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Hi i am new to ajax all i want this form to do it post 1 text field to my php  file,


I  am using the yahoo yui and its all working except when i try to usinsg it a second time it still sends the same as the last time i submitted it so...


first time i submit the word "test" and it displays "test in the container.

second time i use it i submit the word 1234" and it keeps displaying test i need it to clear all the previous data when i change the textfiels so then i dont need to refresh the page, can anyone help?


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Connection Manager POST Transaction</title>

<style type="text/css">
/*margin and padding on body element
  can introduce errors in determining
  element position and are not recommended;
  we turn them off as a foundation for YUI
  CSS treatments. */
body {

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../build/fonts/fonts-min.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="yahoo.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="event.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="connection.js"></script>

<!--begin custom header content for this example-->
#container li {margin-left:2em;}

<!--end custom header content for this example-->


<body class=" yui-skin-sam">
<form name="tacform" id="tacform" method="post">
<input type="test" id="tac"/>

<!--BEGIN SOURCE CODE FOR EXAMPLE =============================== -->

<div id="container"></div>

var div = document.getElementById('container');
var tac = document.getElementById('tac');

var handleSuccess = function(o){
YAHOO.log("The success handler was called.  tId: " + o.tId + ".", "info", "example");
if(o.responseText !== undefined){

	div.innerHTML += "<li>PHP response: " + o.responseText + "</li>";


var handleFailure = function(o){
	YAHOO.log("The failure handler was called.  tId: " + o.tId + ".", "info", "example");

if(o.responseText !== undefined){
	div.innerHTML = "<li>Transaction id: " + o.tId + "</li>";
	div.innerHTML += "<li>HTTP status: " + o.status + "</li>";
	div.innerHTML += "<li>Status code message: " + o.statusText + "</li>";

var callback =

var sUrl = "post.php";
var postData = "tac=" + tac.value;

function makeRequest(){

var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', sUrl, callback, postData);

YAHOO.log("Initiating request; tId: " + request.tId + ".", "info", "example");


YAHOO.log("As you interact with this example, relevant steps in the process will be logged here.", "info", "example");
<input type="button" value="Send a POST Request" onClick="makeRequest();"></form>

<!--END SOURCE CODE FOR EXAMPLE =============================== -->


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