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press the shout button rather than pressing enter... theres a problem with the onsubmit thing with the form, but it works 100% in opera...


ok... i guess your using firefox or IE (somehow both are affected with the same problem)... i dont know much about javascript, but it looks like theres something wrong with my code somewhere... Safari has a problem with onsubmit


and Opera is 100%

Here is my AJAX... so if you can find a problem with it, please say

// JavaScript Document
function createRequestObject() {
var xmlHttp;
	work2 = 'Internet Explorer';
	xmlReq = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
	work = 1;
catch (e)
		xmlReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
		work = 1;
	catch (e)
			work2 = 'Firefox, Opera 8.0+, Safari';
			xmlReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
			work = 1;
		catch (e)
	  		work = 2;
  if(work == 1){
		return xmlReq;
	   alert("Your browser does not support AJAX!");
    // Set all variables here
    var http = createRequestObject();
    var http2 = createRequestObject();
var t = "";
var c = 0;
var shout = "";
var ip = "";
var uid = "";
var i = "";
function Load(size, rid, uid) {
	   t = setTimeout('Refresh('+rid+')',0);
	   i = setTimeout('invites('+uid+')', 0);
	   document.getElementById('makeSmaller').innerHTML = '<input name="downSize" type="button" value="-" onclick="MakeSmaller('+size+')" />';
		document.getElementById('makeLarger').innerHTML = '<input name="upSize" type="button" value="+" onclick="MakeLarger('+size+')" />';
		//Get the pointer to automatically goto the text box:

function Refresh(rid) {  
	var params = 'act=refresh&rid='+rid;
	   	http.open('post', 'data.php', true); 
	   	http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
		http.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
		http.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
	// Open PHP script for requests   
	http.onreadystatechange = function(){
		if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200){  
			var response = http.responseText;
			if(response) {  
				// UPDATE ajaxTest content  
				document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = '';  
				document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = response;  

	   	t = setTimeout('Refresh('+rid+')',1000);

function Shout(shout, ip, uid, rid){
	if(shout == ""){
		alert("Error: Shout was left empty!");
		var params = 'act=shout&shout='+shout+'&ip='+ip+'&uid='+uid+'&rid='+rid;
		http.open('post', 'data.php', true); 
	   	http.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
		http.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
		http.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
		// Open PHP script for requests   
		http.onreadystatechange = function(){
			if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200){  
				var response = http.responseText;
				if(response) {  
					// UPDATE ajaxTest content  
					document.getElementById('results').innerHTML = response;  
		document.getElementById('shout').value = '';
		t = setTimeout('Refresh('+rid+')',0);

function MakeLarger(size){
	size = size + 50;
	size2 = size + 50;
	if(size < 500){
		if(size2 > 400){
			document.getElementById('makeLarger').innerHTML = '<input disabled="disabled" name="upSize" type="button" value="+" onclick="MakeLarger('+size+')" />';
			document.getElementById('makeLarger').innerHTML = '<input name="upSize" type="button" value="+" onclick="MakeLarger('+size+')" />';
	document.getElementById('results').style = 'height:'+size+'px; width:750px; overflow: scroll;';
	document.getElementById('makeSmaller').innerHTML = '<input name="downSize" type="button" value="-" onclick="MakeSmaller('+size+')" />';

function MakeSmaller(size){
	size = size - 50;
	size2 = size - 50;
	if(size > 0){
		if(size2 > 0){
			document.getElementById('makeSmaller').innerHTML = '<input name="downSize" type="button" value="-" onclick="MakeSmaller('+size+')" />';
			document.getElementById('makeSmaller').innerHTML = '<input name="downSize" disabled="disabled" type="button" value="-" onclick="MakeSmaller('+size+')" />';

	document.getElementById('results').style = 'height:'+size+'px; width:750px; overflow: scroll;';
	document.getElementById('makeLarger').innerHTML = '<input name="upSize" type="button" value="+" onclick="MakeLarger('+size+')" />';

function invites(uid){
	var params = 'act=invites&uid='+uid;
	http2.open('post', 'data.php', true);
	http2.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
	http2.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
	http2.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");
	// Open PHP script for requests
	http2.onreadystatechange = function(){
		if(http2.readyState == 4 && http2.status == 200){  
			var response = http2.responseText;
			if(response) {  
				// UPDATE ajaxTest content  
				document.getElementById('inv').innerHTML = '';  
				document.getElementById('inv').innerHTML = response;  
	i = setTimeout('invites('+uid+')',2000);


This is my data.php page (the page that does everything):



	if($_POST['act'] == "refresh"){
			$RID = $_POST['rid'];
			$RID = 1;

		$SQL = "SELECT * FROM `shouts` WHERE `room_id` = '{$RID}' ORDER BY `id` ASC";

		$Q = mysql_query($SQL);

		$Run1 = mysql_num_rows($Q);
		if($Run1 > 0){
			//Do a while loop to get all results and do a query to get the member's username:
			while($DATA = mysql_fetch_assoc($Q)){
				//Build query to run to get the username of the member that sent the info:
				$SQL = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '".$DATA['user_id']."';";

				//Run Query:
				$Q2 = mysql_query($SQL);

				//Ensure that the user exists first:
				if(mysql_num_rows($Q2) === 1){

					//Since the user doesnt exist, remove shout from database:
					mysql_query("DELETE FROM `shouts` WHERE `id` = '".$DATA['id']."' LIMIT 1;");
		//Re-Run first query so we know that all the shouts are up-to-date but add a limit of 15:
		$Q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `shouts` WHERE `room_id` = '{$RID}' ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 0,20");

		//Check to make sure there are still shouts in the shoutbox:
		if($Run1 > 0 && mysql_num_rows($Q) > 0){
			$OUTPUT = "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">";

			//Make $i 1 so we start with the right color:
			$i = 1;

			//Run while loop to build up output:
			while($DATA = mysql_fetch_assoc($Q)){
				//Build query to run to get the username of the member that sent the info:
				$SQL = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '".$DATA['user_id']."';";

				//Run Query:
				$Q2 = mysql_query($SQL);

				//Build Result set:
				$DATA2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Q2);

				$USERNAME = $DATA2['username'];

				if($i == 1){
					$OUTPUT .= "<tr style=\"background-color: #faa;\">
									<td style=\"width: 50px; vertical-align:top\">".$USERNAME."</td>
									<td style=\"width: 5px; vertical-align:top\">- </td>
					$i = 2;
					$OUTPUT .= "<tr style=\"background-color: #aaffaa;\">
									<td style=\"width: 50px; vertical-align:top\">".$USERNAME."</td>
									<td style=\"width: 5px; vertical-align:top\">- </td>
					$i = 1;
			$OUTPUT .= "</table>";
			//Show that there isnt any shouts in the table:
			$OUTPUT = '<div align="center">
					<div style="border: #0f0 thin solid; background-color:#afa; width:250px;">
						There are no shouts yet!
		echo $OUTPUT;
	//Check if the act variable is for a shout:
	}elseif($_POST['act'] == "shout"){

		//Ensure that the user ID is secure and an int:
		if(is_numeric($_POST['uid']) == TRUE){

			//Secure the User ID:
			$ID = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($_POST['uid']));

			//Edit the shout so that the whole shout is secure:
			$SHOUT = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(htmlentities($_POST['shout'], ENT_QUOTES)));
			$SHOUT = str_replace("<", "<", $SHOUT);
			$SHOUT = str_replace(">", ">", $SHOUT);

			//Secure IP:
			$IP = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['ip']), ENT_QUOTES));

			//Secure Room ID:
			$ROOM_ID = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($_POST['rid']));

			//Add BBCode to the shout:
				//Build SQL
				$SQL = "SELECT * FROM `bbcode`;";

				//Run SQL
				$Q5 = mysql_query($SQL);

				if(mysql_num_rows($Q5) > 0){ 
					//Build result set:
					while($DATA = mysql_fetch_assoc($Q5)){

						//Edit the shout to make the bbcode to html:
						$SHOUT = preg_replace($DATA['find'], $DATA['replace'], $SHOUT);

			//Add smilies to the shout:
				//Build SQL
				$SQL = "SELECT * FROM `smilies`;";

				//Run SQL
				$Q7 = mysql_query($SQL);

				if(mysql_num_rows($Q7) > 0){
					//Build result set:
					while($DATA = mysql_fetch_assoc($Q7)){

						//Edit the shout to make the smiley code to html:
						$SHOUT = str_ireplace($DATA['find'], $DATA['replace'], $SHOUT);

			//Build SQL to check the room id:
			$SQL = "SELECT * FROM `rooms` WHERE `id` = '{$ROOM_ID}';";

			//Run Query:
			$Q = mysql_query($SQL);

			//Ensure the room exists:
			if(mysql_num_rows($Q) > 0){

				//Build SQL:
				$SQL2 = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id` = '".$ID."';";

				//Run SQL:
				$Q2 = mysql_query($SQL2);

				//Ensure that the user exists:
				if(mysql_num_rows($Q2) === 1){
					//Build result set:
					$DATA = mysql_fetch_assoc($Q2);

					//Get username:
					$USERNAME = $DATA['username'];
					$ERROR = 1;
				$ERROR = 2;
			$ERROR = 3;

		if($ERROR == 0){
			//Build SQL to insert the shout:
			$SQL3 = "INSERT INTO `shouts` (`id`, `user_id`, `shout`, `room_id`)
					(NULL, '{$ID}', '{$SHOUT}', '{$ROOM_ID}');";

			//Run above query:
			$Q3 = mysql_query($SQL3);
			echo $ERROR;
	}elseif($_POST['act'] == "regUsername"){
		//check that the username is unique:

		$USERNAME = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities($_POST['name'], ENT_QUOTES));

		if(strlen($USERNAME) > 0){
			$SQL = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `username` = '{$USERNAME}';";

			$Q = mysql_query($SQL);

			if(mysql_num_rows($Q) > 0 || strlen($USERNAME) < 4){
				if(strlen($USERNAME) < 4){
					echo 4;
					echo 3;
				echo 2;
			echo 1;
	}elseif($_POST['act'] == "regPassword"){
		//Check to see if password is long enough:
		if(strlen($_POST['pwd']) == 0){
			echo 1;
		}elseif(strlen($_POST['pwd']) > 5){
			echo 2;
			echo 3;
	}elseif($_POST['act'] == "regCode"){
			echo 1;
		}elseif($_POST['cre'] == $_POST['org']){
			echo 2;
			echo 3;
	}elseif($_POST['act'] == 'invites'){
		if(ctype_digit($_POST['uid']) === TRUE){
			$SQL = "SELECT *
					FROM `invites`
					WHERE `to` = '{$_POST['uid']}'
					AND `status` = '1';";

			$Q = mysql_query($SQL);

			if(mysql_num_rows($Q) > 0){
				$RESULT = mysql_fetch_assoc($Q);
				echo("<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\">");
						echo("<th width=\"33%\">From:</th> <th>Room:</th> <th width=\"33%\"></th>");
				for($i = 0; $i < mysql_num_rows($Q); $i++){
					//Get username:
					$SQL2 = "SELECT * 
							FROM `users`
							WHERE `id` = '{$RESULT['from']}';";

					$Q2 = mysql_query($SQL2);

					if(mysql_num_rows($Q2) === 1){
						$RESULT_SET = mysql_fetch_assoc($Q2);
						//Show layout:
							echo("<td align=\"center\">
								<td align=\"center\">
									<form action=\"?\" method=\"post\">
										<input name=\"accept_inv\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Accept Invite\" />
										<input name=\"decline_inv\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Decline Invite\" />

						//Delete Invitation:

				echo("There are no invites for you yet.");
		echo ("Invalid Action!");
	echo ("ERROR");



ok... i never realised that with AJAX you have to make a new var per xmlrequest thing... so now it should all work, the shouts seem to work 100% here, with enter AND with the shout button. So now everything *should* work without a problem :D


Post any errors here

*Note: I know that the "Invite user" on your own chat room doesnt work, thats my next task!

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