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[SOLVED] Help with form action-submit button


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I used a form to create a single select drop-down list which is populated by php/mysql query.  The form action directs to a certain url but I want to add "?type="xxx" to the end of the url based on the selection made.  Is this possible or is there another way to accomplish this?


I have been searching the net all morning for a solution...ideas?

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you can create the form selections using variables. ie select the dropdown names/values from you database , place them in an array and print them as part of the HTML.


Adding the ?type=xxx to the end is beyond me but I guess you could do it either by reloading the page or using javascript.


What exactly do you want to achieve? What do you need the?type=xx at the end of the form action url?


If your trying to pass a piece of information relating to the selected item to the form action script you could just test for which value was submitted and run the appropriate code.

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Use javascript with an onChange or onBlur event. Something like this:


<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
function OnChange(dropdown)
    var myindex  = dropdown.selectedIndex
    var SelValue = dropdown.options[myindex].value
document.myform.otherbox.value = SelValue
    return true;

<form name="myform" action="test.html" method="get">
<select name=select1 onchange='OnChange(document.myform.select1.value());'>
<option value=""></option>
<option value="1">Value 1</option>
<option value="2">Value 2</option>
<option value="3">Value 3</option>

<input type="hidden" value="" name="otherbox">
<input type="submit">



You can use both the POST and GET with a form:


print "<form action=\"mypage.php?x=$myvalue\" method=\"post\">"

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Here's some js that actually works:


<form name="myform" action="test.html" method="get">

    <p><input type="hidden" name="mytext1" size="40"><br>
  <select size="1" onchange="if(this.selectedIndex > 0)
   return true;">
    <option value="">[select one]</option>
    <option value="1">One</option>
    <option value="2">Two</option>
    <option value="3">Three</option>
    <option value="4">Four</option>
    <option value="5">Five</option>
    <option value="6">Six</option>

<input type="submit">

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Thanks for the javascript.


To clarify, my current page works but I am not using a form.  I was simply using HTML to list the options and pass a variable between pages (something.php?type=xxx).  To make it easier, I knew I could use php to grab the types out of my table to list them like this:


$type_set = @mysql_query('SELECT id, type FROM types');
        if (!$type_set) {
exit('<p>Error performing query: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($type_set)) {
echo "<option value=\"{$row['id']}\">{$row['type']}</option>";


Since the form action is set before the above php runs, I know I needed a way to reset it with 'type' as my pass through argument.  Does this make more sense?



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you definitely need javascript to do something like that,although I don't know how.


Can you explain why you need a different form action for each selection?


The form you have already posts a variable (your row id ) to the form action script.


All you have to do then is test which variable has been posted.


ie if row 1 is posted do this

  if row 2 is posted do something else.


That way you only need to specify a single form action

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I thought I needed a different form action for each because my mind was stuck in HTML mode.  I originally listed the selections in a <a href> tag directing each selection to the same page BUT passing a different argument along.


I understand what you are saying though... all I need is a loop and I can test what variable was selected.  I'll try that and let you know how I make out.  Thanks

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Ok, I may be a little stumped.


My page doesn't have to be a form (I guess) all I have is one drop-down list and a submit button.  The drop-down list is populated by a list in a database (code above) and all I need is to send the 'type' argument along so that I can use that in another query on another page.


As I understood it, in order to pass along an argument, you can put it at the end of the url (something.php?type=x)

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<select name="type">
$type_set = @mysql_query('SELECT id, type FROM types');
        if (!$type_set) {
exit('<p>Error performing query: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($type_set)) {
echo "<option value=\"{$row['id']}\">{$row['type']}</option>";


But how does my selection get to the form action line?  I MUST be missing something

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You're overcomplicating things.


The basic inbuilt function of a form is to pass the selected value to the form action page.


Look at this code for a generic selection menu


<select name='cat_id' id='cat_id' tabindex='8' class='signupinput2'>
<option value=''>-- Select ---</option>
<option value='1' >Food</option>
<option value='2' >Fashion</option>
<option value='3' >Entertainment</option>


The select name is 'cat_id'. When you select an option, its value is passed along to the form action page.


So if a user selects fashion. The value 2 is posted in $_POST['catid']


On your form action you can retieve this value by placing it in a variable




Once you know the value, you can do whatever you like. If you want to specify a different action depending on the selection made. You can just test for which value was passed.


if $category=1 do this

if $category=2 do something else

if $category =3 mountain bike out of an aeroplane.

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I understand part of what you're saying but I still can't get it to work


<form action="review.php" align="center" method="post">
        	<select name="wtype" id="wtype" size="1">
		$type_set = @mysql_query('SELECT id, type FROM types');
				if (!$type_set) {
		exit('<p>Error performing query: ' . mysql_error() . '</p>');
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($type_set)) {
		echo "<option value=\"{$row['id']}\">{$row['type']}</option>";
                        <input type="submit" value="Go">


I have "$_GET['type']" on my review.php page and I have a echo line to check it but nothing comes over

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Ok. Easy. If you look at your select menu you have


<option value=\"{$row['id']}\">{$row['type']}</option>"


The $row['type'] is the 'name' of the select item. ie This is what gets printed on the select menu.


$row['id'] is the 'value'. This is the actual piece of information that is posted. You need to use that to process the form.The $GET variable which store this value is the name of your select menu. ie the selection will be passed as $_GET['wtype']


This is basic HTML.Remember that PHP is a way of dynamically outputting HTML code. If you don't understand how the HTML is working, PHP will be very difficult for you.



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