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I've got what I think (hope) is a simple problem. I have a page which has a table in it with some information, and below that table a pdf file.

First off, before any one says anything, yes I know embedding pdf's suck. But for this task, it's required. Not my choice, I promise.


Some of these pdf files take a bit to load (read, long enough for the user to think something broke). So I would like to include an indicator that is displayed during the page load, and is hidden once the entire page, including the pdf, is loaded.


This is what I currently have. I'm using the Mootools js framework.


The php file which has the pdf in it

include 'library/functions.php';
$db=opendb($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname);
$header="<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"library/mootools-compressed.js\"></script>\n
	<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"library/displayFile.js\"></script>\n
HTMLheader($db,"Reprint Customer Letter",'10 11','Yes',$header);

<div class="title"><a class="likeParent" href="./Search.php">Reprint Customer Letter</a></div>
<div id="content">
<th>File Number: </th>
<td> <?php echo $_SESSION['fileNumber'];?></td>
<th>Type of File: </th>
<td><?php if($_SESSION['type']==0)
			echo "Purchase";
			echo "Refinace";
<th>Last Name: </th>
<td> <?php echo $_SESSION['lastName'];?></td>
<th>First Name: </th>
<td><?php echo $_SESSION['firstName'];?></td>
<th>Street Address: </th>
<td><?php echo $_SESSION['street'];?></td>
<th>City: </th>
<td><?php echo $_SESSION['city'];?></td>
<th>State: </th>
<td><?php echo $_SESSION['state'];?></td>
<th>Zip Code: </th>
<td><?php echo $_SESSION['zip'];?></td>

<td colspan="2"><button type="button" onclick="javascript: window.location = './ReprintLetter.php'">New Search</button></td>
<div id="log_res" class="ajax-loading"><!-- spanner --></div>

<div id="document" style="display:none;">
<td class="empty" align="center">
<EMBED src="<?php echo $_SESSION['filePath'];?>" width="1200" height="800" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html"></EMBED>



And the Javascript file I created (of course the mootools file is also included)

window.addEvent('load', function() {


If you've never used mootools, here is an example of what the load function does (I'm bad with js so this may be just a js function, I don't know).


So if my pdf was just a big image, this would work great. But something about being a pdf makes the page think it's loaded, when it's not.


Any ideas?

I'm open to completely re-doing it too, if that's what it takes.

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I apologize, I'm quite new to JavaScript and DOM. I'm going to guess and say no it is not, but I'm not certain. It is in a <div> with an ID, but I doubt that qualifies. Would you mind telling me how I would know, or how to make it a part of DOM?

As a note, all the code for this problem I'm having (sans Mootools which is far too many lines to post here) is in my post.

But please if I've left out any important information let me know and I'll do my best to include it.

It opens as a part of the html. It is embedded into the page (again, I know, crappy, but it's not my choice).


It is embedded using this code

<div id="document" style="display:none;">
<td class="empty" align="center">
<EMBED src="<?php echo $_SESSION['filePath'];?>" width="1200" height="800" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html"></EMBED>


The style is set to display:none, and should change to display:'' once the page and the pdf are loaded. But right now it's just changing to display:'' regardless of the pdf loading.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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