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Ill Donate $100.00 to PHPFreaks.com if someone can step me this problem.


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I know I have been asking this question in different ways for most of the day.  Well, I feel someone should be compensated for the fantastic help I have received thus far.  I'll probably donate it anyway but I would like some more help.  By the way...I am not charging my neighbor for this site.  The money will come from my pocket.


Basically I need to allow someone to order different photos indicating the size and quantity.


I think I have most of the code done.  I am stuck with the sessions information being stored and displayed properly.



this takes you to the ordering page with a photo selected:



this takes you to the photo select page...CLICK ON A PHOTO TO GO TO THE ORDRING PAGE.


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This code is executed when you submit the order form ... THANK YOU KEN:


if (isset($_POST['order_photo'])) {

$file = array();

$file[0] = $_POST['S46'];
$file[1] = $_POST['QU46'];
$file[2] = $_POST['S57'];
$file[3] = $_POST['QU57'];
$file[4] = $_POST['S810'];
$file[5] = $_POST['QU810'];
$file[6] = $_POST['file'];
$file[7] = $_POST['picture'];

foreach($file as $val){

    $_SESSION[$val] = $val;


header( 'Location: http://www.rememberthetimephotos.com/index.php?page=checkout&BM=$file' );

I am trying to display the stored information on the next page with this:


<div id='content_container'>
        <!-- rounded corners - top **** -->
        <div class='rtop'><div class='r1'></div><div class='r2'></div><div class='r3'></div><div class='r4'></div></div>
        <div id='content'>
          <h1>A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.</h1>
          <div class=sub_title>$title</div>
          <p>Checkout page UNDER CONSTRUCTION<br><br>";
echo '<pre>$_SESSION:' . print_r($_SESSION,true) . '</pre>';

foreach ($_SESSION as $file => $val){

<br><br><br>Picture Number: ONE PEICE OF THE VARIABLE HERE<br>
<table bgcolor=$purple border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#FFECFF cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style='border: 2px solid $purple'>
	<td width=10% rowspan=2><img src='ONE PEICE OF THE VARIABLE HERE'style='border: 2px solid $purple'></td>
<td bgcolor=#ffffff colspan=2 valign=top style='border-bottom: 2px solid $purple'>
<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
		<tr bgcolor=$purple>
			<td align=center style='color:white; padding-bottom:3px; font-family:arial narrow; ' colspan=2><font size=5>ORDER INFORMATION</font></td>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px'><font size=4><u>Size</u></td>
			<td><font size=4><u>Quantity</u></font></td>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px' height='30'><font color=$purple size=3>4 x 7:</td>
			<td height='30'><font size=3><b>".ONE PEICE OF THE VARIABLE HERE."</b></font></td>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px' height='30'><font color=$purple size=3>5 x 7:</td>
			<td height='30'><font size=3><b>".ONE PEICE OF THE VARIABLE HERE."</b></font></td>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px' height='30'><font color=$purple size=3>8 x 10:</td>
			<td height='30'><font size=3><b>".ONE PEICE OF THE VARIABLE HERE."</b></font></td>


	<td width=10% colspan=2 bgcolor=$purple>
	<!--<input type=button value='Update'>-->
	<input type=button value='Remove From Order'></td>
	<td bgcolor=$purple>


        <!-- rounded corners - bottom **** -->
        <div class='rbottom'><div class='r4'></div><div class='r3'></div><div class='r2'></div><div class='r1'></div></div>



If you follow the links and place an order you'll see my problem.

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Looking at your source code for this page


You may want to store your sessions like this


  foreach($_POST as $key => $val){
   $_SESSION[$key] = $val;


now your session will look something like


Array([picture] => ALBUMS/FLM-MINC/P1090702.jpg, [file] =>  P1090702.jpg, [QU46] => 3)

  and so on


Will be easier to retrieve the values of the keys like this rather than

[0] = 4

Doesn't really mean anything




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I am sorry.  When I said table I meant <table></table>


foreach ($_SESSION as $file => $val){

<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
		<tr bgcolor=$purple>
			<td align=center style='color:white; padding-bottom:3px; font-family:arial narrow; ' colspan=2><font size=5>ORDER INFORMATION</font></td>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px'><font size=4><u>Size</u></td>
			<td><font size=4><u>Quantity</u></font></td>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px' height='30'><font color=$purple size=3>4 x 7:</td>
			<td height='30'><font size=3><b>".$_SESSION['QU46']."</b></font></td>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px' height='30'><font color=$purple size=3>5 x 7:</td>
			<td height='30'><font size=3><b>".$_SESSION['QU57']."</b></font></td>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px' height='30'><font color=$purple size=3>8 x 10:</td>
			<td height='30'><font size=3><b>".$_SESSION['QU810']."</b></font></td>

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Put your title and cell heading outside the loop


echo "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
		<tr bgcolor=$purple>
			<td align=center style='color:white; padding-bottom:3px; font-family:arial narrow; ' colspan=2><font size=5>ORDER INFORMATION for Picture $_SESSION['file']</font></td>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px'><font size=4><u>Size</u></td>
			<td><font size=4><u>Quantity</u></font></td>
foreach ($_SESSION as $file => $val){
  if($file == "QU46" || $file == "QU57" || $file == "QU810"){

echo"		      <tr>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px' height='30'><font color=$purple size=3>$file</td>
			<td height='30'><font size=3><b>$val</b></font></td>


Since your session is holding more than just the size and quantity you have to tell it to look for just that. Might be a little off on it since I do not know what your session array looks like as of now.



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Sorry had a couple errors in that code. try this


echo "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
		<tr bgcolor=$purple>
			<td align=center style='color:white; padding-bottom:3px; font-family:arial narrow; ' colspan=2><font size=5>ORDER INFORMATION for Picture {$_SESSION['file']}</font></td>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px'><font size=4><u>Size</u></td>
			<td><font size=4><u>Quantity</u></font></td>
$pic_size = array("4 x 6" => "QU46", "5 x 7" => "QU57", "8 x 10" => "QU810");
foreach ($_SESSION as $file => $val){
  if($file == "QU46" || $file == "QU57" || $file == "QU810"){

echo"		      <tr>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px' height='30'><font color=$purple size=3>".array_search($file, $pic_size)."</td>
			<td height='30'><font size=3><b>$val</b></font></td>
echo "</table>\n";



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Please keep in mind my objective is to store multiple sesion arrays all with different values.


If you look at the result of an order on the link above I think it would best describe my problem.




    [picture] => ALBUMS/Holmes_Adams/P1040050.jpg
    [file] => P1040050.jpg
    [s46] => 4 x 6
    [QU46] => 10
    [s57] => 5 x 7
    [QU57] => 20
    [s810] => 8 x 10
    [QU810] => 30
    [order_photo] => Order This Photo

    [picture] => ALBUMS/Holmes_Adams/DIFFERENT NUMBER.jpg
    [file] => DIFFERENT NUMBER.jpg
    [s46] => 4 x 6
    [s57] => 5 x 7
    [s810] => 8 x 10
    [order_photo] => Order This Photo

and so on....


Then each would be displayed seperatly in there own HTML table.


I keep relating it (in my head) to a while loop.


I am trying the code change you gave me.

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well then count the arrays

$count = count($_SESSION);
for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++){
echo "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
		<tr bgcolor=$purple>
			<td align=center style='color:white; padding-bottom:3px; font-family:arial narrow; ' colspan=2><font size=5>ORDER INFORMATION for Picture {$_SESSION[$i]['file']}</font></td>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px'><font size=4><u>Size</u></td>
			<td><font size=4><u>Quantity</u></font></td>
$pic_size = array("4 x 6" => "QU46", "5 x 7" => "QU57", "8 x 10" => "QU810");
foreach ($_SESSION[$i] as $file => $val){
  if($file == "QU46" || $file == "QU57" || $file == "QU810"){

echo"		      <tr>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px' height='30'><font color=$purple size=3>".array_search($file, $pic_size)."</td>
			<td height='30'><font size=3><b>$val</b></font></td>

echo "</table>\n";



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Here is what I have now:


<div id='content_container'>
        <!-- rounded corners - top **** -->
        <div class='rtop'><div class='r1'></div><div class='r2'></div><div class='r3'></div><div class='r4'></div></div>
        <div id='content'>
          <h1>A good snapshot stops a moment from running away.</h1>
          <div class=sub_title>$title</div>
          <p>PAGE UNDER CONSTRUCTION<br><br>";
echo '<pre>$_SESSION:' . print_r($_SESSION,true) . '</pre>';

<br><br><br>Picture Number: $file<br>
<table bgcolor=$purple border=0 width=100% bgcolor=#FFECFF cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style='border: 2px solid $purple'>
	<td width=10% rowspan=2><img src='".$_SESSION['picture']."'style='border: 2px solid $purple'></td>
<td bgcolor=#ffffff colspan=2 valign=top style='border-bottom: 2px solid $purple'>";

$count = count($_SESSION);
for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++){

echo "
<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
		<tr bgcolor=$purple>
			<td align=center style='color:white; padding-bottom:3px; font-family:arial narrow; ' colspan=2><font size=5>ORDER INFORMATION for Picture {$_SESSION[$i]['file']}</font></td>
			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px'><font size=4><u>Size</u></td>
			<td><font size=4><u>Quantity</u></font></td>

$pic_size = array("4 x 6" => "QU46", "5 x 7" => "QU57", "8 x 10" => "QU810");

foreach ($_SESSION[$i] as $file => $val){               ////////////////////////////////////////////////LINE 38

if($file == "QU46" || $file == "QU57" || $file == "QU810"){

			<td align=right style='padding-right: 10px' height='30'><font color=$purple size=3>".array_search($file, $pic_size)."</td>
			<td height='30'><font size=3><b>$val</b></font></td>

echo "</table>\n";

	<td width=10% colspan=2 bgcolor=$purple>
	<!--<input type=button value='Update'>-->
	<input type=button value='Remove From Order'></td>
	<td bgcolor=$purple>


        <!-- rounded corners - bottom **** -->
        <div class='rbottom'><div class='r4'></div><div class='r3'></div><div class='r2'></div><div class='r1'></div></div>



Here is what I get:


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/r/e/m/rememberthe/html/pages/checkout.php on line 38



I can't even explain what the page looks like???


I didn't realize that there was a place in this forum to pay for services.  Do you think it's wrong/offensive to offer the sight a donation as opposed to paying the person helping me?

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that is because the sessions are not being setup correctly.


The code that sets the session will have to be something like this


$_SESSION = array();
  foreach($_POST as $key => $val){
   $_SESSION[0][$key] = $val;

} else {
$x = count($_SESSION);
  foreach($_POST as $key => $val){
   $_SESSION[$x][$key] = $val;


Now your session will be like

Array ( [0] => Array ( [file] => johnny.jpg [QU46] => 3 [QU57] => 4 [QU810] => 4 ) [1] => Array ( [file] => Crap.jpg [QU46] => 1 [QU57] => 3 [QU810] => 6 ) ) 





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