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MySQL Query????


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Can I know how gonna I write query structure in PHP:
If ( Users.loginname =$myusername)         
$sql1 = SELECT users.id from users
$sql2="SELECT  incidents.id, incidents.description, users.firstname, users.surname, users.loginname
FROM incidents, users
incidents.owner_id = users.id
AND ( 
incidents.contact_id = $SQL1

I know the query is incorrect...But thats sample requirement.



My Main Code:


<title> Welcome to Project Management Tool</title>
<body bgcolor=ORANGE>
<h1> Report</h1>


$myusername = $_SESSION['myusername'];
//put the above right at the top of your script. Everything else can follow


//header("Content-Type: text/plain");

/* set's the variables for MySQL connection */

$server = "localhost:3306"; // this is the server address and port
$username = "root"; // change this to your username
$password = "mysql123"; // change this to your password

/* Connects to the MySQL server */

$link = @mysql_connect ($server, $username, $password)
or die (mysql_error());

/* Defines the Active Database for the Connection */

if (!@mysql_select_db("helpcore", $link)) {
    echo "<p>There has been an error. This is the error message:</p>";
    echo "<p><strong>" . mysql_error() . "</strong></p>";
    echo "Please Contact Your Systems Administrator with the details";

/* Passes a Query to the Active Database */

$result = mysql_query("SELECT incidents.id,incidents.description,users.firstname,users.surname,users.loginname from incidents,users where (incidents.owner_id = users.id) AND (incidents.contact_id = users.id) AND ((select users.id from users) = ".$myusername.")"), $link))"), $link);

if (!$result) {
 echo("<p>Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "</p>");

/* Starts the table and creates headings */
<table border="1">

<td><strong>Owner Name</strong></td>

/* Retrieves the rows from the query result set
and puts them into a HTML table row */
echo "hello";
echo "$myusername";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

    echo("<tr>\n<td>" . $row["id"] . "</td>");
   echo("<td>" . $row["description"] . "</td>");
   echo("<td>" . $row["firstname"] . $row["surname"]. "</td>");
   echo("<td>" . $row["loginname"] . "</td></tr>");

  # echo("<td>" . $row["name"] . "</td>");
  # echo("<td>" . $row["create_time"] . "</td>");

/* Closes the table */

/* Closes Connection to the MySQL server */

mysql_close ($link);


incidents.id, incidents.description, users.firstname, users.surname, users.loginname
FROM incidents, users

incidents.owner_id = users.id

AND ( 

incidents.contact_id =


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select category.id,details.categ from category,details where category.id=details.categ and category.id=2

$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT id from users where loginname =$myusername");
$result=mysql_fetch_row($sql1 );


$sql2="SELECT  incidents.id, incidents.description, users.firstname, users.surname, users.loginname
FROM incidents, users
incidents.owner_id = users.id
AND ( 
incidents.contact_id = $uid

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Its not working !!1

<title> Welcome to Project Management Tool</title>
<body bgcolor=ORANGE>
<h1> Report</h1>


$myusername = $_SESSION['myusername'];
echo $myusername;
//put the above right at the top of your script. Everything else can follow


//header("Content-Type: text/plain");

/* set's the variables for MySQL connection */

$server = "localhost:3306"; // this is the server address and port
$username = "root"; // change this to your username
$password = "mysql123"; // change this to your password

/* Connects to the MySQL server */

$link = @mysql_connect ($server, $username, $password)
or die (mysql_error());

/* Defines the Active Database for the Connection */

if (!@mysql_select_db("helpcore", $link)) {
     echo "<p>There has been an error. This is the error message:</p>";
     echo "<p><strong>" . mysql_error() . "</strong></p>";
     echo "Please Contact Your Systems Administrator with the details";

$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT id from users where loginname =$myusername");

/* Passes a Query to the Active Database */
$result=mysql_fetch_row($sql1 );

$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT incidents.id, incidents.description, users.firstname, users.surname, users.loginname FROM incidents,users WHERE (incidents.owner_id = users.id) AND  (incidents.contact_id = $uid)"), $link);

#$result = mysql_query("SELECT incidents.id,incidents.description,users.firstname,users.surname,users.loginname from incidents,users where (incidents.owner_id = users.id) OR (users.loginname = '$myusername')"), $link);

if (!$result2) {
  echo("<p>Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "</p>");

/* Starts the table and creates headings */
<table border="1">

<td><strong>Owner Name</strong></td>

/* Retrieves the rows from the query result set
and puts them into a HTML table row */
echo "hello";
echo "$myusername";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

     echo("<tr>\n<td>" . $row["id"] . "</td>");
    echo("<td>" . $row["description"] . "</td>");
    echo("<td>" . $row["firstname"] . $row["surname"]. "</td>");
    echo("<td>" . $row["loginname"] . "</td></tr>");

   # echo("<td>" . $row["name"] . "</td>");

/* Closes the table */

/* Closes Connection to the MySQL server */

mysql_close ($link);

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When I am running directly on SQL Server the query it is running successfully like this:

SELECT incidents.id, incidents.description, users.firstname, users.surname, users.loginname
FROM incidents, users
incidents.owner_id = users.id
OR (
incidents.contact_id = 'venkat'
) LIMIT 0 , 30 


Query Results:


id description firstname surname loginname 
17 asdfzsvgfsd Ad. Administrator admin 
26 test1 Chandrappa Chikkanna chikkannac 
13 at Ad. Administrator admin 
24 test Ad. Administrator admin 



But the same query when executed in PHP Code it says:



venkat ID Description Owner Name Notes



NOthing table it is displaying..



The modified code is:


if (!@mysql_select_db("helpcore", $link)) {
     echo "<p>There has been an error. This is the error message:</p>";
     echo "<p><strong>" . mysql_error() . "</strong></p>";
     echo "Please Contact Your Systems Administrator with the details";

$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT id from users where loginname =$myusername");

/* Passes a Query to the Active Database */
$result=mysql_fetch_row($sql1 );
echo "$uid";
$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT incidents.id, incidents.description, users.firstname, users.surname, users.loginname FROM incidents,users WHERE (incidents.owner_id = users.id) OR (incidents.contact_id = '".$uid."')", $link);

#$result = mysql_query("SELECT incidents.id,incidents.description,users.firstname,users.surname,users.loginname from incidents,users where (incidents.owner_id = users.id) OR (users.loginname = '$myusername')"), $link);

if (!$result2) {
  echo("<p>Error performing query: " . mysql_error() . "</p>");

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echo "SELECT incidents.id, incidents.description, users.firstname, users.surname, users.loginname FROM incidents,users WHERE (incidents.owner_id = users.id) OR (incidents.contact_id = '".$uid."')";

$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT incidents.id, incidents.description, users.firstname, users.surname, users.loginname FROM incidents,users WHERE (incidents.owner_id = users.id) OR (incidents.contact_id = '$uid' ");

try that echoed query in mysql and note the result....

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Its Not working .....look.

Issue still not fixd.




When We are writing the code:




    echo "Please Contact Your Systems Administrator with the details";






$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT id from users where loginname ='$myusername'");




echo "$sql1";


/* Passes a Query to the Active Database */


$result=mysql_fetch_row($sql1 );






echo "$uid";


$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT incidents.id, incidents.description, users.firstname, users.surname, users.loginname FROM incidents,users WHERE (incidents.owner_id = users.id) OR (incidents.contact_id = '".$uid."')", $link);






Its just displaying:




Resource id #3


ID Description  Owner Name  Notes


17  asdfzsvgfsd Ad.Administrator admin

26 test1 ChandrappaChikkanna chikkannac

13 at Ad.Administrator admin

24 test Ad.Administrator admin







Its not taking echo $uid .


I tried to print (look at red color)






How can I get $uid as id like 3,7,etc…not name …




Pls Help



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do u mean


$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT incidents.id, incidents.description, users.firstname, users.surname, users.loginname FROM incidents,users WHERE (incidents.owner_id = users.id) OR (incidents.contact_id = '".$uid."')", $link);

doesnt select rows for (incidents.contact_id = '".$uid.") right?????

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I am with Tuxbuddy and just wanna make yu clear:


He means that :


The $uid as shown below:

$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT id from users where loginname ='$myusername'");

echo "$sql1";

/* Passes a Query to the Active Database */

$result=mysql_fetch_row($sql1 );


echo "$uid";


Is nt displaying anything.

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No.....I think yu are not getting me ...


All I modified like this:

if (!@mysql_select_db("helpcore", $link)) {
     echo "<p>There has been an error. This is the error message:</p>";
     echo "<p><strong>" . mysql_error() . "</strong></p>";
     echo "Please Contact Your Systems Administrator with the details";

$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT id from users where loginname ='$myusername'");

echo "$sql1";
/* Passes a Query to the Active Database */
while($result=mysql_fetch_row($sql1 ))

echo "$uid";


$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT incidents.id, incidents.description, users.firstname, users.surname, users.loginname FROM incidents,users WHERE (incidents.owner_id = users.id) OR (incidents.contact_id 




Resource id #3 ID Description Owner Name Notes

17 asdfzsvgfsd Ad.Administrator admin

26 test1 ChandrappaChikkanna chikkannac

13 at Ad.Administrator admin

24 test Ad.Administrator admin



Its same maan...I need $userid as numeric id not name..so that contact_id= 7 (say)


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What I am attempting is OR (incidents.contact_id = '".$uid."')", the variable $uid should have ids like 1,2 etc…not name.






The Code:




$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT id from users where loginname =' " .$myusername. " ' ");




echo "$sql1"; ----<<< Its displaying Resource #3






But echo $uid is displaying nothing….






Kindly check the code:












<title> Welcome to Project Management Tool</title>


<body bgcolor=ORANGE>


<h1> Report</h1>












$myusername = $_SESSION['myusername'];






//put the above right at the top of your script. Everything else can follow










//header("Content-Type: text/plain");






/* set's the variables for MySQL connection */


$server = "localhost:3306"; // this is the server address and port


$username = "root"; // change this to your username


$password = "mysql123"; // change this to your password




/* Connects to the MySQL server */




$link = @mysql_connect ($server, $username, $password)


or die (mysql_error());




/* Defines the Active Database for the Connection */




if (!@mysql_select_db("helpcore", $link)) {


echo "<p>There has been an error. This is the error message:</p>";


echo "<p><strong>" . mysql_error() . "</strong></p>";


echo "Please Contact Your Systems Administrator with the details";






$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT id from users where loginname =' " .$myusername. " ' ");




echo "$sql1";


/* Passes a Query to the Active Database */


while($result=mysql_fetch_row($sql1 ))








echo "$uid";








$result2 = mysql_query("SELECT incidents.id, incidents.description, users.firstname, users.surname, users.loginname FROM incidents,users WHERE (incidents.owner_id = users.id) OR (incidents.contact_id = '".$uid."')", $link);




#$result = mysql_query("SELECT incidents.id,incidents.description,users.firstname,users.surname,users.loginname from incidents,users where (incidents.owner_id = users.id) OR (users.loginname = '$myusername')"), $link);










if (!$result2) {




/* Starts the table and creates headings */




<table border="1">










<td><strong>Owner Name</strong></td>










/* Retrieves the rows from the query result set


and puts them into a HTML table row */


#echo "hello";


#echo "$myusername";


while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {






echo("<tr>\n<td>" . $row["id"] . "</td>");


echo("<td>" . $row["description"] . "</td>");


echo("<td>" . $row["firstname"] . $row["surname"]. "</td>");


echo("<td>" . $row["loginname"] . "</td></tr>");




# echo("<td>" . $row["name"] . "</td>");


# echo("<td>" . $row["create_time"] . "</td>");






/* Closes the table */










/* Closes Connection to the MySQL server */




mysql_close ($link);




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The COde :

$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT id from users where loginname ='".$myusername."'",$link);


echo "$sql1";


while($result=mysql_fetch_row($sql1 ))


echo "$result";


echo "$uid";




is displaying:



Resource id #3Array


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And if I modify it as :


$sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT id from users where loginname ='".$myusername."'",$link);

echo "$myusername";

echo "$sql1";


while($result=mysql_fetch_row($sql1 ))


echo "$result";


echo "$uid";



Then The output gets displayed:



venkatResource id #3Array ID Description Owner Name Notes

17 asdfzsvgfsd Ad.Administrator admin

26 test1 ChandrappaChikkanna chikkannac

13 at Ad.Administrator admin

24 test Ad.Administrator admin


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