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if ($_POST( into mysql db question


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Hello all,


I have a form that when filled out, writes to a mysql database. One of these form fields is called Company_Name and I wanted to add and if else statement in my php code so that if Company_Name is filled in, in the form, it writes something else in a different part of the db.


For example, if someone fills in Company_Name I have it capturing the company name the person fills out in the db.


At the same time, I need an if else to write to a different part of the db if it is filled in or not.


So far I have this but I do not think I am doing it right, Can someone tell me if this syntax is right or not?



$query .= mysql_escape_string($First_Name) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($Last_Name) . "', '";



$query .= mysql_escape_string($Company_Name) . "', '";


if ($_POST($Company_Name) {

$query .= "ORG', '"; //Write ORG if Filled In

} else {

$query .= "IND', '"; //Write IND if Not




$query .= mysql_escape_string($Address_Line_1) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($City) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($State) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($Postal_Code) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($Country) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($Custom_Field_1) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($Custom_Field_2) . "', '";

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well, I only posted the part of the query that I inserted in there to show what I was trying to do. Here is the whole query so you can see what I did


//Define the Query

$queryx = "SELECT email FROM customer_table WHERE email='$email' LIMIT 1"; // Check if the email exists in the table

$resultx = mysql_query($queryx);

if (mysql_num_rows($resultx) > 0) {

$message =  '<p><font color="red">Please use a different email address.</font></p>';

} else {

$query = "INSERT INTO customer_table "; // Insert into table 'customer_table'

$query .= "(First_Name, Last_Name, Company_Name, Address_Line_1, City, State, Postal_Code, Country, Custom_Field_1, Custom_Field_2, Custom_Field_3, Optin, email, List_Array, Parent, Date) ";

$query .= "VALUES ('";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($First_Name) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($Last_Name) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($Company_Name) . "', '";

if ($_POST($Company_Name) {

$query .= "ORG', '"; //Write ORG if Filled In

} else {

$query .= "IND', '"; //Write IND if Not


$query .= mysql_escape_string($Address_Line_1) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($City) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($State) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($Postal_Code) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($Country) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($Custom_Field_1) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($Custom_Field_2) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($Custom_Field_3) . "', '";

if ($Optin) {

$query .= "1', '"; // Write a 1 if opted in

} else {

$query .= "0', '"; // Write a 0 if opted out


$query .= mysql_escape_string($email) . "', '"; // email is a unique field; the same email address will not be written to the table

$query .= mysql_escape_string($trial) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($parentsite) . "', '";

$query .= mysql_escape_string($today) . "');";


//Execute the Query

$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); // Run the query.


if ($result) {

$message =  '<p><font color="red">Your request has been added to our records.</font></p>';

} else {

$message =  '<p><font color="red">There was a problem writing your request to our records.</font></p>';

// $message .= $query; for displaying the query for testing purposes



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well, I changed the code a bit to read this instead


$query .= mysql_escape_string($Company_Name) . "', '";

if (isset($_POST($Company_Name))) {

$query .= "ORG', '"; //Write ORG if Filled In

} else {

$query .= "IND', '"; //Write IND if Not



but I still get the white screen.


I have this code before anything else in my php script


ini_set ('display_errors', 'On');

error_reporting (E_ALL);


so I don't know why I would get no errors at all.


Any thoughts on this,

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OK, I got it to go into the db with this code here


$query .= mysql_escape_string($Company_Name) . "', '";

if (isset($_POST['$Company_Name'])) {

$query .= "ORG', '"; //Write ORG if Filled In

} else {

$query .= "IND', '"; //Write IND if Not



I was using () when I should have used [], sheesh, I guess it is all in the learning process.



Ok, but I have a new issue I am hoping someone here can help.


It is not going into the right field in the db. It is just pushing all the other information forward and mis-alligning it all.


what do I have to put in my code to get it to query into the right field is my question?


Thanks for any help on this,




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