreibung_de='$beschreibung_de',beschreibung_en='$beschreibung_en',beschreibung_fr='$beschreibung_fr',zubehoer_de='$zubehoer_de',zubehoer_en='$zubehoer_en',zubehoer_fr='$zubehoerfr',masse='$masse',gewicht='$gewicht',preis_de='$preis_de',preis_en='$preis_en',preis_fr='$preis_fr',bild='$bild_small_2' WHERE number='$number'");

if ($result == 0)
	fail("Der Datensatz enthþlt einen Fehler und konnte NICHT eingefŸgt werden.");

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hmm, strange. try debugging a little:


  exit('$fsizesmall = "'.$fsizesmall.'"; $bild_small = "'.$bild_small.'";');

if (file_exists($bild)) {
if (file_exists($bild_small)) {
	$info = "<span class=\"text-titel\">Achtung! Sie haben keine JPEG Datei übertragen! Das Bild wurde nicht gespeichert</SPAN><BR>\n";
	$bild = "none";}

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your filesize function is failing i think, or the file is in fact 0 bytes (doubtful).


take out the exit function i put in, then try this


  var_dump(filesize($bild_small)); var_dump(file_exists($bild_small)); exit();

if (file_exists($bild)) {
if (file_exists($bild_small)) {
	$info = "<span class=\"text-titel\">Achtung! Sie haben keine JPEG Datei übertragen! Das Bild wurde nicht gespeichert</SPAN><BR>\n";
	$bild = "none";}


I put in a couple of var_dump()'s to help debug this. You will need to give us the Output Source-code (HTML Source-code).



if you can, verify the location of the tmp directory, and that the file exists in that location. (Am i right in assuming the exec() function should create a new file named/located $bild_small?


if so make sure your server you are hosting this on has access to the exec() function (you may need to ask your server administrator).



hope this helps,

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ok undo the changes i made.



it seems like the exec function is failing, the new server must have different setup, as exec communicates with the shell of the operating system (eg, DOS for windows).






try this:


	if($isize['0'] > 190){
	var_dump(exec("djpeg -pnm $bild | pnmscale -xsize 190 | pnmalias | cjpeg -smooth 1 >$bild_small"));
	$bild_small = $bild; }

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I'm confused now

can you put that into my code ? i don't know if i should take out all the changes or  only the  3 lines




if (file_exists($bild)) {
  $bild_small = $bild . "_small.jpg";
  $isize = getimagesize($bild);
  if($isize['2'] == 2)
  $typ = "image/jpeg";
  $width = $isize['0'];
  $height = $isize['1'];
  //if($isize['0'] > $isize['1']) 
//	{
if($isize['0'] > 190)
	  exec("djpeg -pnm $bild | pnmscale -xsize 190 | pnmalias | cjpeg -smooth 1 >$bild_small");
$bild_small = $bild;

//	  else
//	{
//	if($isize['1'] > 190)
//		  exec("djpeg -pnm $bild | pnmscale -ysize 190 | pnmalias | cjpeg -smooth 1 >$bild_small");
//	else
//	$bild_small = $bild;
//	}


if (file_exists($bild)) {
if (file_exists($bild_small)) {
	$info = "<span class=\"text-titel\">Achtung! Sie haben keine JPEG Datei übertragen! Das Bild wurde nicht gespeichert</SPAN><BR>\n";
	$bild = "none";}

$kat = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM kategorie WHERE kategorie_de = '$kategorie_de'");
if (mysql_numrows($kat) == 1)
		$kategorie_de = mysql_result($kat, 0, "kategorie_de");
		$kategorie_en = mysql_result($kat, 0, "kategorie_en");
		$kategorie_fr = mysql_result($kat, 0, "kategorie_fr");

if (($number == 0) || ($number == ""))
	$result = mysql_query("insert into produkt VALUES('$number','$produktname_de','$produktname_en','$produktname_fr','$sort_id','$artikel_nr','$kategorie_de','$kategorie_en','$kategorie_fr','$beschreibung_de','$beschreibung_en','$beschreibung_fr','$zubehoer_de','$zubehoer_en','$zubehoerfr','$masse','$gewicht','$preis_de','$preis_en','$preis_fr','$bild_small_2')");

	if($bild == "none")
		$result = mysql_query("update produkt set number='$number',produktname_de='$produktname_de',produktname_en='$produktname_en',produktname_fr='$produktname_fr',sort_id='$sort_id',artikel_nr='$artikel_nr',kategorie_de='$kategorie_de',kategorie_en='$kategorie_en',kategorie_fr='$kategorie_fr',beschreibung_de='$beschreibung_de',beschreibung_en='$beschreibung_en',beschreibung_fr='$beschreibung_fr',zubehoer_de='$zubehoer_de',zubehoer_en='$zubehoer_en',zubehoer_fr='$zubehoerfr',masse='$masse',gewicht='$gewicht',preis_de='$preis_de',preis_en='$preis_en',preis_fr='$preis_fr' WHERE number='$number'");
		$result = mysql_query("update produkt set number='$number',produktname_de='$produktname_de',produktname_en='$produktname_en',produktname_fr='$produktname_fr',sort_id='$sort_id',artikel_nr='$artikel_nr',kategorie_de='$kategorie_de',kategorie_en='$kategorie_en',kategorie_fr='$kategorie_fr',beschreibung_de='$beschreibung_de',beschreibung_en='$beschreibung_en',beschreibung_fr='$beschreibung_fr',zubehoer_de='$zubehoer_de',zubehoer_en='$zubehoer_en',zubehoer_fr='$zubehoerfr',masse='$masse',gewicht='$gewicht',preis_de='$preis_de',preis_en='$preis_en',preis_fr='$preis_fr',bild='$bild_small_2' WHERE number='$number'");

if ($result == 0)
	fail("Der Datensatz enthþlt einen Fehler und konnte NICHT eingefŸgt werden.");

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just use the original code you posted.


and use my snippet:




if (file_exists($bild)) {
  $bild_small = $bild . "_small.jpg";
  $isize = getimagesize($bild);
  if($isize['2'] == 2)
  $typ = "image/jpeg";
  $width = $isize['0'];
  $height = $isize['1'];
  //if($isize['0'] > $isize['1']) 
//	{
if($isize['0'] > 190){
	var_dump(exec("djpeg -pnm $bild | pnmscale -xsize 190 | pnmalias | cjpeg -smooth 1 >$bild_small"));
	$bild_small = $bild; }

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ok that was a long shot.


This is as far as i personally can go (i do not know/nor have i ever, used the exec() function).

Looks like unix/linux style shell command - i do not know either at all :/, sorry.


The only thing i can suggerst myself is to find out any major differences in operating systems/shell comands between your two servers. exec seems to be making the filename but with 0 bytes, looks like the image editing part of the command is failing somehow.



Alternatively you could use the GD extension, but possible more complicated (perhaps).


hope this helps,

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I had this yesterday.  At glance it looks like your giving fread a length parameter of 0 for some reason. I know your retrieving the filesize of the file your reading but like me, having issues with it.  I just entered a straight number based on how big I knew the files could get.  Like a one line text file I knew would not get over 4069, so I used it because it was on a php manual example.  Try finding your biggest file possible and set the limit to that.

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i get the info from my provider that exec command must have php safe mode on and get


Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 10160 is not allowed to access /tmp owned by uid 0 in /srv/www/vhosts/msprotect.ch/httpdocs/admin/produkte-edit-ok.php on line 33

Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for /tmp/phpuln5Y1_small.jpg in /srv/www/vhosts/msprotect.ch/httpdocs/admin/produkte-edit-ok.php on line 33

Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: Unable to access /tmp/phpuln5Y1_small.jpg in /srv/www/vhosts/msprotect.ch/httpdocs/admin/produkte-edit-ok.php on line 35

Warning: fopen(/tmp/phpuln5Y1_small.jpg) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /srv/www/vhosts/msprotect.ch/httpdocs/admin/produkte-edit-ok.php on line 35

Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /srv/www/vhosts/msprotect.ch/httpdocs/admin/produkte-edit-ok.php on line 35 


in info.php i have


upload_tmp_dir no value no value

user_dir no value no value






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'upload_tmp_dir' is '/tmp'.



i use cgi-lib.pl for upload


($cgi_lib'version = '$Revision: 2.8 $') =~ s/[^.\d]//g;

# Parameters affecting cgi-lib behavior
# User-configurable parameters affecting file upload.
$cgi_lib'maxdata    = 1931072;    # maximum bytes to accept via POST - 2^17
$cgi_lib'writefiles =      0;    # directory to which to write files, or
                                 # 0 if files should not be written
$cgi_lib'filepre    = "cgi-lib"; # Prefix of file names, in directory above

# Do not change the following parameters unless you have special reasons
$cgi_lib'bufsize  =  8192;    # default buffer size when reading multipart
$cgi_lib'maxbound =   100;    # maximum boundary length to be encounterd
$cgi_lib'headerout =    0;    # indicates whether the header has been printed




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Safe mode Restriction? - Looks like exec may not work if safe mode is on (IMO - though not sure if true).


i would suggest using GD - i dont think that exec function is cross-platform compatible...



Although GD is not exactly cross-platform as GD is not on default installations of PHP, but most hosting services (or any host calling them selves a sevice) should have this installed, GD 2.


are you aware of phpinfo(); function? check for temporary directory locations etc - also are you actually using a perl uploading script? make a php uploading script if so or make a perl handler to handle the images.

May have something to do with Perl and PHP Compatibility.


Personally i would always code the asme language unless there really are no potential issues. make sure the folders have the correct permissions also - in PHP it's very easy to manage uplaods, its strange that filesize won't work because of safe-mode restriction... I'm not sure if PHP realises you have just uploaded a file to that folder, so it might not let you in - just a thought :P

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